EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Suddz on March 24, 2011, 10:33:07 pm

Title: Holy Knight Strike(Cleric Version)
Post by: Suddz on March 24, 2011, 10:33:07 pm
How about maybe making a differen't proc for Cleric?

Divine Knight Strike, with maybe 500-2500 more heal and no DD on it, since Clerics are suppose to be the best healers

ex Holy Knight Strike 4.0 (2500 dd/heal)
ex Divine Knight Strike 4.0 ( 3000-5000 heal)

any others agree to this?

Title: Re: Holy Knight Strike(Cleric Version)
Post by: Fugitive on March 24, 2011, 10:35:10 pm
Not really, with max oracle it's like what 50k already?... and combine that with popping words of vivication on the fly... that's a lot of healing..

Title: Re: Holy Knight Strike(Cleric Version)
Post by: Suddz on March 24, 2011, 10:54:24 pm
just some thoughts hehe, but yea healing is pretty good, just the whole same proc as paladin who isn't main healers is meh IMO but the vivication its fine

Title: Re: Holy Knight Strike(Cleric Version)
Post by: stad on March 25, 2011, 01:42:55 am
i miss a kind of blessing for clerics.

haste is done by enchanters or shamans or beastlords
hp normally by paladin clerics or shamans

why not some AOE on the mobs we fight that heals us each time they hit us or we hit them?

Not the single target we already have

Title: Re: Holy Knight Strike(Cleric Version)
Post by: Thebone on March 25, 2011, 06:40:11 am
Or we can all be happy clerics are worth something more then DI now... Before cleric 4.0 was crap I didn't even want taking up a slot now I think it's one of the best epics in the game... It gives you another heal plus a oh shit stonewall...If you think clerics are doing what close or more then 300k heals every 4 secs... Just leave them be and enjoy before they get cut back...

If anything make a aug that drops in T5 cleric only with some sort of revDS proc so every time the mob hits you it take extra dmg...

Title: Re: Holy Knight Strike(Cleric Version)
Post by: stad on March 25, 2011, 07:13:45 am
true cant actually complain about clerics. but IF ... then ... :P

Title: Re: Holy Knight Strike(Cleric Version)
Post by: trogdorr on March 25, 2011, 11:03:47 am
I really dont get it. Things get good, balanced, fair, and then people threaten our liberty and freedom with things like this.
If history has proven anything, declaring things like this dosent lead to  an improved cleric, it leads to a nerf'd pally. And if that happens, we know who started the thread and were comming to your house and breaking all your lawn gnomes, and knocking over your trash.

Title: Re: Holy Knight Strike(Cleric Version)
Post by: Fugitive on March 25, 2011, 11:49:16 am
As of today I moved all my lawn gnomes indoor...damn u trogdorr, damn u.

But I didn't start it..so maybe they are safe