Title: AA Familiar Issues? Post by: Kwai on February 21, 2011, 12:29:36 am I am having a problem with purchasing AAs for my new Wizard. I have purchased AA for familiars through Gates, but cannot purchase the ones for Omens.... they are greyed out. Am I missing something or are they just not "in play"?
These were optimum buffs for Wizards on live. I would love to see them revived here if possible. Title: Re: AA Familiar Issues? Post by: Reed on February 21, 2011, 02:21:46 am It usually means you missed prerequisites somewhere. Try going back and reading the AAs again to ensure they aren't requiring something you missed
Also, If that isn't the case (i've experienced it myself) I just had to go straight down the list for AAs, until they allowed me to purchase. In that case I was guaranteed to hit any mysterious AA I was missing. Sorry i cant be 100% more helpful. Just some suggestions for ya Title: Re: AA Familiar Issues? Post by: Kwai on February 21, 2011, 10:29:14 am Thanks for the tip. I didn't think it would work but I purchased all AAs prior to Omens and they are still greyed out.
The Omens Familiars have no pre-reqs listed, but IIRC on live (Wiz was my main for 10 years) you had to purchase all the previous familiars in order to qualify for the "Devoted Familiar" that you get in Omens. It appears they are just not in play here. It was a very nifty buff. One that you never left home without. Lowered your resists on spells to zero (or nearly), bumped your FT by 30, raised your resists by 30 (not a factor on EZ), See invis. There were also Fire, Cold and Magic Familiars that added damage and crit boosts to that particular discipline. I'll drop a line to the boss and see if he might be inclined to turn those on.... and maybe change the Epic effect from Manaburn to the mana regen/anti spell resist skin. =-) Title: Re: AA Familiar Issues? Post by: hateborne on February 21, 2011, 08:17:57 pm YAY I GET TO BE USEFUL!
The familiars in Omens are either not implemented here or straight do not work. I have never hounded poor Hunter as to the reason, but the last (Omens) familiars are not usable (not buying = not using, but that is self evident). -Hate |