EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gnaughty on February 22, 2011, 10:57:41 am

Title: Broken keyboard
Post by: Gnaughty on February 22, 2011, 10:57:41 am
Soo yeah this morning I knocked over a cup of coffee which flooded across my keyboard.  It still lights up and some keys work but alot dont.  Should I get onto newegg and order a new one?  Or will the other keys magically work when it dries out completely?

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 22, 2011, 10:59:54 am
I tried water torture treatment on my keyboard once. It never recovered. Prolly gonna need a new one.

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: Gunther on February 22, 2011, 11:05:11 am
Start > Control Panel > Ease of Access Center > Start Onscreen Keyboard

Lol, just kidding. Would be hard as hell to play that way. But if you do need to use your computer that's one way to get around the busted keyboard.

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: whatzizface on February 22, 2011, 12:59:51 pm
I have found that 2 years of cig ashes and dried spagetti stuck inside the keyboard makes it water proof and the auto attack is awesome when the ramen noodle's solidify in the right way. I also have learned that when im hot in the summer i can pretend it winter but turning it upside down and shaking it, So the moral of this story is the more stuff you actually have jammed in your keyboard the more utility's it can provide when grinding!!

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: Storm on February 22, 2011, 01:20:37 pm
Let it dry for a couple of days.  If still no worky... well you know the answer.

I had numerous keyboards dry up and function perfectly afterwards, however I can recall one occasion when it never recovered.

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: sowilorune on February 22, 2011, 01:29:05 pm
Same thing happened to me a few months back.

For some reason, after 48 hours, some of the keys that were not working started working again, but most of them did not "rework" after a chance to dry.

You may try waiting a little bit, but I had to order a new keyboard.

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: Gnaughty on February 22, 2011, 01:31:56 pm
well i'm using on screen keyboard now, which sucks .  i logged into game and it doesnt work for me, i am so screwwed it had to happen right before t5 ordered a new one on newegg a few mIN ago, i suck so bad

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: Haterade on February 22, 2011, 01:46:08 pm
You can pick up a spill proof keyboard from walmart for like 10-15 bucks

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: Storm on February 22, 2011, 01:52:18 pm
well i'm using on screen keyboard now, which sucks .  i logged into game and it doesnt work for me, i am so screwwed it had to happen right before t5 ordered a new one on newegg a few mIN ago, i suck so bad

Are you living in the middle of the Pacific?  Any half assed computer store sells keyboards for a few dollars.

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: Zero on February 22, 2011, 02:07:25 pm
Goodwill store anyone? Salvation Army should have one waiting after hours outside on the step! LOL

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: Gnaughty on February 22, 2011, 03:02:50 pm
I know im a retard I dont know what I was thinking, im so used to looking at newegg. 

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: JDFriend on February 22, 2011, 04:28:13 pm
Silly Gnome... its only the Screenshot button that doesn't work.... You dont need it anyhow P


Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: jew_nose_it on February 22, 2011, 05:15:37 pm
You can pick up a spill proof keyboard from walmart for like 10-15 bucks

My walmart sells these 10 dollar logitech keyboards...they are fucking amazing.  Really basic, but they are black and look and feel wonderful.

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: Dragonmist on February 22, 2011, 08:44:19 pm
Yea man let it dry out like cell phones usually work fine as long as u let them dry for 2-3 days before using them.

I have a Logitech keyboard had it over 7 years black and silver one love it man had tea spilled in it ,and been dragged around by my kids and Ive thrown it lights at top still work but are knocked down inside of keyboard for caps lock,num lock ,etc but

All in All great keyboard still works after i let it dry out and just lightly brazed the keys with q-tips and lysol pads.LOL worth a shot if you really like it.

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: lerxst2112 on February 22, 2011, 09:53:06 pm

The big problem with spilling something like coffee or soda in a keyboard is that it leaves residue once dry.  Washing a keyboard isn't particularly difficult as long as you're careful taking things apart and putting them back together.  You just need to make sure it is completely dry before you use it, and that you've washed all the residue off.

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: TheBloodmoon on February 22, 2011, 09:57:36 pm
Honestly, taking all the keys off a keyboard is as painful as going shopping with the wife.  It's just plain easier to spend the 10 bucks for wal-mart keyboard, lol. 

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: lerxst2112 on February 22, 2011, 09:59:43 pm

It's fairly unlikely that you need to remove any keys.  Most modern keyboards have a top half, a bottom half, and whatever loose bits might be inside.  You remove the screws, split the pieces, and remember where everything goes, then you wash what you need to.

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: Gnaughty on February 22, 2011, 10:40:00 pm
Thanks for all the responses guys, i went out and got that board from walmart.  While I was shopping there I looked around the monitor isle just to look around.  I got an idea in my head, rememer ack when Xig or someone started offering in game services for rl money?  I think it was him maye not.  Well I was thinking ya know I really would like a new or new monitor than the old 15 inch screen I play on, and Im thinkin hmmmm I wonder if someone would trade sor of like arter for goods in game or even some of my old accounts I dont play?  Yeah I know it might sound ad to some and such but I'd really like to get a new monitor, or hell even a new video card or something like that.  Doesnt have to be new just better than what I got, which is easy to be.  I just might have what somoene wants such as a cleric or warrior you never know.  Is this a bad idea?

Title: Re: Broken keyboard
Post by: funkinmofo on February 22, 2011, 10:47:49 pm
Thanks for all the responses guys, i went out and got that board from walmart.  While I was shopping there I looked around the monitor isle just to look around.  I got an idea in my head, rememer ack when Xig or someone started offering in game services for rl money?  I think it was him maye not.  Well I was thinking ya know I really would like a new or new monitor than the old 15 inch screen I play on, and Im thinkin hmmmm I wonder if someone would trade sor of like arter for goods in game or even some of my old accounts I dont play?  Yeah I know it might sound ad to some and such but I'd really like to get a new monitor, or hell even a new video card or something like that.  Doesnt have to be new just better than what I got, which is easy to be.  I just might have what somoene wants such as a cleric or warrior you never know.  Is this a bad idea?

Wouldn't call it a bad idea, but I wouldn't advertise it in game otherwise you know the trolls are gonna jump out. Start a thread outlining that you would trade services etc and for further info to pm you on forums (that way you have a record of the discussion. Or add pm in game too if you play with the log on)

Hell who knows maybe one of the guys on this server is one of those types that constantly has to be on the bleeding edge of technology and has a spare lcd monitor kicking around that they will let you have cheap+shipping.