EZ Server

General Category => User Interfaces => Topic started by: Kwai on April 01, 2011, 11:06:30 am

Title: Titanium client overload
Post by: Kwai on April 01, 2011, 11:06:30 am
I am having an issue with my main Titanium client shutting down during a fight.  It's dropping to desktop in the middle of a battle.

I have separate folders for my control toon and the boxed toons so it's the base version that is giving me problems while the stripped down version is stable.  It doesn't matter if I am solo, have a box toon up for PL or if I have 8 boxes open.  The main toon always shuts down at some point in a battle.

Since it only happens during battle spam my suspicion is there is an overload (of something) being pumped to the client that it cannot handle and cannot pass through.  It doesn't matter if I use the Pally or the Warrior as the control toon (so specific sword procs don't seem to be the issue) both will drop to desktop at some point.  Once they do and come back online... it usually doesn't happen again more than once.  After a couple of drops it stabilizes for the day.  Very odd.

I use a Nvidia Geforce 9800 GT.  Just wondering if anyone else experienced this shut down issue and what, if anything you did to solve it.


Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: whatzizface on April 01, 2011, 11:19:11 am
It happends to me on and off and i dont box at all, and im sure its handled more battle spam at certain points than when its shut down. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now and im not exactly sure whats causing it either (running titanium also)

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: TankAndSpankMe on April 01, 2011, 12:32:28 pm
Happens on my titanium too and I have all battle spam filtered out on my boxes but they still randomly drop to desktop during fights.

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: Lexington on April 01, 2011, 12:44:25 pm
i had this before too, i am not sure but it may have something to do with /log on - just type /log off on ur clients to be sure they are all off, and be sure to log out normal afterwards to save teh changes, if using /exit it won't save that setting

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: Thebone on April 01, 2011, 01:24:49 pm
I ran in to this problem alot a while back.. If you go to the options at the login screen and turn the sound off in there it should clear that up.. It suck that you can't play with sound but it's processing all the aug proc sounds and over loading and causing the crash..

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: hateborne on April 01, 2011, 08:49:30 pm
Ok, this one is and is not client related.

Explanation: Your connection can only handle X amount of packets per second, tick, etc. If you go over that limit, packets become queued and must wait to be transmitted. As a result, your client(s) can become disconnected (uncommon) or unsynchronized with the server (most common).

If you need proof of this, get an SK with 2.0 - 3.0 epic, pull a HUGE group in say LDoN (talking zone pulls here), and drop clicky DoT. The client sends stupidly large packet loads for the DoT affecting each of the mobs. (Let's assume 1 tick per mob on 3 mobs per packet. 50 mobs = ~17 packets per DoT tick) That sounds very very small until you factor in 50 mobs with 1 round of combat, then the dodge/parry/riposte, and then any returned damage (such as from the riposte or a damage shield). So take 50 mobs fighting and then add another 17 packet burst every few seconds PLUS your own combat actions (casting, melee, mitigation, etc) and this becomes painfully large.

As this is happening each packet sent has an ID marking it sequentially. Packet 0001, 0002, etc etc. Once the mega spam starts hitting, some packets get stuck in line, and the server anticipates a STEADY packet flow and replies back with a "Last Packet Received" id that is either too far ahead or too far behind. The train wreck is pretty much self explanatory as things keep folding in on itself from here.

Lastly, add in say 5 more characters. The SK in example above has dropped his DoT, the client needs to send the DoT info packets back to the other 5 clients. Now that 50 mobs + player + AoE DoT tick is read by each client, and each client replies/responds in turn. It just gets...dirty.

How this involves yer clients!
For some reason, when this out-of-sync is happening, your client is biting it. If you are not using WinEQ or ISBoxer, I highly recommend it. The exact reason your client is crashing is anyone's guess. This is, after all, an EMULATED server. So there are any number of failures that can happen.

However, since it only crashes in combat, either there is a zone bug causing client failure or out-of-sync could be crashing it.

Stating the obvious, turn off ALL spell/song/particle effects to rule that out. Recheck/disable addons, <generic statement>, <more generic statements>.


Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 01, 2011, 11:08:09 pm
That really does not make sense. I can pull huge trains in qvic or ldon with my monk and every mob gets hit 8 times per combat round. If that is not enough, I can proc 4 times per hit. Now this does cause the zone to stagger and used to cause the zone to crash every single time but now I don't even loose zone sync.

Going with your sk example and 50 mobs, 1 proc per, 3 melee per, and 1 proc per hit,  that would be (50x1)+((50x3)3))=500 bits of information. The dot would make minimal difference as it is only 50 of that 500 and a tic is once every 6 seconds. Apply those same statistics to my monk and you have ((50x8)8))=3200.

Now I am not a programmer or anything but with the information you are giving in you example it just does not make sense.

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: Fugitive on April 01, 2011, 11:16:20 pm
yeah but reporting 1 mob at a time vs 50 mobs at a time...as the server attempts to sync all health reporting on all mobs and deaths.

and 3200 for your monk xig can't happen that's a good number but the targets don't have that much health it's reported dead and you move to next target.

I look @ it with the warrior or Zerker AoE (Boomya or Stutter"r"us)

I look at it this way... get a better connection and computer  ;D

Use filters and turn off those spell effects.. sheeshh  ::)

just me pickin

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 01, 2011, 11:21:00 pm
P.S. I have more ram coming, lol. Should be back in full force in a few days. Should be in lot better condition too.

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: Fugitive on April 01, 2011, 11:27:07 pm
about time =P

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 01, 2011, 11:29:12 pm
Yeah i know. It is irritating to even log in right now. Feels like I am playing on a commodore.

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: Fugitive on April 01, 2011, 11:34:00 pm
fooled me..


Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on April 01, 2011, 11:54:30 pm
Wtf, my C64 did not come with a monitor, lol.

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: Stuls on April 02, 2011, 01:00:25 am
time for jumbo frames :)

It seems like much of or most combat & movement information in EQ1 is UDP so not sure about the issues being ACK based.

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: JDFriend on April 02, 2011, 12:32:23 pm
fooled me..


/auc WTS Commodore PC, New in the box.... Asking more then Fugitive!!!! >)

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: Thebone on April 02, 2011, 04:56:45 pm
There goes Fugi showing his age again...

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: Secrets on April 03, 2011, 12:33:00 pm
It's related to casting but I could never pinpoint the issue.

Use SoD/SoF; It doesn't have the issue in those clients, well I only noticed it going away on SoD.

Plus SoD is better on memory anyways than titanium.

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: Mixlor on April 03, 2011, 04:15:49 pm
I too have had this problem when using Titanium. I wish I could be of help but had to switch over to SoD because I was fed up with it. It always happened in battles whether it was a boss or mobs. Sometimes I thought it was the battle sounds or maybe the number of mobs. Always happened to my tank's client so of course the tank would go offline and then the rest of the group would wipe. Fun.. fun... fun..

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: trogdorr on April 18, 2011, 06:29:03 pm
The idea of the crashing to desktop being bandwith related is a foolish notion. Each client uses less bandwith than a smartphone or even keying up on vent. way less in fact.

Most likely due to driver issues. Installing a not updated game over a system with the latest video drivers. Trying to render massive amounts of text in a GL enviroment. Or it could be a sound driver but i doubt it as this issue plagues me and i have sound off completely in game.

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: cerwin on April 18, 2011, 07:10:37 pm
yea im also having this problem with titanium

though it hasnt happened to me yet since i set the filters for everything but chat to 'hide' and also lowered all display options drastically. so like a week or 2 with no crashes

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: stad on April 19, 2011, 02:33:22 am
graphics were no issue for me but i had to use the filters to hide almost everything but chat .

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: Gummibear on April 19, 2011, 10:49:01 am
I used filters on my 11 drones to block everything and did the /log off stuff, graphics were not an issue but I still lowered all graphics, my main still has full graphics on and now I hardly get any crashes, maybe once every few days one drops. Around the time I made all the changes one of my 5870's burned up so I'm down to 1 vidcard, not sure if Ati Crossfire had anything to do with the crashes or if the filter/log off fixed it but a new card is in the mail so I'll let you guys know.

I run
Titanium Client
WinEQ 2.0 (helps frame rates better then using Innerspace settings for some reason)
MacroQuest2 (MQEmu_Classic_Titanium)

Settings for boxes
Graphics all lowest settings, Sky off
/log off
/filter all
All sounds, music off (I've always run like this because I listen to death metal while killing wisps)

Since I did all this shit at the same time I can't tell you which 1 thing worked for me.

Title: Re: Titanium client overload
Post by: stad on April 20, 2011, 01:10:37 am
Well if we all post are findings then someday we will find it.
Let's cross fingers