EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Pimpn on February 28, 2011, 09:57:00 am

Title: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Pimpn on February 28, 2011, 09:57:00 am
I'm going to wait a few more days before i post what i like/dislike about T5..
I will post this now though.. I HATE the corals and the cloth drops! haha

21/100 done
Razorback.. War Boars
Scales.. Jellyfish
Alkare.. Alkari
Harvester... NTI
Exoking.. Exobeasts
Frost Blood..
Blurb.. slarg
Yaggol... Illithocyte
Mind Flayer.. Illithid
Pack Master..
Ice Cube.. Gelatinus Cube
Gray Ooze..
Frogs Legs..
The Recluse..
Frost Bite..
Menopterus.. Sea Snakes

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts.. 7% done
Post by: balthor3 on February 28, 2011, 10:30:22 am
I'll see if i can catch up with you.
Went in there to see how my guys would stand up and it sucked with only my group. Pretty fun tho

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts.. 7% done
Post by: Padme on February 28, 2011, 11:32:54 am
You can add Blurb from killing Slarg ;)

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts.. 7% done
Post by: Pimpn on February 28, 2011, 11:59:43 pm
updated list.. 12% done now

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts.. 7% done
Post by: Padme on March 01, 2011, 12:28:07 am
Here is a list of all trash if you want to complete your post  :D

Sea Snake
Eye of the deep
Dark Jellyfish
Gelatinous Cube
War Boar
Blue coral
Yellow coral
Green coral
Red coral

Also should be good to try to figure who drop what  :D

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts.. 12% done
Post by: Pimpn on March 01, 2011, 12:29:41 pm
Thanks Padme

I wish we were on at the same time during the week

Plate has dropped off Mind Flayer, Frost Blood and Yaggol

I think the type of drop might be due to which list it is on..
List 1 plate
List 2 chain
List 3 leather
List 4 cloth
List 5.. not sure

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts.. 7% done
Post by: Padme on March 01, 2011, 02:25:32 pm
nice ;)
i m playing on euro time  :D i log usually around 7-8 pm (GMT+1)

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts.. 7% done
Post by: Pimpn on March 02, 2011, 08:52:39 am
got 3 more bosses last night

Ice Cube dropped a shield and that was it
maybe List 5 drops nonvis items/jewelry

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts.. 7% done
Post by: Camric on March 02, 2011, 09:11:01 am

Zone stability is a limiting factor when it comes to exploring T5.  Last night with just 21 people the zone went down, of course, any bosses in the zone were lost.

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: walk2k on March 02, 2011, 12:42:13 pm
Well post the stats of this stuff come on. =)

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: stad on March 03, 2011, 01:20:43 am
T5 Warrior boots are in armor sets guide

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Pimpn on March 03, 2011, 09:08:41 am
I think i am done with this zone for a few days.. i do not like spending 2 hours clearing mobs to spawn a boss then the zone crashing when the boss is at around 25%
only 8 toons were in the zone.. my 6, crabthewall and arey

Some more thoughts on T5...

Only thing i like is the difficulty and challenge of discovering new bosses..

On to what i don't like..

1. Corals agro radius seems a lot bigger than 50
Corals hit too hard from a long distance and through walls.. i filter everything so i am not sure how hard they hit but it seems to be around 25k from a distance of 400 or more

2. Mobs agroing through walls.. it’s hard enough to deal with one mob but when 2 more agro through a cave wall its almost instant wipe.. bad pull is understandable but mobs coming out of nowhere isn’t..
4 is the most i can handle with stonewall or epic click up

3. Class balancing didn’t seem to work for the high end.. only way I see being able to do this with a group of 6 is to have 2 Wars and 4 Cleric/Paladins.. all of which need a UC or max oracle for cleric
With a raid you can probably have some different toons or whatever as long as you have that main group..
We all know cleric dps sucks so if you have them it takes forever to kill a mob
Hunter’s estimate of 1 minute for trash and 5 minutes for bosses is a little off.. I haven’t timed it yet but I will post it when I do.. seems like 3ish mins for trash 11ish mins for bosses

4. Risk vs. Reward.. I don’t expect to get full T5 within 3 or 4 weeks but spending hours killing the mobs needed to spawn a boss then it having 1 class specific drop is a little unreasonable..

5. When swimming in the water.. my group members get pushed all over the place.. not really a bad thing unless they agro a coral because of it then die after 5 or 6 shots of coral arrows

6. The gear is around 3k upgrade per slot.. 2k from gear + 1k from extra aug slot.. overall increase of 51k
The only thing is that adding 51k hps doesn’t matter in this zone.. you will still get one rounded for 300k and die
i would rather have gear that helps me survive in the zone better or increase my dps to kill mobs in this zone faster

right now this zone just isn't worth it and i don't see very many other people jumping in and working with me to kill stuff

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Destined on March 03, 2011, 10:35:05 am
Yep, that's why I haven't bothered to start playing around in there much yet myself Pimpn. The risk vs reward is laughably low. The time sink is way too long to worry about that kind of a reward for one tier of armor and extra augment slots. The zone concept is great, it would be a lot of fun with no crashes and rewards that were worth spending two hours to clear trash to spawn one boss, only to have to run across the zone to find it, killing two more hours worth of trash. Takes me about 5 minutes to get enough stones to spawn a boss in t3, 10 for t4, t1-t2 is random, but t5 2 hours guaranteed to spawn a boss you NEED to kill? And then get a 3k HP upgrade? Not worth it, especially when the trash doesn't even hardly drop any money unless you're lucky, pet buffs can't be used yet, and there's no instances.

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Gnaughty on March 03, 2011, 10:46:01 am
I'm going to tread here as delicately as I can, since I know Hunter is very proud of this work in T5.  I have to agree with Pimp as well.  restarting my pc everytime the zone crashes which is a freakin lot is such a pain in the ass man.  The risk vs. reward not even close to what everyone expected.

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Storm on March 03, 2011, 10:58:39 am
I agree with most stuff that has been said.

-> Risk vs reward is out of whack.  I don't look forward to the new gear from this zone, like I looked forward to the gear from every tier up to and including T4.

-> Underwater = bad.  On live, every underwater zone was always empty.  Sirens Grotto, Kedge Keep... remember?  Noone bothered with these zones, because they are underwater.  Playing EQ underwater is NOT FUN.  It is a PAIN.  I don't play EQ to feel pain.  But that's just me.

-> HP's on trash could be greatly reduced without altering the zone concept IMO.  It's just boring to kill them repeatedly.

But to be honest - the one major issue is the underwaterness of the zone.  If it wasn't underwater, I would play there every day and probably enjoy it. :)

I'm not sure how possible it is to move the content from one zone to another... but if it is.  I'd suggest it to be considered.

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Fugitive on March 03, 2011, 11:02:23 am
The only things I see is issue is the water and the loot upgrades...

As for the difficulty of the mobs including trash is just about right they do not need hps lowered and they do not need to hit lighter....

The aggro range could be tightened some of the water mobs agree with pimps here the aggro seems to be freaking huge...


Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Keyto on March 03, 2011, 11:24:57 am
with the experience of an hour and a half that I spent there, I have to agree with what Pimpn said about the corals, they are indeed a pain.  

Funny story:

Regular mobs took around 2-3 minutes to kill which wasn't bad, but then all of a sudden, I see my characters' HP going down fast with no knowledge of aggro anywhere, its not until 1 character died with another on the brink of death, that I found out that a coral has aggroed from 400 yards away and shooting arrows that hits for 80k or more.  So I tried to find it in the murky water without aggroing any other mobs in the process; keep in mind that 1 of my 2 pal has died from an unknown cause and now I am in panic mode and scrambling to find the mob to kill before it wipes me.  I swam to the location of the coral indicated by the MQ2 enhanced map, meanwhile the characters that are still alive are having a hard time to get /stick to agree with water.  So Where is the mob? I'm right on top of it, or at least that's what the map tells me......I looked up and down left to right and didn't see any mobs with the name coral above its head (I feel really stupid now that I'm looking back).  OH HERE IT IS! its just a coral looking static graphic sitting at the bottom of the lake staring directly at me, and it has hidden its name somewhere in limbo.....how deceitful.   By this time all my healers were dead and a wipe ensued.  

I don't know, maybe the whole no name thing for (insert color) corals was intended.  Whatever it is, I hope this story helps any future cave dwellers when they find themselves in a pinch and not sure what is attacking them.

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Crawford on March 03, 2011, 12:54:13 pm
The fact that you guys seem to entertain the notion that Hunter knows how to design content continues to amaze me.  Also, the fact that anyone feels the need to "tread lightly" in the face of continued fubar encounter and zone design is sad.  If it sucks you're not making it any better by playing politics and pussyfooting around. 

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: lerxst2112 on March 03, 2011, 12:56:45 pm

I don't know if it would help, but try adding uw to your stick command which is supposed to help toons follow underwater.

/stick uw

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Hunter on March 03, 2011, 04:47:23 pm
Thanks for info. I'll tweak T5 more this weekend.

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Gnaughty on March 03, 2011, 07:05:00 pm
Thanks for info. I'll tweak T5 more this weekend.

Good to hear boss, thanks.

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Pimpn on March 03, 2011, 11:41:50 pm
i was wrong..
it took 1 min 15 seconds to kill trash
7 min 2 seconds to kill boss (1 war died and was rezzed during fight)

seemed a lot longer

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Pimpn on March 05, 2011, 01:46:56 pm
added a couple more to first post..

lost a few due to zone crashes.. crashes seem to happen every 2 hours

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Pimpn on March 07, 2011, 08:54:46 am
no point to this thread any more..

I can kill 75% of the zone before respawns with just my group now
I'm sure people who play more than me will have this done or close within a couple weeks

I did figure out how the BP bosses spawn..
I got SK and War BPs last night

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Padme on March 07, 2011, 09:03:05 am
no point to this thread any more..

I can kill 75% of the zone before respawns with just my group now
I'm sure people who play more than me will have this done or close within a couple weeks

I did figure out how the BP bosses spawn..
I got SK and War BPs last night

Congrats on bp !
Actually i m getting some different boss, but no way to figure how they pop ...

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Gnaughty on March 07, 2011, 12:56:15 pm
Grats Pimpn, you are definitely more hardcore than I ever was.

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Crabthewall on March 07, 2011, 08:42:52 pm
I'm enjoying T5 for sure - nice to come back to a new zone. Getting some quality phat lewts out of it too  ;D

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: barrettd04 on March 08, 2011, 06:15:55 am
Can some of you guys post some screen shots?  Chances are I'll never see this zone.

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: whatzizface on March 08, 2011, 01:39:26 pm
Grats on Bp man !!! Still working on finding the mobs myself.

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Gnaughty on March 08, 2011, 09:42:58 pm
You guys have to stop making me want to play here.

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Elisiah on March 09, 2011, 12:10:01 pm
You guys have to stop making me want to play here.

But we laaav joooo! joo have to play here!

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Hunter on March 14, 2011, 09:31:01 pm
Over 300 bosses were killed in T5 in the last 2 weeks per logs.

Title: Re: T5 stuff and thoughts..
Post by: Crabthewall on March 14, 2011, 10:10:13 pm
Over 300 bosses were killed in T5 in the last 2 weeks per logs.

That's it? I feel like I killed more than that  ;D