EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: JDFriend on February 09, 2011, 10:30:49 pm

Title: Air - Crash
Post by: JDFriend on February 09, 2011, 10:30:49 pm

In the past 4 days air has crashed over 25 times, if i recall correctly this last one is 27 or 28. Now idc about the gems etc, but the bosses are killing me, last one was h1n1, i am lacking a t3 chest on a toon, oh well ill get him again. Other night it was warlord at 6%, granted i think you made guilds then and i didnt noticed the message.

Can we pls try to figure out wthell is wrong in air, the crash mcp's are bad really costly on time and gems. But for life of me i cant figure out why normal boxing air crashes. When i do mcp i use 11 toons. Typically no more then 13 in zone. So it cant be too many people. Boxing t3/t4 im using 6-7 toons. Only thing i may offer is the spam of procs going off, no clue otherwise, cause 6-7 toons should not be crashing an instance.

If anyone has ideas or suggestions of what occurs when they are boxing it, pls post em. Stuff cant get fixed by one person alone. And i for one would sooo love to see air fixed over any more modifications to classes or otherwise.

Thanks for looking at this or into it.


Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Lintrix on February 09, 2011, 10:49:34 pm
I've been having the same issues, especially recently.

I usually 12box T3/T4 as my team's DPS is really weak.  My warrior with 2x IV and 1x V comes out on top, with the next in line being my Rogue.  No money for Icestrikes and only a few Firestrikes, and I don't have UC on any character.  My paladins are parsing under my Ranger @ 4000-5000 DPS, and my top 5 DPS are Warrior, Rogue, 4.0 Mage pet, and 3.5 Bst pet.  I don't mind cruising along t3/t4, as the fights are decent, and I get to do other things while in combat.

Anyway, now it takes probably 15-20 minutes to kill 1 T4, and the zone crashes for me every 2-3 spawns.  All I can tell is that a few seconds or so before the crash happens, I notice a few spurts of combat lag.  I haven't really pinpointed to what ability - if any - is causing this, as this has been happening on a variety of both T3 and T4 bosses. 

The real challenge is losing 16 stones every 45ish minutes due to crashing, as well as the wasted time spent on the current boss.  Since my collective DPS is really weak, it hurts big time when the crash happens at a boss that's sub-30%.

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Drezden on February 09, 2011, 11:10:06 pm
 I'd say,if you could, post what mobs it happens on, if its public or instance and the last thing you noticed happening(like what spell AE hit ya,where your rooted,etc). That way it might could be narrowed down to a few specific encounters, unless its the whole zone itself. The more data collected, the better chance of narrowing down the problems.

 Its happened to me several times since getting to PoA. Lightblade, Me and someone else I can't remember their name, all had same problem one night, they stated have troubles with getting dropped or toons lagging way behind first, then it hit me a few mobs later..then the whole zone crashed. I usually have no problems most of the time while others do. But zone crashes of course take me down too.

 I'm no super coder, but I can toss some stuff on my lil test server and try to recreate and tweak to see whats up.

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Strix on February 10, 2011, 12:15:45 am
Only thing i may offer is the spam of procs going off, no clue otherwise, cause 6-7 toons should not be crashing an instance.

I've come to the conclusion that I cannot box in PoA.  Every one of my toons seems to lag out there on every fight I attempt.

I have experienced this same effect before in PoF when my warrior was PLing another toon.  If you pull too many what seems to happen is the zone appears to stop.  All text stops.  You can move around the zone - but everything is frozen.  I'm 100% certain that its the lag in this instance (in PoF) is caused by spam flooding.   

Now up in Air - same thing (Regarless of it being public or instance).  The spam text seems to come VERY fast with 6 - 12 toons hitting a boss.  Within a couple of mins everything seems to stop and the fight is effectively over.  I tried at one point walking away and seeing what would happen - this amounted to a diconnection.

Side note - I've experienced this flooding with a single toon (non boxing scenario) also on CT fights (Halloween event) and the Uber Chicken fight (Thanksgiving event) when multiple players hit the one target in a zone.  Seems if more than 20 people are hitting the one target and I'm there (in any zone) I'll lage out in this way.

Given all this - I wonder if it's a server bandwidth issue?  I am probably playing the furtherest from the server itself than anyone else currently playing which might indicate why I seem to cop it more than most.

I dunno.

My solution - (not really a good one I'm afriad) skip this content and buy your way through this zone??

PS - this spam flooding actually reminds me of the old ping floods people would do in IRC channels in the early 90s.  Your computer would lag out in front of your eyes.  Not that that really relates here :)

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 10, 2011, 02:22:16 am
Strix do you have melee and spell crits on? If so, turn those completely off. Do you have other hits/misses or your own misses on? If so, same thing. I have seen plenty of people with this same type of loss of zone sinc because of having those filters on.

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Strix on February 10, 2011, 05:02:58 am
Strix do you have melee and spell crits on? If so, turn those completely off. Do you have other hits/misses or your own misses on? If so, same thing. I have seen plenty of people with this same type of loss of zone sinc because of having those filters on.

Oh man - just checked and all that stuff is on!!!!!!  Even on the boxed versions of the game.  Xiggie -- you my friend are a born genius!!!!!

Thanks heaps mate!

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Fabdibikya on February 10, 2011, 05:13:42 am
Terry Pratchett still said it best:

Multiple exclamation marks are a clear sign of a diseased mind.



Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Strix on February 10, 2011, 05:17:42 am
Terry Pratchett still said it best:

Multiple exclamation marks are a clear sign of a diseased mind.



I play Everquest - was that ever really in doubt?

:) :) :)

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Fugitive on February 10, 2011, 11:54:54 am
With his recent changes the crashes are a lot farther between lightblade if your in your in your instance zone out like every 8 or so mobs I can go upward of 40 to 50 mobs with no crash in 1 sitting

Last crash that happen for me all was good clicked clerics shield and crashed like 5 secs later.

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Dragonmist on February 10, 2011, 01:13:16 pm
Air is insanely un-stable and I know on live theyre were issues but this is freaking crazy amount of times it happens.

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: whatzizface on February 10, 2011, 01:55:06 pm
Really a diseased mind??? Is that like a malaria of the mind or more of a subtle common cold??????? Wonder what a over abundance of question marks means???? Just joking for you with the "disease of the mind" thing going on !!!!!!

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Strix on February 10, 2011, 02:47:40 pm
Really a diseased mind??? Is that like a malaria of the mind or more of a subtle common cold??????? Wonder what a over abundance of question marks means???? Just joking for you with the "disease of the mind" thing going on !!!!!!


Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Rokin on February 13, 2011, 01:24:15 am
T3/t4 crashes on me between every 5th and 7th boss... EVERYTIME. Its hard to grind out gear when losing stones to crashes.

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Hunter on February 13, 2011, 07:54:17 am
I don't know the reason for the crash. Some people crash more than others. Maybe its the client your using, or certain spells, or maybe even the zone. I'm considering making an alternative zone to airplane for the bosses to see if that helps with the crashing.

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Gnaughty on February 13, 2011, 08:32:06 am
Its just so strange cause it never crashes on me unless someone else enters the zone.

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Dragonmist on February 13, 2011, 09:16:03 am
Please do sounds like a great idea hunter Thanks

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Kenshou on March 08, 2011, 06:59:42 pm
Bump, this zone needs a fix. I box 6 toons to do t3 or t4 mobs, crashes 2 to 3 times a night and its just me doing the same thing, pull/ kill/ loot.. lost two Warlords in a row last night

Logged in tonight, figured Id give Pub a try because I'm always in GI, yup 2 crashes, only need 2 t3 legs for my toons, and it crashes on  Split paw, only me in zone. pop a t4 later and boom crash on Plaguebringer. If its not going to be moved, set a roll back so i don't lose countless stones

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Cafi on March 08, 2011, 07:09:09 pm
Yes, please fix this. or move the zone. Our magic number for what ever reason for POA is 8 toons in the zone. Any more than that and it takes a dump for some reason. Very very frustrating.

I believe it was Xiggie that said to turn off the filters, Ill have my guys try that tonight and see if it helps. Over all though this blows, we are trying to get into t5 and cant get out of t4 with the zone dropping every few.

And on another topic, for HOH, it reeeeaaaalllllyyy blows to toss down 100k plat, to have the thing crash, and you cant get any more guildies in cause its locked.

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: walk2k on March 08, 2011, 09:32:27 pm
We have 15+in air (for MCP) and it's fine.  I don't think it has anything to do with # of people, or anything really... it's just random.

Agree 100% on HoH.  Make it 10k now that T5 is out..   Or increase the respawn rate.. what it's 2 hours now?  Make it 1 hr, or 30 mins even.  AND put some loot in there... like Gods earrings/etc.. :)

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Rokin on March 08, 2011, 10:21:38 pm
Well air still crashes for me between every 5th and 8th boss I spawn. never fails. If I use 6 toons, or if I box 15 toons. Same results, It just crashed on me for the third time tonight, so I am going to bed.

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: JDFriend on March 08, 2011, 10:37:33 pm
Well air still crashes for me between every 5th and 8th boss I spawn. never fails. If I use 6 toons, or if I box 15 toons. Same results, It just crashed on me for the third time tonight, so I am going to bed.

I was in air today doing mcp's in public for people. Rokin was with me when air crashed. We didn't do anything unusual. I can say this though, the issue does seem to have something to do with the amount of information  the fight is creating. Everyone im sure has the partial "OMFG" initial lock-up when you zerg mcp, but that lasts as for a few seconds.

The case tonight i thought about. This really is an issue with latency over anything else. I can see when my toons are gonna crash, i see it lead up to the zone crash, i watch every fight i do in the overhead behind view. About halfway through a fight or so, i will start to see toons slowing on attacks, by that i mean i hear smacks and slashes still, but i see them like choppy, like /slash...pauses for 8seconds /slash.... when i see this crap happen, i can pretty much walk away from the pc, knowing every toon i have is gonna dc.

I wish it would be looked into as a latency package issue, other then a setting issue we use. I box mcp stripped down in ghey models and nothing else running. I dont even have a fan kick on. So i know its not my pc.

Anmd yes its definately annoying, to say the least, when oyu have to reload 10-12 toons, and more then likely regroup the raid :(


Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Fabdibikya on March 09, 2011, 02:47:57 am
If it's a client crapping out due to too much information overload issue, no amount of model tweaking will help.

When I was trying to get as many people to come to chambersb to kill the dummy there (didn't succeed), I started getting the same issues I get in Air - Toons spazzing out, hp bar still updating but no input or output possible. I've only once or twice seen a toon recover from this, most of the time I have to /q.

Is there any way the spam can be switched off for a zone serverside?


Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: lerxst2112 on March 09, 2011, 03:31:35 am


Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Cafi on March 09, 2011, 08:39:25 am
Well we lost 3 more t4 bosses last night to zone crash. Im at a loss at this point. We turned off everything in the filters, its not client based, we have 2 folks that are running titanium and the rest on SOD. This only occurs in this zone. We kept our raid to bare min so we had no more than 10 people in zone at one time (No idea if this helps but at this point we will try anything).

Title: Re: Air - Crash
Post by: Otaduke on March 09, 2011, 08:47:15 am
We had a similar problem with PoF crashing when people would train and kill the whole zone would the fix or POF apply for PoA as well?