EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Sinder on February 23, 2011, 10:25:08 pm

Title: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Sinder on February 23, 2011, 10:25:08 pm
Would be sweet for the PVPers on here if there was a zone which had the entire parameters as an arena flag or something. something fun to fight in that doesnt have anything going on yet but has a good setup for such things. some old zones that had awesome pvp battles from the old zeks servers were HHK, PoTactics, The Hole(classic), heck CS home would be something fun if that were possible!
could make another Guild like the crafters, fighters, casters guilds for some added benefit for 100 or 1000 pvp kills. get a little clicky out of it or something.

EDIT- for people who would exploit by chain dying put some sort of lockout on zone if they die. another zone that would be cool was the graveyard from POK when corpses would rot out after a week

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Dethundrel on February 24, 2011, 07:29:06 am
Shadowrest! That would be pretty awesome.

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Cafi on February 24, 2011, 08:37:17 am
I loooooooove pvp. I was on VZ, then on SZ when it opened. And though Sullon was a cesspool of the worst dregs in EQ it was a blast to play on if you liked hardcore no rules servers. EZ server though, isnt even remotely balanced for pvp. the class spread here is worse then on live. (just think wizards or rogues one rounding folks basically). Also, you would have to find a way to disable MQ in that zone only. Hunting people with a map that shows you right where they are is kind of boring.  Any of the zones, big zones, would do. Sro (unlikely with terror in there) the commons, kith. Those were some of the sites of the huge pvp battles back in the day due to proximity. then they came out with the bizaar and POK and everyone just camped in there  :(

Great idea though if it would be viable.

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Curry on February 24, 2011, 10:00:35 am
Agreeing with Cafi. The class-balance is not suited for pvp at all, we'd just have wizzys standing on unreachable places oneshotting people et cetera.

And if there'd be some point count system, what stops couple guys from agreeing to kill each other's box armies X amount of times to achieve reward Y?

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: slaughterhaus on February 24, 2011, 11:30:06 am
Ok ok just forget the point system or rewards for the battles that would be a nightmare to police. Lets just get a zone or two which is flagged for PVP. This is a box server, dueling is boring lets get some mass pvp. I think a larger zone than just the arena would be great. How about Walls of slaughter or heck lets make all pop zones that are non custom pvp! Who uses them anyway?

I don't like the idea of any rewards though. This will just increase the drama meter on the board/server. Maybe Hunter could just do some live events here and there and give away stuff to the winners. Like they use to do on Storm hammer.

Good thoughts though. I've been talking about this idea with my guildies for a bit, I'm glad you posted it!


Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Zero on February 24, 2011, 01:35:05 pm
Haven't read the post really. But how about an alt progression quest that is based in all pvp custom zones?

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: slaughterhaus on February 24, 2011, 07:29:01 pm
I'm still standing by pvp for fun not progression. If you want something for your efforts award 10k per kill of a toon. Limit to 10k per toon killed per hour. So you cant chain kill a character and have all the monies in the worldz.


Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Zero on February 24, 2011, 08:59:28 pm
Now I like that idea too. Kills and rewards. Like taking an ear in Diablo. But now you get to turn it in for a reward lol.

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Slackoff01 on February 25, 2011, 03:09:29 am
pvp for fun!

not everything here needs to surround progression or reward. Honestly Id like the chance to kill some of you... in eq or something....

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Fabdibikya on February 25, 2011, 04:09:47 am
Enchanter/wizard combo kills everything.

Mez sticks in pvp. Mez mez mez and line them up for the railgun.


Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Slackoff01 on February 25, 2011, 04:14:14 am
You almost make it sound like nothing can be resisted in terms of spells cast on another player.

Granted I havent done any PVP in forever but I would expect some resists or something, but like i said its been forever.

Ill be waiting to see if this ever comes into being

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Fugitive on February 25, 2011, 06:46:59 am
Enchanter/wizard combo kills everything.

Mez sticks in pvp. Mez mez mez and line them up for the railgun.


Then be like PEW PEW

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Cafi on February 25, 2011, 10:27:10 am
Thats another problem, resist for the casters. Most people with tier gear will have max resist (with aa etc) of 500. If your mez is unresistable and your nuke is you will stand around with a mezzed PC and some poor wizard with a 40k mana well trying to off someone.

Or, like you just said it will be a turkey shoot. That wiz rain spell in PVP would be horrendous, not counting the AE one. You could take out groups of people.

I love the idea mind you. it wouldnt bother me any of they turned all the zones into PVP zones. More so because if you dont like it you can get a guild instance to escape. However, this would effectively run off new comers to the server getting griefed.

Another idea, kunark and velious both had huge zones that would be great for pvp hunting or mass pvp. Make all the mobs in the zone KOS and give them appropriate hps and damage so you cant just waltz through the zones, and put in a reward/punishment (for lack of a better term) system. The reason Im for more of the punishment system (coin loot, loss of exp what ever) is it makes people fight harder if you have something to lose, instead of just some random points to gain. Put in a level cap for the zones (mid level like 30-50) up to the high level of 70 only zone etc for fairness. I actually dont mind and really like no limit full pvp but most people cant stomach that.

again though, it would require balancing the classes closer for pvp, and disabling MQ.

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Mechules on February 25, 2011, 10:40:05 am
Adding any sort of reward/punishment system to PvP is not going to make anyone fight harder. It's just gonna make more people run to the forums and complain that X class is overpowered and needs to be nerfed.


Everquest (from my experience) was never a huge PvP game. It's always been the definition of PvE to me. Creating a few zones, or changing current ones, so that they're used for PvP would be alright as long as:

A) There is no reward or punishment. This will only lead to griefing, complaining, and probably nerfs.
B) It does not effect other players' gameplay. Do not extend PvP into public zones that are frequently used. I would hate to be farming my alt gear in PoD/Qvic/Tacvi/etc... and have some T5 asshole come stomp all over me, just because he has the option to. Now, when you're farming for your CG/FG, you can just kill the person camping it and take over? That's gonna go over well.
C) Special instances be created of zones for the sole purpose of PvP (instead of making all zones pvp). Just remove all the mobs from Qvic and watch it become a battleground extravaganza.

In truth, the arena is more than enough PvP for me. I don't understand why we're trying to turn EZ Server into WoW.

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Fabdibikya on February 25, 2011, 10:59:13 am
Potime pvp waypoint. Zone into empty potime instance, in the dragon slave spot (no pvp able)
Several teleporters in the circle port you to one of the niches in the actual zone.]


Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Reed on February 25, 2011, 11:11:01 am
Not to completely derail, could potentially tie Monster Missions in with PvP.

Think back (if you played live) the Dain Frostreaver MM. You played as a group of Coldains, killing giants.
Now make this into a PvP event, where both "factions" have a mission (Coldain kill giants, Giants defend against Coldain), and the person a player is controlling during this mission has a set of gear pre determined.

So each mission, whoever plays as Coldain X will always have this set of gear, which is balanced against the defenses of the Giant fort (or whatever). Giant Y has this set of gear balanced for the offensive capabilities of Coldains assaulting.

This creates a balanced PvP, makes it fun, and ensures class diversity isnt an issue at all.

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: slaughterhaus on February 25, 2011, 12:26:31 pm
Love the MM idea! Kind of like a EQ capture the flag event. Sign me up!


Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Sinder on February 26, 2011, 11:40:47 pm
not against the idea of no reward for it at all. TBH would be fun to see the pwnage on this server. i was thinking some dumb reward though like a clicky basilisk illusion or something. nothing on par like the rez clicky or whatever

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Reed on February 27, 2011, 11:41:06 am
well could get some sort of spendable points based on winning or losing. Winning side gets like 50 points, losers get 5-10. Have a merchant sell items based on that point system.
Could get anything not gear related imo. Food, Drink, Clickies, etc... I say this because, really any kind of PvP wouldn't be able to scale up to T5 gear or epic 5.0's without some substantial work.

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 27, 2011, 11:47:18 am
I for one am completely against any kinda of server advocated pvp. Doing so would invite the pvp atmosphere that reeks havoc on other servers. One time events and such as that are fine, but when you have an on going type deal it breeds immaturity.

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Reed on February 27, 2011, 11:53:22 am
I suppose this is truth to that statement Xigg.
Servers of old EQ were some of the best place's i've been... then WoW server that encourage PvP were some of the lowest of the low I've been.
So idk. I kinda support either route on this.

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Sinder on February 27, 2011, 03:20:33 pm
I come from VZ where i saw some of the most tasteful and fun pvping ever. RZ was another server that had an awesome community that was able to have fun and still pull off serious stunts like the sleeper kill. wow's for retards. nuff said there.

i think you will find there are already many zek server players on ezserver already at least to show an interest in it

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 27, 2011, 03:54:15 pm
I just think it will invite a drama that Hunter would not want to have to deal with. PVP servers tend to be a lot more maintenance. People tend to take on the idea that he/she who has the best gear makes the rules. Furthermore people tend to take on the attitude of when you get into a disagreement just duel it out. Dueling does not resolve who was right and who was wrong, but just who was either better at dueling or who had the better gear, (usually the latter). It would be a huge mistake in my opinion, one that would come with a hell of a lot of drama for Hunter to deal with.

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Reed on February 27, 2011, 04:55:25 pm
Well the gear issue would be eliminated if it were as I suggested with the MM type of PvP. But as i mentioned, i can see where it leaves openings for problems between players

Title: Re: PVP Custom Zone
Post by: Cafi on March 03, 2011, 03:12:48 pm
Xiggie couldnt be farther from the truth actually. It depends on the rule set and mind set (policing) of the server and the community that drives and dictates how PVP is run. Ive played pretty much every PVP game out there from the EQ live servers, DAOC, SB, and WOW etc. Vallon on EQ live had one of the best and most vibrant PVP player bases with rules that were followed, or characters that were universally punished for not doing so (AKA PnP policy, loot'n scoot and gear retrieval etc). Rallos was much the same way, though I didnt level through high end there only through 30s.

Sullon was where I played the most and ended my live career. That server did draw the worst, and best, of EQ. I can easily say that POS server had some of if not the most skilled players in the game, I can also say that it had the meanest most ruthless asshats to ever log into an MMO. But, it was  the single most fun MMO exp playing on sullon that I have had on ANY game, hands down.

PVP people tend to have a different mind set really, they like the added edge of never really being safe, which was why sullon, even in its wretched state, was still the ultimate PVP server to me. No rules, no gm intervention, no level limit etc etc. Full out tits up battle every day. Hell just trying to run through a zone could be catastrophic.

However, things are much different now then they were then. EQ live at that point was the only MMO and you had to adhere to the rules (even player made rules) to stay on the server. Now a days people can be pricks and just reroll a toon, or change servers, or games for that matter.

PVP on EZ would never work really, in less you implemented something like Reed posted, either play a PC type character, or alter toons that zoned into the zone into some sort of a level state. But the class imbalance on ez would quickly lead to havoc.

Player drama is a moot point. Hunter runs the server and looks for people hacking and is running content. I have never seen him try to babysit the community, that is left to the players. People will talk crap in OOC, have their feelings hurt, bring it to the boards for a full out flame war and the rest of the world will ignore them and keep on going. Ironically enough, sounds like what we have now, a bunch of tools cursing each other out in OOC bringing it to the boards....

Point being, like always, if you dont want to PVP. dont go in the zone. Its that simple.