EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: obut on February 09, 2011, 11:25:47 am

Title: Cost of dps
Post by: obut on February 09, 2011, 11:25:47 am
Firestrike V costs 1,763,996
Icestrike V costs 1,763,996
Ninjastrike V costs 1,007,999

Pal, Sk, Ber need 3 Firestrike V augs costing 5,291,988
Bard, Monk, Rogue, Bst need 4 Icestrike V and 2 Ninjastrike V costing 9,071,982
Ranger has no aug to add to bow costing 0
War augs are dropped costing 0
Wizards have no aug costing 0

From this http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=1689.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=1689.0) Wizards are the top dps and yet have no cost to make them great dps.

Why is the cost of melee dps (aside from war, ranger) so high while wizard dps cost is 0?

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: Agrias on February 09, 2011, 11:45:36 am
A.  Because there are no augments effecting casted spells

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: Dragonmist on February 09, 2011, 12:10:09 pm
Thanks for the info.

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: Gnaughty on February 09, 2011, 12:39:13 pm
Make more wizards!

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: walk2k on February 09, 2011, 12:43:12 pm
Well couple things... first rangers are crap DPS...  Supposedly augs for them are coming, but I'm sure they will be $TEXAS too... :(

Second, wizards need a lot of work and support to do good dps.. spamming manastone and bards/etc feeding them mana..

Been saying this all along.. the costs of this stuff is just bananas..  Not looking for a handout but how about some balance??  War = 0, Rogue 9 million? :/

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 09, 2011, 12:48:32 pm
P99 = 0pp. Please see login server for details.

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: Agrias on February 09, 2011, 01:58:56 pm
and then they cried for warriors to be nerfed.. and were outraged when it was done

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: Padme on February 09, 2011, 03:00:13 pm
and then they cried for warriors to be nerfed.. and were outraged when it was done

you are absolutly right  ;D

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: Ashar on February 09, 2011, 03:48:31 pm
Server is going through mass changes that are not tested enough. There is not test server at this time,  the players testing for Hunter are using HIGH END geared out toons mostly........

To me it seems the changes to balance out characters is going to a very difficult road, more peoples imput on balancing BEFORE making these huge changes would make better since.

Players spend months, $$$ making toons High end, (balancing) comes and changes this totally.   
Smoother more gradual changes that are tested on characters of different level may be a better way to do this.

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: slaughterhaus on February 09, 2011, 04:43:06 pm
Today we learn a lesson in server modification.

Drop the server pop into a boil pot of change. Server population flips the Eff out and explodes in rants.

Slowly turn up the heat of said water(changes to classes for those not following me ;) )pot and the server population gradually adjusts to the environment and never realizes that life as they knew it two moths ago has changed completely.

tl;dr Heavy handed nerf/changes are not welcome. Subtle but equally dynamic changes over longer period of time is the preferred method for conformity.


Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 09, 2011, 05:15:09 pm
Lmao, no matter the change not everyone will be pleased. To go farther, no matter the change someone will get pissed off. There have been major changes like this to happen before. The update from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0 meant a 30% reduction in server wide pc dps and an increase in mob damage to pc. To most people that meant having to carry an extra cleric. People got pissy, they shat in their pants and the server went on. Before that defense used to be set to 400 when you joined the fighters guild (270 now i think?) so joining the fg just made you an eq god because nothing could hit you, (this is before qvic was launched).

The point is, there have been major changes in the past and the population not only didn't suffer because of it, it excelled. So what if a few people quit, more will join. If anyone thinks this server will fail because paladins got nerfed they got another thing coming. Hunter could go in and delete the pally and sk epics completely and this server would still do just fine.

As for bashing of people who come here to complain about the changes, complaining is one thing but coming here and saying omfg ima quit ez cause its not ez anymore!!?!!# Complaining because you can't walk in here and rage through the end game zone with 2 paladins with minimal RoA, Lv 5 charm you got from the christmas gift and most of your T2 gear is not a legitimate complaint to me. To me that is a QQ.

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: Lintrix on February 09, 2011, 11:53:22 pm
What is tested enough?  Got any mid end toons for us to test with?  And how exactly do you know that a test server hasnt been created and used in the last 3 days?

Clearly the person doing the QC hasn't been following the mandated six sigma approach! 

I kid.

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: Fabdibikya on February 10, 2011, 03:13:31 am
Why is the cost of melee dps (aside from war, ranger) so high while wizard dps cost is 0?

Because wizards have to go through about eight tiers of suck to reach the tier of awesome?

But yes, I agree - I dont know where all these millions of pp's come from, but for any casual gamer firestrikes and icestrikes are completely out of the question. It's not even like you could get them cheaper if you make them yourself - the material price itself is that expensive.

The problem is that the aug price is based on the cash availability of high-end boxers, who can do t3 and t4 afk and sell all the things they dont need for several hundred k each. This is not the cash availability of the other part of the server (comprising probably of around 95% of the players and 60% of the characters online), and is therefore out of reach to most people.

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: barrettd04 on February 10, 2011, 10:37:42 am
Clev your post then leads me to question why all the DPS changes are just Hunter making more augs/spells that add procs?  Are procs the only way of achieving the DPS needed to progress past T2? Is that how it worked on live?

Does that mean I'm never going to experience end game content(as you said, FS/IS are pretty much out of the question for the average/casual player.) ?  If so, ah well, I can deal with that.  I've been here since last May and only have my warrior in full T2.  Those that are really dedicated deserve it, not guys that hop on for an hour or 2 a day like me.  I'm still having fun.

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: Fabdibikya on February 10, 2011, 10:59:48 am
No, but live had a different approach to progression - namely, make the weapons slightly better and make the mobs a lot harder, so basically you had to have more people to raid longer for the same new content to be broken into, and then progressively increase the power of players ever so slightly deeper in the content. That kind of progression leads to the mentality that brought down the Sleeper - Zerging it to death, regardless of losses.

Here, the mobs are sort of linear with the people - a single group is viable from field of bone to plane of air, if you pick a variaty of classes (so as to be nerf-tolerant).

With the damage and delay already pushing limits, I'm not sure increase in power other than proc dps is feasible or wanted.

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: walk2k on February 10, 2011, 11:57:18 am
Apparently there's a bug with weapons over 250 dmg, like it wraps around back to 0....  As for delay, there's a cap (10 I believe) and most high end people will be there already.  So yes the only way to add more damage is with spells/procs.

If Hunter thinks bosses are too easy about his only option is to nerf the Firestrike/etc augs... I honestly hope he doesn't, but there is a small, evil part of me that wants to see it happen, just to watch all the "stop QQ u f*king noob" people squirm a little bit... just a little  ;D

(not really)

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: funkinmofo on February 10, 2011, 02:42:27 pm
If Hunter thinks bosses are too easy about his only option is to nerf the Firestrike/etc augs...

Personally I think he should have looked at that as a starting point for dealing with the DPS on "End Game" content. Would have made more sense than nerfing mid game too much then figuring out how to add mid level augs to offset the nerfs and bring mid game DPS back up to a respectable level.

Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: hateborne on February 11, 2011, 08:46:51 am
Wizards are the top dps and yet have no cost to make them great dps.

Why is the cost of melee dps (aside from war, ranger) so high while wizard dps cost is 0?


No cost...hahahahahaha epic.

Let's look at the cost of Tier 3 spell cost ehh? 50-500k?  How about the Tier 3 needed JUST TO CAST MORE THAN ONCE? 100k+ minimum? How about the Tier 4 AoE spell? Another 50-500k?

So assuming you don't mind dragging a near worthless character from 70 up to t3, and can afford only 200k from friends/pals to get tier 3/4 spells and the tier 3 gear, then yes you are correct.

However, if you don't have the ability to be carried or self-rush a wizard up, they are the most painful dps to gear up. Hell, even at 70 with t3/t4, only the T3 has a reliable hit chance.

That's just my take though. Honestly, mages/necromancers/bards still need heavy loving but whatever.

(See that warriors, I can present semi-legit arguements without rage bombing about people requesting nerfs! Eat it!)


Title: Re: Cost of dps
Post by: Fugitive on February 11, 2011, 11:53:12 am
Slice cut cut slice