EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on March 19, 2011, 10:31:02 pm

Title: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Hunter on March 19, 2011, 10:31:02 pm
Halls of Honor

Avatar loot list updated.

Color stones do not drop anymore

The Observer of the Sky will still accept color stones that you have left over, so you can still use them for bosses, but not charm upgrades.

Charm (Brawler, Guardian, Sorcer, Oracle) Upgrades v2 now drop for upgrading your charms from rank 26-50. Charm recipes for the magic box have been updated to reflect this.

Rare T3 Boss Tokens now drop with their name on it in hohonora. Combine 2 of the same kind to get the T4 Token Version for that Boss / Armor Slot. Give any one of those tokens to the Observer of the Sky to spawn the boss you want.

Super Rare chance for the MCP Token to drop off Avatars as well for the Epic 4.0 Boss spawn.


Be sure to download the new spell file.

A new Task / Raid Event was created by one of our players.

Its a Task Quest to kill a powerful mob which will require a lot of people to kill it.

There is a reward for everyone involved in the raid and has accepted the task before hand.

There is one clickie item to be looted on the corpse as well for people to roll on.

See Dieffer Wolfhugger in Nexus to acquire the Task.

I'll give out 1 Free Ultimate Charm to the best video of this event. Submit by tomorrow (Sunday) midnight at latest.


Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Brokyn on March 19, 2011, 10:39:33 pm
Fantastic update!!  Thank you sir =)>

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Drasnik on March 19, 2011, 10:43:04 pm
Awesome update, Hunter. TBH HoH was always kinda bland to me. This should make it much more interesting. Just have to top off my guardian and brawler charms first. Cheers!

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Kenshou on March 19, 2011, 10:48:20 pm
Split Paw and Mother of All tokens going to be the most rare is my guess, never poped for me before, Great update, now ill head to air when i have the token for what I need not, 600 Rainkeepers in a row

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: JDFriend on March 19, 2011, 11:06:24 pm
Did i already say Holy Shi-aight? mmmk Rock the hell on boss!!!!

Now there should be no more complaints EVER about certain unsaid things. Sure am glad i used up every stone i had earlier on all toons.

And whatever happened to air, sure seems alot more stable. Thank You very much.

Freaking awesome, i'm excited as all get up to log in again.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 19, 2011, 11:12:10 pm
This update makes me feel gooey and squishy in all the right places.


Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Spuds on March 19, 2011, 11:18:20 pm
Went parasailing with Wife this morning then body bording at bellows 8 foot Waves was Awesome day!!! then i come home log in and see this DAM this is a Great DAY!!!! Awesome cant wait to log in to hoh!! It just got alot Harder=(
Thank you for the the hard work!

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Tavi on March 20, 2011, 02:02:36 am
While in general I see where you are going with these changes can you please remove the lore tag from the armor tokens and the charm upgrades V2 and make them stack able.  Thanks,

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: BattleB on March 20, 2011, 04:09:03 am
Is there a reason for the 15 min recast timer on the waypoint? This just seems not needed where the waypoints were always available, now we have to wait 15 mins incase we die shortly after entering our instance.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Fabdibikya on March 20, 2011, 04:49:40 am
I havent hunted in HoH for a while, but seeing rare/very rare chance for T3/MCP tokens makes me go "Huh?".

As it was, you needed 8 stones for a random t3 spawn, so 8 avatar kills gave you a green. I understand that now you know up front which boss you're going to spawn, but the randomness just moved from Airplane to HoH (the drops are random there), so I'd expect a token every 10-ish kills or less.

Also, did you change Shadow? Maybe you can give Shadow a higher chance to drop MCP tokens?


Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Hunter on March 20, 2011, 07:12:33 am
Rebooting now for the lore tag to be removed.

I'll put some static waypoints in certain zones for you guys like Hohonora and Airplane.

I'll see if I can modify the waypoint code as well to not telelport someone right away after creating, and porting a whole group if requested, etc.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Awzume on March 20, 2011, 07:18:35 am
lore tag gone is a huge help, any chance they are able to be made stackable soon also? otherwise they will take up a lot of bag space lol

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Follow Me on March 20, 2011, 07:20:25 am
why not consolidate banker and waypoint into one ?  Is that possible?  just an idea =P

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Hunter on March 20, 2011, 07:26:31 am
I don't want people giving their money to the banker then claiming they lost their money or didn't know where it went. I thought about it though =)

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Hunter on March 20, 2011, 07:29:25 am
Ninja editing now to make those tokens stackable.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: jamey0181 on March 20, 2011, 07:30:20 am
thankyou very much hunter

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Drezden on March 20, 2011, 09:07:25 am
This is awesome man! Thanks much!

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: istvaan on March 20, 2011, 09:47:02 am
This update really blows for someone like me who has dozens of cyan stones banked over a few different characters that I was going to use for charms once I finished up LDoN charms. Any chance you could leave the cyan charm upgrade recipes active?

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Drezden on March 20, 2011, 09:54:18 am
 Either that or do a return hand in,where it gives ya next lower tier to at least pop t3/t4 with what ya have left.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Zartaxis on March 20, 2011, 10:56:03 am
Shouldn't the charm upgrades that drop be able to upgrade any type of charm like cyans did?  It doesn't make sense to make it more difficult to get a specific type since now instead of a guaranteed charm every 16 kills you have a 25% chance of getting your charm type in maybe every 16 kills (I have heard different numbers on the drop chance).

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Hunter on March 20, 2011, 11:33:10 am
You can get boss tokens AND charm upgrades in the same drop list if your lucky. We're not working with just 1 random number from just 1 list. The drop rates are fine.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Zartaxis on March 20, 2011, 11:47:03 am
You can get boss tokens AND charm upgrades in the same drop list if your lucky. We're not working with just 1 random number from just 1 list. The drop rates are fine.

What about people that are done farming t3-t4 armor but still need tons of charm upgrades?  This change hurts them now.   It would be similar to changing token drops in LDoN to only be able to buy armor cards.

Don't get me wrong.  I love that you are changing things up in HoH, we all just need to voice our concerns and get a final draft hammered out together. 

I still think that a generic upgrade stone should be what drops, not specific charm types.  Cyan's were generic and the replacement for them should be also.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Spuds on March 20, 2011, 01:16:35 pm
I beg to Difffer on the drop rate.

Farmed for 4 hours last night in hoh 1 charm upgrade and it was a SORC i allread have level 50 sorc so it was useless to me. Where as i would have got enough stones to upgrade one of my charms at least 5 or 6 times over.

It still takes along time to get UC with stones. Your maintank has to have UC for t5 and know it just became alot harder. With the old rate i would get an upgrade 1 to every 16 kills. You would think that the charms would drope 1/16 times.  I dont know what droprate is but its gotta be like 1/200, HOH mobs are not easy when you start out, for along time. Have to get those 4.0s and armor upgrades.

Before i was working towards a goal i knew what i needed to do to get there so when i loggged in i would work towards it knowi have no clue when i will get the charm upgrade i need or one that i dont. Its like running a Marathon and going the first 20 miles, then they change the route and you know have to run 40 more instead of the last 6 to finish.

Now charms v2 are just gonna be sold for plat like ldon charms to people that allready have there UC so the rich get richer, while the rest of us scramble to get it. Feels like i just got slammed in the back while drinking a nice glass of you just got screwed.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Wherya on March 20, 2011, 02:29:45 pm
I completely agree with Spuds, This update really hurts the mid tier folks, those of us that were making steady progress on UC and wanting to raid T4/MCP.   It is almost a requirement for the tanks to have UC for MCP, now it is significantly harder to obtain.   Why so much hate for the middle tier? 

 For example, I am 12 upgrades shy of completing ldon.  Was looking forward to grinding HoH and getting 1 stone per avatar (ground out Oracle 50 and Guardian 29 already), at least I would know that I am one step closer to a goal.   Now, HoH is ldon redux so the grind never ends. Ldon is by far the worst part of EZ, it is horrible.   Albeit it is much better now with instances, but really painful.   There is nothing enjoyable about a grind, EQ did it and they were wrong for doing so.  Frankly, the only reason a grind was implemented in EQ live is to keep people playing and thus paying.   With a monthy fee structure it makes sense to keep stringing people along.    Here though, you have an awesome server with amazing content, but it is marred by the ldon grind and now the HoH grind required to accomplish any high end content. 

This change doesn't impact those with 6 UCs and RoA 100 (the elites), it only impacts the middle tier.   Which, I would have to assume is your objective, to keep people out of MCP and thus out of T5.   I'm not in T5 and wasnt planning on being there for awhile, however it would be nice to add some HP and DPS to the team so we can finally conquer MCP. 

I would suggest making Avatars more robust, perhaps like mini bosses or even T3 bosses, then letting them drop upgrades for each kill.  Anything to let us escape the RNG grind.   Please!   

Is your server and your world,  we just play here I guess.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: walk2k on March 20, 2011, 02:42:21 pm
I'm 99% sure he wanted to make it harder to get UC.  To be honest it was "easy" before in HoH, at least compared to LDON.  With the instances of LDON now I'm sure he figures he made that part easier, so have to make it harder in HoH.  Just my opinion...

As for drop rates /shrug I spent about 2-1/2 hrs and got 5 Guardian upgrades (v2) and a 6th one rotted because I only had 5 toons with me...  also got a Sorc and.. Brawler I think.  I killed Shadow twice and got a BUTTload of tokens and charm upgrades, more than I could carry really.  Basically I'd say the drop rate may be a little low from Avatars, but if you farm Shadow you'll get plenty.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Jabberwocky on March 20, 2011, 03:31:11 pm
IMO, these changes are only going to make LDON the most consistent easiest way to farm charms.   At least with the way HoH was, you knew what was going on and how to work it. 

If you wanted to add a little grind, maybe go with upgrade per 25 instead of 16.  But making it closer to 1 in 200 as some are saying just makes LDoN instancing the best way to do it.

Add that it seems with the current changes, this is becoming a more plat oriented server, and all about the benjamins.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Spuds on March 20, 2011, 05:04:16 pm

4 charms so have 2 types drop off 2 differnt types of mobs in HOH say

heavnes and earth = Oracle
storms and valor = sorc
underworld and skies=brawler
abyss and hate = guardian
hell can drop all 4


Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Fliker on March 20, 2011, 05:26:14 pm
I 2nd Spuds' idea

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: istvaan on March 20, 2011, 06:03:06 pm
This update really blows for someone like me who has dozens of cyan stones banked over a few different characters that I was going to use for charms once I finished up LDoN charms. Any chance you could leave the cyan charm upgrade recipes active?


Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Kuniko on March 20, 2011, 09:36:32 pm
This update really blows for someone like me who has dozens of cyan stones banked over a few different characters that I was going to use for charms once I finished up LDoN charms. Any chance you could leave the cyan charm upgrade recipes active?


double bump, i too have lots and lots of cyan stones that i've farmed and saved till i could get my lower 25 charms from ldon done. now those 16 cyan stones that are on 6 of my 12 chars = are useless? changes for the better is a great thing but hurting others at the same time isnt. i am sure there are a number of people in my situation and are currently inactive due to RL things they have to handle. and when they come back to see this. i am sure they'll want what some of us are suggesting. can you please make cyan charm upgrade recipes still active?

Thanks for reading this Hunter!

-= Kuniko =-
<Pirate King>

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Hunter on March 20, 2011, 09:43:54 pm
PoG Tokens will now be tradeable.

Shadow loot is now 'fixed'. It got broken when I edited the Avatar loot list which affected Shadow that shares some of the same list for loots.

Will work on other updates as I get time for Waypoints, PoG, Charms, etc.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Fugitive on March 20, 2011, 09:52:18 pm
Sweet, cool tweak!

Is shadow's loot going to be better or worse? haha

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Ashar on March 20, 2011, 09:53:47 pm

shadow drops charm 1 and charm 2 upgrades now, and a few tokens

so better

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on March 20, 2011, 09:54:37 pm
Friggen awesome. Thank you Hunter.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: i like ham on March 20, 2011, 10:03:36 pm
love this change to hoh not saying up droprate in ldon or anything anything u could do for us way over geared people for ldon to give us another way to work on those so we dont have to stick to one method or add chance for a random boss to pop out of trash anything would be cool to mix it up hehe

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Tavi on March 20, 2011, 10:09:08 pm
Since you are working on stream lining UC and HOH with these updates, what about makng the UC a Task based reward. Leave the reciepes for upgrading in play, but make the upgrades a reward in a task.

You already said that the drop rate in LDoN is 1/666, and most are guessing that the rate is 1/200 in HOH.

Make the mobs on each of the LDON floors count for the same charm upgrade and in HOH do something like above where Air is oracle, valor is brawler , skies is guardian, and hate is Sorc.

Multiple tasks one for each type of upgrade as a reward with a mob kill count and the upgrade as a reward would accomplish the same result. This could be done for LDoN and HOH. This removes the issues with the RNG screwing people and will give the player a set goal and end in site view as opposed to what we have now never knowing when it will end.

I really don't know what kind of work implmenting a task is but it seems to be somthing up your ally lately.

As always thanks for this server my son's and I enjoy playing here alot.


Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: tholumar on March 20, 2011, 10:11:11 pm
I think the new Solo Instance for 5k where you can train all you like in LDON should make getting charms a bit easier for the way-over-geared folks. At least now when you train the whole zone you don't have to worry about getting frapsed.

After we've had this for a while I'll be curious to know how many instances of LDON 5/6 are up at one time on peak nights.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: walk2k on March 20, 2011, 10:13:11 pm
Sweet, cool tweak!

Is shadow's loot going to be better or worse? haha
I'm thinking "fixed" like a male dog... lol
but, may have been too much before.  I mean he used to drop enough red stones for what, 1-2 T3 or 1 T4/charm upgade (v2).  Now he (was) dropping 8+ t3 tokens and 2 v2 charms, plus the v1...

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: azzen on March 20, 2011, 10:52:15 pm
Here is my video for the Event.  Unfortunately I was not able to take him down solo, my bots are comprised of 1 Warrior, 2 Paladins, 1 Cleric, 1 Monk but no UC's LOL and im only t2/t3.. but I made the best of it and here it is.  Enjoy and thank you EZ server is the bombb.

My mains on EZ server:  Kempo and Mercure

LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81g08AmVf2c (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81g08AmVf2c)

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Kenshou on March 20, 2011, 10:59:04 pm
Yea, all my tokens are gone? Got an MCP off a sky mob last night and it gone...explanation please

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: funkinmofo on March 20, 2011, 11:39:20 pm
Here is my video for the Event.  Unfortunately I was not able to take him down solo, my bots are comprised of 1 Warrior, 2 Paladins, 1 Cleric, 1 Monk but no UC's LOL and im only t2/t3.. but I made the best of it and here it is.  Enjoy and thank you EZ server is the bombb.

My mains on EZ server:  Kempo and Mercure

LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81g08AmVf2c (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81g08AmVf2c)

Hopefully Hunter will extend the deadline on the video submissions as Kern was crashing the zone with emote spam.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: istvaan on March 20, 2011, 11:52:29 pm
This update really blows for someone like me who has dozens of cyan stones banked over a few different characters that I was going to use for charms once I finished up LDoN charms. Any chance you could leave the cyan charm upgrade recipes active?



Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: obut on March 21, 2011, 10:29:12 am
tokens are showing as lore for me.  i have looted 4 different ones and had to loot on 4 different toons.  they all seem to share the same lore tag

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Fugitive on March 21, 2011, 10:31:22 am
He will fix it later today hang in there

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Otaduke on March 21, 2011, 12:08:13 pm
Hunter, Has Shadow's shadow step RNG been modified up to 10 or more? We had him pop 10 times before he got tired of running from us and give up the phat l3wtz.

Based on killing the Avatars or Shadow it seems Shadow is the money maker with the Avatars just being a hurdle to clear out with the lack or low % of drop rate. May have been a bad RNG for our guild but wanted to check anyway.

Thank you for all of the support and work you put in to your hobby and sharing it with us to enjoy.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Hunter on March 21, 2011, 01:12:53 pm
I fixed the Magical Color Stones and the Boss Tokens for Plane of Gods, and will go into effect after reboot in a few minutes. Hopefully they will be tradeable and non-lore.

Kern the Terror might be fixed now too, found the part in the script that does event after mob reaches 25% hp.


Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Voll on March 21, 2011, 01:38:55 pm
Same as kenshou, except ALL of the tokens i farmed the other day my wiz Ilov save the oceanlord ones, are gone. Had ones of every type save mcp and h1n1, all were stacked. bug? lore items poofed that were stacked? Odd that i still have the ocean ones. hope they re-appear after the reboot.  Also, am i the only one that they seem to be really rare? clear a whole area and get one token? Im guessing this is the intended drop rate? Thanks in advance.


Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Hunter on March 21, 2011, 01:50:30 pm
1) Shadow loot was incorrect, gave out too many tokens etc.

2) If you logged in when I accidently made the Tokens into Lore, then yes, they are all gone except 1 of each kind that you had.

Tokens are fixed now, so game on.


Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Fugitive on March 21, 2011, 04:49:48 pm
Wow, just killed Shadow @ 4:46CST and he only dropped 2 charms 1 book.. where are the tokens?

Kinda lame for like 5 jumps or whatever..

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Revelations on March 21, 2011, 04:56:28 pm

Was camping all weekend....so we went from an upgrade every 16 kills or so to a 1/200 shot and it will drop a specific charm not a generic like the cyan was.

I know you'll fix the Shadow not dropping any charms part but omg can we do something about the drop rate ....i was just getting into the grind of hoh and trying to catch up with charms.  Now...doesn't look promising for me at all.

I know i don't post much and i know it won't matter but i feel like the wind has been taken out of my sails on this one to be honest.


Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Fugitive on March 21, 2011, 05:04:05 pm
Also, 3 of 58 tokens have been H1N1....

kinda odd RNG there... plus if  you want me to combine two of those for warlord and get nothing (RNG hates me)

one more thing,

Just killed shadow 4x no H1N1 just Faceless and Prince when they choose to drop.

Are we sure the BP Token still has a drop% ?

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Voll on March 21, 2011, 07:40:37 pm
If anything I was hoping this would help rng issues. The drop rate is pretty sparse tho. I'm seeing about one coin per 20 mobs. Yet to see a MCP one tho, or h1n1. Mostly ocean and faceless

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: walk2k on March 21, 2011, 08:05:20 pm
I got H1N1 (4) and MCP (3) only from Shadow.
Yeah, lots of Oceanlord, but I guess since you need 2 bracers...

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Fugitive on March 21, 2011, 09:23:13 pm
not bitching or ranting just posting info about drop rates.

Edit update for 100 Tokens

MCP x 1
H1N1 x 6
Splitpaw x 5
Oceanlord x 19
Lightbringer x22
Tranquil x 20
Faceless x 15
Prince x 12

this is including 6 shadow kills (with 1 shadow not dropping anything except 2 charms)

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: chunkumss on March 21, 2011, 10:11:02 pm
50 Tokens so far:

MCP x 2
H1N1 x 3
Splitpaw x ZERO
Oceanlord x 13
Lightbringer x7
Tranquil x 12
Faceless x 4
Prince x 4

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: walk2k on March 22, 2011, 02:06:10 am
Well I just burned thru most of my tokens (T4 mostly) and got total of 2 upgrades for 6 chars... lol I hate RNG.  IMO drop rate of tokens could be bumped up a little, definitely have Shadow drop at least 2-3, for the effort to kill him.. he always jumps 3-4 times on me.. doing that for ZERO tokens is.. suck.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Brokyn on March 22, 2011, 09:09:13 am
Just a question for Hunter here...

Previously, a person could farm "upgrades" in HoH in advance of being able to use them.  I am wondering if it is in your plans to make the charm upgrade V2 stackable and non-lore?  I know a lot of people would appreciate it =)>

Thanks for you time and effort lately.  I have really been happy with the changes.


Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: walk2k on March 22, 2011, 12:24:16 pm
Yeah I agree, non-lore and stackable like tokens would be nice.  Otherwise it just becomes sort of an inventory problem.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Fugitive on March 22, 2011, 01:12:56 pm
Agree non lore and stackable.. or at least non lore....

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Hunter on March 22, 2011, 01:35:55 pm
Maybe. We already have a portal augment bag.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: chunkumss on March 22, 2011, 06:28:09 pm
Thanks for considering it. I'd also appreciate non-lore and stackable. It is good to be able to alternate between farming hoh and ldon and maintain sanity, rather than than having to complete ldon entirely before farming hoh in any meaningful way. We appreciate your hard work, Hunter, and all the recent changes.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Zartaxis on March 27, 2011, 08:10:47 am
So has anyone got a good number estimate on the charm droprate?

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: stad on March 28, 2011, 01:35:43 am
solo instances in ldon were a no go for me. Spent 3 days in there and no drops on level 4. But at least it gives a feeling of a hard quest to obtain the ultimate charm. And that was after all the meaning of the quest.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: Fugitive on March 28, 2011, 10:22:41 am
Its never been about the charms always the points even when I farmed my first uc...sometimes days without then like 3 in a row...

Meh keep grindin

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: trogdorr on March 28, 2011, 10:35:40 am
Hunter himself said he changed them to a 1/600 drop, but i think its more like 1/6k.

Title: Re: Updates 03 19 11
Post by: stad on March 29, 2011, 01:08:16 am
its only a zero too much whats the difference lol