EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gnaughty on March 08, 2011, 02:55:16 pm

Title: Lost Eq Emulator password
Post by: Gnaughty on March 08, 2011, 02:55:16 pm
Hey last night I changed my login server passwords on EQ emulator site, and they now wont work.  There is a way to recover worldserver accts but not login server, anyone know what I can try?

Title: Re: Lost Eq Emulator password
Post by: walk2k on March 08, 2011, 04:04:23 pm
Which LS are you using?  If you're not using the eqemu one you have to log into PEQ and use the #setLSinfo command.

Title: Re: Lost Eq Emulator password
Post by: Crabthewall on March 08, 2011, 04:19:04 pm
Last I checked even if you had access to the eqemu main website that contains the login server accounts it still won't help you reset the actual login server accounts. If you don't have the current password there is no way to reset or change them from the eqemu site - basically those accounts are gone if you can't find the password you used for the loginserver.

Title: Re: Lost Eq Emulator password
Post by: Swiftblade on March 08, 2011, 04:20:17 pm
yeah ive lost at least 6 toons most likely more ive forgotten about over the years because i forgot the passwords.  Your only hope at this point is for Hunter to have mercy on your soul and move the toons to new accounts, however unlikely that is.

Title: Re: Lost Eq Emulator password
Post by: Gnaughty on March 08, 2011, 09:39:47 pm
I have  access to eqemu can get into there and all to see my three login servers, just those three I cannot for the life of me get to login.

Title: Re: Lost Eq Emulator password
Post by: Gnaughty on March 08, 2011, 09:41:03 pm
yeah ive lost at least 6 toons most likely more ive forgotten about over the years because i forgot the passwords.  Your only hope at this point is for Hunter to have mercy on your soul and move the toons to new accounts, however unlikely that is.
Yeah I dont even have the guts to ask him.

Title: Re: Lost Eq Emulator password
Post by: JDFriend on March 08, 2011, 10:26:04 pm
Your a purple gnome, what is htis have no guts BS....?????

Open the chat interface, say "hey wassup Rogean!?!?!" and start the convo with "....so there i was tinkering away...."

Soon as he hears tinkering he will gladly give up all the PW's he knows about to have the gnome's SHADDUP!!!

Hehe!! i love ya


Title: Re: Lost Eq Emulator password
Post by: Gnaughty on March 09, 2011, 12:05:02 pm
So earlier this week lost a full T4 4.0 roa 100 ultimate charmed SK from that hacking bullshit and now an equally geared warrior geez I have the worst luck!