EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: TankAndSpankMe on April 01, 2011, 12:44:56 pm

Title: Guild Instances
Post by: TankAndSpankMe on April 01, 2011, 12:44:56 pm
I've noticed none of my guild instances are lasting past server reboot  :( Qvic, Pofire, City of Mist etc are all gone. Are they set to clear on reboot now or do I just have really shitty luck?  I thought getting rid of Solo instances was supposed to fix the instance problem so they wouldn't get dropped.

Title: Re: Guild Instances
Post by: Otaduke on April 01, 2011, 02:29:34 pm
What i have noticed is if you leave the instance, it goes away.

If you want to keep the instance for the intended period of time,  then you may want to camp in the instance. If you need to leave the instance, have another toon in the same instance then die, do what you need to do then rez back.

If you wipe in the instance with no way to recover, either rez back or do not camp out another toon,  that you can use to do a CR then you pretty much lose it as well.