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General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Fichmulk on March 03, 2011, 11:18:39 am

Title: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: Fichmulk on March 03, 2011, 11:18:39 am
I think it would help with the grind of getting Greater Lightstones if you could combine lets say 10 Reg Lightstones to make 1 Greater one.  Anyone disagree?

Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: jew_nose_it on March 03, 2011, 11:23:50 am
Doesn't seem so unreasonable.  I've suggested the exact same thing in ooc before :D

Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: Elisiah on March 03, 2011, 11:26:18 am
I really like that idea actually. It's awesome.

Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: Reid on March 03, 2011, 11:31:15 am
I haven't seen a regular lightstone in almost a year. I've farmed at least a dozen SLS's personally in recent memory. Jaggedpine will always be the best place to farm GLS's for a SLS combine.

So ... no? Learn to farm better imho.


Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: Haterade on March 03, 2011, 12:23:06 pm
yeah, i suggested something like this when SLS's were released, i would still ike to see it, will cut farming them down a bit.

10 Burnt Out = 1 Lightstone
10 Lightstone = 1 Greater Lightstone

Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: Kovou on March 03, 2011, 12:42:02 pm
or make the build harder then that imo...since they have a chance to dorp nothing or burned out  lightstones how about something like this

9 Burned out lightstones + 1 light source(of any kind) = half light stone *rinse and repeat*
10 half light stones = 1 light stone
10 light stones = 1 minor lightstone
10 minor lightstones = 1 lesser lightstone
10 lesser light stones = 1 greater lightstone

that wahy its not an easy way out and takes alot ot get a greater so people will not be farming them out the wild...maybe make the light source 50k or something... I've noticed that timesink quests are good here so this is just another way to do that :)

Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 03, 2011, 12:54:12 pm
Do you realize per your suggestion that no one, i mean absolutely no one would be able to farm a sls through burned out ls alone? Per your suggestion that would be 90,000 burned out lightstones for one sls. Even the lightstones would likely never be used as it would take 1000 of those. It would be a waste for Hunter to even build the ts combines, lol.

Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: Reid on March 03, 2011, 01:03:17 pm
Just like it's a waste for him to make the lightstone -> GLS combine. Even for those who insist on going to old world for lightstones would never see 100 lightstones in a farm run. You'd run out of room too quick. Aside from that fact, on respawn timers and rng alone you will ALWAYS (or close enough) get a GLS drop before you'd get 10 lightstones to combine into the one GLS. It's not time efficient even for a time sink.

It's not that the idea doesn't have merit. It's just that the combine would have to be much lower to make it worthwhile even considering. Even with a 1:5 ratio I find it hard to believe it to be feasible. I'd have to do the math to be sure, but why even bother when you can go into Jaggedpine and throw stones and hit a wisp that will drop a GLS 1 in 6ish in the first place.

Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: Fichmulk on March 03, 2011, 02:20:54 pm
Please dont take my concept and try and make some crazy thing out of it.  10 Lightstones per Greater Lightstone.  The End.   As to the comment about having to farm 100 LS to get 1 SLS I am talking just having a way so that the Lightstones do not go to waste.  If I save time making 1 Greater Lightstone with the 10 Lightstones that I deleted then I will be happy.  Im not looking to make a SLS out of them.  :)

Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: Reid on March 03, 2011, 03:18:20 pm
I understand the reasoning sir, as it isn't even the 10th time i've heard this idea brought up since SLS's were introduced. And I clearly said it had merit. I stand by that, BUT my point was that: 1) Those going to old world to farm GLS (and thus are getting reg. stones) aren't making efficient use of their time if Jaggedpine is empty and 2) The combine ratio would have to better than 10:1 as you would farm that extra GLS you need before you hit 10 stones for the combine, thus not saving you time at all except to maybe have an extra GLS per xxx time of farming.

I'm not even going to get into the economics of being able to farm more resources per hour than a handful of GLS's, or even a SLS is worth. (It can be done, even pre-T2.)

The long and short of it is this: The only thing adding this into the game would do is give a placebo effect and make people feel warm and fuzzy inside. YMMV

Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: istvaan on March 03, 2011, 04:54:15 pm
Superior lightstone design is beyond retarded anyways.

Spending hours farming in low level zones at level 70 is not good design.

At least make GLS/SLS drop rarely from stuff between PoTime->T5

Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: Fichmulk on March 03, 2011, 06:23:19 pm

Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: balthor3 on March 03, 2011, 06:56:07 pm
If you need SLS just ask one of the 'in' for a cd key. Im sure one of them has 20 or 50 cd keys that will just net you a bag full of SLS if not a bag full of XYZ aug rank 5.

Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: Fichmulk on March 03, 2011, 07:11:19 pm
Lets leave the kiddy drama for another post.  Kay? Thanks   :D

Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: balthor3 on March 03, 2011, 08:14:44 pm
it was a joke because I think this thread is stupid however if you want me to start in on you I sure can.
If you want to act like a little bitch I can treat you like it.

Title: Re: Making Greater Lightstones
Post by: Reid on March 03, 2011, 11:20:07 pm
Spending hours farming in low level zones at level 70 is not good design.

At least make GLS/SLS drop rarely from stuff between PoTime->T5

Now THAT is a novel idea. I'd like to see it in a lower end custom zone though, as to not completely weigh the perk into t2+ territory. It's an amazing boon for newer players to farm and sell SLS's.