EZ Server

General Category => Quest and Guides => Topic started by: Xiggie | Stone on March 14, 2011, 05:24:04 am

Title: How to reduce mem usage in xp (on eqgame.exe)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 14, 2011, 05:24:04 am
I thought more people knew about this but I have spoken to several people who didn't so I thought I would post this. This will only work on xp. I tried it on vista and W7 and it did nothing.

I noticed one day that the longer I played eq the greater the memory usage each instance of eqgame.exe. I also noticed that when the eqgame.exe window is minimized I use less memory. Slowly but surely, minimized or maximized the processes continually use more and more memory. However, if you maximize and minimize your eq window once or twice it will reduce to around 25k to 33k. Considering I have seen mine as high as 700k that is a hell of a reduction in mem usage. Anytime I notice a pc lag, (not latency) I maximize all my eq windows and minimize them and it cuts down on my lag dramatically. A lot of times when I zone, especially to custom zones my memory usage goes up to 100k to 250k. This is a good time to maximize and then minimize. Without this trick I would be lucky to be able to effectively box 4 toons, but with it, I can get at least 9.

If anyone has any questions please leave them here.