EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Kenshou on March 14, 2011, 12:19:48 pm

Title: Changes in game
Post by: Kenshou on March 14, 2011, 12:19:48 pm
I've slowly reduced exp by 0.1x every so often over a long period of time actually.  Finally did a bigger decrease from 2.5x exp which nobody yet realized to 1.1x exp which finally got noticed I guess.

Is there anything else that you have changed with out mention like :

Changes to Poair that people seem to have noticed

Drop rate of augs/cards in LDON, big discussion in OOC last night

Shadow not stepping as often, seems like 3 is the magic number.

I think most people understand when you change things to make the game better, most would like to know when its done so we don't feel like we are going crazy. If it is your intention to not disclose then that is your right,
some just like to know 

Title: Re: Changes in game
Post by: Hunter on March 14, 2011, 06:19:07 pm
Probably all the hackers and problem players went on another server is all, making it better on our server.

Actually, I'm thinking about re-tweaking exp and instances to be slightly better. Maybe 1.5 or 1.8 exp for now, and the prices of instances. Would only be temp change, trying to find a good balance between challenge and too much challenge, cause without challenge there would be no more reason to play or anything to strive for or be proud of.


Title: Re: Changes in game
Post by: Fugitive on March 14, 2011, 06:29:35 pm
Yeah, a healthy balance is hard to find but worth it in the end.


Title: Re: Changes in game
Post by: Reed on March 14, 2011, 06:32:23 pm
trying to find a good balance between challenge and too much challenge, cause without challenge there would be no more reason to play or anything to strive for or be proud of.


Whole heartedly agree with you here.

Title: Re: Changes in game
Post by: Glennsi on March 14, 2011, 06:34:56 pm
wish there was a "like" button lol server really is getting better im starting to notice people grouping more players banding together more. like my guild Fear mongers is a great guild where people box like 2 or 3 charcters and people actuly play together and help each other get stuff done and have fun while doing it.

Title: Re: Changes in game
Post by: Reed on March 14, 2011, 06:36:37 pm
Probably all the hackers and problem players went on another server is all, making it better on our server.

On a related note, summer vacation is just around the corner....

Title: Re: Changes in game
Post by: JDFriend on March 14, 2011, 07:16:57 pm
trying to find a good balance between challenge and too much challenge, cause without challenge there would be no more reason to play or anything to strive for or be proud of.


I actually had a really bad day today in RL. One of the worst ive had in a few years. I logged onto the forums to see if anything had changed and saw this comment.....and smiled. Hunter, you made my day happier, Thank You.

Sometimes I agree with you other times i have no idea WTH your thinking was, but again it's not my job to cast judgement. You are so F'in right on with that comment man. If everything is gained with minimal effort, whats the point...? Exactly!! Uber 15min of fame an boredom the rest of the time! Well said.

Thank you for making my day better.

Title: Re: Changes in game
Post by: Kenshou on March 14, 2011, 07:28:12 pm
I'm not sure if that was the best dodge in history or Hunter was responding to a different question.

Title: Re: Changes in game
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 14, 2011, 07:34:41 pm
I think it would be better to put exp back up to 2.5 but place a limit on how many times you can ring run in a day. Like 5 a day, that would slow it down considerably but not give it that "Live" slowness that comes with lower exp modifier.

Title: Re: Changes in game
Post by: Hunter on March 14, 2011, 09:00:24 pm
I think it would be better to put exp back up to 2.5 but place a limit on how many times you can ring run in a day. Like 5 a day, that would slow it down considerably but not give it that "Live" slowness that comes with lower exp modifier.

I've thought about that idea way back when RoA started. There is also the balance of having the new players get full suits of gear before out leveling the zone. I realize the gear sucks pre 70 but they should be able to enjoy the ride up and then not get smacked in the face too hard with BoThunder or PoTimea due to not getting the pre 70 armor.

If the exp goes up anymore, I'd have to limit RoA, maybe per day, or per hour, dunno. Probably won't happen soon, not priority compared to other stuff on the list to-do.

Title: Re: Changes in game
Post by: Reed on March 14, 2011, 09:44:32 pm
It kinda boils down to personal preference though.
Personally, as I leveled my first main (Paladin) last year I stayed in each zone until i finished the whole set of gear. I was at points where everything was grey, and getting no exp. I stayed because I figured the gear was necessary for the next zone.
If someone wants to struggle with a new zone because they didn't have the patience to sit back and kill some grays, I guess thats their choice as well. Just gotta make it a point for them to know that they always had to option to be better prepared.

Title: Re: Changes in game
Post by: TankAndSpankMe on March 14, 2011, 10:43:02 pm
At 51 I would pop my exp in AA's until I finished a set of armor and again at 65 in BoT =D It sounds silly to some people but it was really fun for me plus when we (My 6 boxed losers) hit time we were geared with around 100+ AA's and killed everything without a problem.