EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Temuli on May 19, 2011, 06:29:21 pm

Title: Boss questions
Post by: Temuli on May 19, 2011, 06:29:21 pm
I can take down Time bosses with my war/pal except for Dragon Slave, where the best I can do is tank indefinitely with him at 99% health.

Obviously my best bet is to get an extra person or two to help out, but in the interests of self-sufficiency and for the fun of reading forum opinions...

What would be the best henchman combo here? I have been using shaman/monk but for all I know the shaman's slow is mitigated to nothing and I might as well go monk/monk or monk/wizard.

How do LDoN bosses compare? I'm thinking maybe I could skip ahead, and maybe score some weapons which would help me take out DS. This pre-supposes LDon bosses are more on par with Time bosses 1-9, but if they are just as tough as DS then this is off the table for now.

Terrorantula - the only reason I can't answer this myself is because he's been camped the couple of times I went to check. Is he as hard or even tougher than Dragon Slave?

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Sebastionleo on May 19, 2011, 07:13:11 pm
Terror is slightly harder than DS. Ldon doesn't drop any weapons, so that won't help you. Ldon bosses are probably somewhat less difficult than DS, but might still pose problems.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: funkinmofo on May 19, 2011, 07:14:21 pm
Hard to respond about your team setup without knowing what gear you are running (what weapons, any augs,etc)
If you absolutely have to use henchmen in time use wizards.
Ldon bosses with your combo shouldn't be an issue, but the fights are going to drag on due to your lack of dps.
As to Terrortantula definitely harder than DS
Farm gems for plat and pay for a couple 2.0 runs for your war, then focus on getting him into the fighters guild so you can get his 2.5.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Dethundrel on May 19, 2011, 08:52:10 pm
LDoN bosses have less HP, and regen a lot less.  However, they hit quite a bit harder.  Wiz/Wiz is what I used when I first did time, 6k dmg from their nuke does help a little bit.  The trickle of the others DPS just doesn't really do much aginst his regen. 

Terrorantula is quite a bit harder than Dragon Slave.  More HP, higher regen, hits harder and has quite a Damage Shield on him.

A quick /ooc askin for help will save you a lot of time and work.  A few people are very friendly and willing to help.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: tholumar on May 20, 2011, 02:21:32 pm
The shaman slow does work on DS. It made a huge difference for me. The other thing is add the Spirit of the Panther proc spell to your war/pal combo to increase DPS. It makes a pretty big difference.

I used a full group (Time Gear) when I killed him the first time, I started with War/Pal/Mage and I couldn't get him down because without slow he'd always kill someone and the DPS would be shot.

I added a MNK/PAL/SHM to my group and he went down easily, but the SHM was actually a big help at that level.


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: lordlarwin on May 21, 2011, 02:42:59 am
shamans are awsome help with dps but dont count on theier slows they are pretty much useless still

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Temuli on May 21, 2011, 09:26:05 am
For the benefit of anyone reading this in the future, I can report that the first LDoN boss is indeed much easier than Dragon Slave. Upgrade gear over PoTime to be had.

Also, I managed to crawl as far as the entry to LDoN 5 with my war/pal duo but a 3-pull of frogs > me.

Thanks all for your input, very helpful.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: barrettd04 on May 21, 2011, 12:22:28 pm
For the benefit of anyone reading this in the future, I can report that the first LDoN boss is indeed much easier than Dragon Slave. Upgrade gear over PoTime to be had.

Also, I managed to crawl as far as the entry to LDoN 5 with my war/pal duo but a 3-pull of frogs > me.

Thanks all for your input, very helpful.

The frogs in 5 hit pretty damn hard.  Also in 6, the entrance frogs seem to hit harder than any other mob(non-boss) in zone.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: zoink on May 22, 2011, 07:54:43 pm
I fee your pain a bit. I'm a kind of person who wants to see and beat the content level appropriately. I'm not too interested in having an over geared toon come in and kill stuff for me though that seems to be the advice given out frequently. I can only give you boss advice up to MoW, because I couldn't find a way to beat him. My tank couldn't take his quad hits without stonewall up in level appropriate gear (1.5s, LDoN, FG) and my DPS wasn't good enough to get him down before stonewall dropped, so I've haven't really logged on in a bit.

Dragonslave, Terror, Quill are mostly dps tests. You really just have to be able to outdps the regen as you discovered on DS. The big difference for me came when I installed MQ2 and was able to 6box. At that point I could have DS down before stonewall dropped on my warrior. I could get Terror/Quill to 25% or so when stonewall dropped and would just spam heal my warrior the last little bit. Also, if you have a class that can dispell the Damage Shield on Terror/Quill, that really helps. All the page bosses in LDoN are totally doable if you can kill Dragonslave. Good luck with MoW and hopefully you'll figure out something I couldn't. The adds themselves were somewhat manageable, but pulling my healer off the warrior to heal up himself or an off tank got really dangerous when stonewall dropped and I was never able to work that out. My tank at about 16k health, would go from 75%+ health to the loadscreen in one round it seemed. Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but it sure seemed like that =)

Anyway, good luck and I hope this helped.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Everwes on May 22, 2011, 09:39:38 pm
Killing the MOW usually requires asking someone for help, that's all.  It is a quick kill and not hard for a 3.0 level toon.  Give that a try.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: zoink on May 23, 2011, 03:11:56 pm
How did people kill MoW before there were 3.0 toons? Did it require a raid force? I'm guessing at some point all people had were 1.5s and managed to kill him.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Gantrathor on May 23, 2011, 03:44:02 pm
MoW is difficult with a single group of 1.5's in LDoN armor.  It requires good healing and quick shifts to the adds to take them down without spawning more.  I'd say that if you have yet to equip a toon with a 2.0 MoW is usually a two group fight.  As you add 2.0's you get to the point where you can single group him more easily.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on May 30, 2011, 09:16:17 am
Hi guys,

earlier in this thread, FUNKINMOTO said the following : "Farm gems for plat and pay for a couple 2.0"    So, can you really BUY your epics instead of killing bosses  :o ?  To what vendor should I go and for how many plat ?


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: funkinmofo on May 30, 2011, 09:21:02 am
No vendors sell 2.0.
Farm gems for plat to buy 2.0 runs from another player.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 08, 2011, 01:05:27 pm
Hello Zoink,

In your message, you said that you should dispell the damageshield of Dragonslayer and other difficult mobs.  What toon can best do this and what spell exactely.   I have a BST+CLR+WIZ.  Is this doable with this treebox ?


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: funkinmofo on June 08, 2011, 05:20:52 pm
Hello Zoink,

In your message, you said that you should dispell the damageshield of Dragonslayer and other difficult mobs.  What toon can best do this and what spell exactely.   I have a BST+CLR+WIZ.  Is this doable with this treebox ?


Look into your bst, clr and wiz spell lists under utility detrimental, they should all have a dispel list.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 08, 2011, 06:36:03 pm
Cancel magic is the best one. Works every time for me. You are lacking a tank to kill the bosses in time. Prolly lacking dps as well.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: walk2k on June 08, 2011, 08:24:18 pm
level 69 ranger spell Nature's Balance removes 9 buffs unresistable.... beats all
but you need a ranger.
which is fine because you should have one because they pwn

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 09, 2011, 04:24:46 am
Hi everybody,

Thanks for all these hints.  Never used dispell shield/cancel magic before.. I never needed so far.   You think I can beat DRAGONSLAYER with my 3 toons using these casts or should I level other DPS-classes to get my first epic ?


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: funkinmofo on June 09, 2011, 04:29:44 am
Alrazor, without a real tank you are going to take a heap of damage from Dragonslave.
Unless you are overgeared (in t2 armor with 3.0 etc) that 3 man will probably have a tough time outhealing the damage.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 09, 2011, 05:00:38 am
OK,  I was thinking to level a Shadowknight and a Ranger, to reinforce my group.  What do you think ?  Or should I replace them by rather a Warrior and/or Paladin ?

Other idea, in POT you can also hire merchants, can they assist you with enought DPS to beat Dragonslayer ?    ;D


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 09, 2011, 06:11:40 am
Of course I'm mean 'HIRE MERCENARIES' and not Merchants  ;D


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: funkinmofo on June 09, 2011, 07:18:00 am
If you already have a pet class then you cant hire a mecr while you have a pet. Only merc worth taking if you really need one is Wiz. (about the only one with half decent dps)

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 09, 2011, 10:21:15 am
OK, fine, and what about my first question :  ;D

"I was thinking to level a Shadowknight and a Ranger, to reinforce my group.  What do you think ?  Or should I replace them by rather a Warrior and/or Paladin ?"


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: funkinmofo on June 09, 2011, 06:51:42 pm
Warrior/Paladin combo will take your group a lot farther than a ranger/sk combo. But its really up to you and what you want to play. If you are boxing by yourself though in the long run you will want the war to tank and the pally for the group heal proc.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Temuli on June 09, 2011, 09:29:28 pm
Just to chip in that indeed, war/pal works well at least for a while and with mercs (wiz/sham) I duo'd dragon slave. Quillmane was much easier.

I must admit, I did fail at dragon slave consistently until I got my dps AA's sorted out, but I bumped those up whilst getting LDoN loot, so those early failures weren't a big frustration.

I did get help with DS and Quill one evening (thanks again Everwes) and of course the Rollback Monster kicked me in the goolies....but at least I can now bask in the satisfied glow of self-sufficiency.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 10, 2011, 04:23:21 am

I understand why I should level a WAR.  But do I really need a PAL if I already have a CLR who has also a groupheal ?  Perhaps a stupid rookie-question, correct me if I'm wrong  ;D


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: funkinmofo on June 10, 2011, 04:40:38 am
later during endgame one cleric is not going to be enough healing. If you plan on boxing alone you will eventually need a second healer (pally or another cleric). You will get more dps out of a pally augged with 3 Firestrike 5 than with a cleric.
Trying to fight even MCP with only one cleric is a chore that usually ends up with a group wipe even when you run 2 war tanks with alternating stonewalls/aggro control.
War/pal/pal/rog/mnk/clr ftw. if you want least amount of effort (micro managing) with decent dps and abundant healing. You wont see insane dps until you get your rog and mnk setup with ninja/icestrikes and at least a lvl 21 sorc charm, but once they are augged mobs drop fast.
But in the end Alrazor its really up to you and what you feel is fun to play. Switching out the rog or monk for a bard, you lose some dps but gain some real flexibility in your team. you can lose the 2nd pally and add more dps and hope you can kill faster before the lower healing doesn't backfire.
Whatever team you end up running, just make sure its something you find fun. Don't make a team based off min/maxxing unless thats something you enjoy. Choose your team based on your tastes and style of play. Remember just because you play X team and can't do Z mob alone doesn't mean you are screwed. Make friends, join a guild and whatever you can't tackle alone....help is just a quick message away. (if your friends/guild is online and someone is free :P )

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 10, 2011, 07:26:26 am
Hi Funkinmofo,

Thanks for the info.  A lot a stuff to think about ... and to try out.  In the meantime I created another login with 3 accounts so I can start 2 or 3 new toons.   I think to level a WAR and PAL. 

I never understood that 'aug' thing to get these ice-/ninjastrikes.  I think I have to loot gemstones and combine these in my magicbox ?  Where should I best zone in to get this ?  Or should I get first to a CG or FG.  I already started once to get all the stuff to get my BST in a FG, and need now only the 4 chestcards in Ldon4.  But therfore you need epic's to get so far.  and so one... every mission or quest you start you cannot finish it because you're missing something... like a vicious circle  ???

Anyway, I'll keep trying to level my new toons and of course with some help by /ooc .


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Galaen on June 10, 2011, 07:56:36 am
You need to join the Crafter's Guild to be able to make the Firestrike, Icestrike and Ninjastrike augments. Otherwise you'll have to buy them from other players.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: funkinmofo on June 10, 2011, 08:01:31 am

Focus on getting your toons into their respective cg or fg as needed. Then try to get them their epics. As you start to progress into content qvic+ you will start to see some of the early augments kicking around. As you progress further into t1 and t2 you will find components drop that can be combined to make better quality augments. (the recipes can be found here on the forums or in the dragon book on the vendor in plane of dragons)
The Icestrikes, Ninjastrikes and Firestrikes are only available to be made once you join  the crafters guild. Or you can farm a lot of plat and purchase one from someone who is in the crafters fuild.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 10, 2011, 10:06:39 am
Oh boy, a lot of work to do  ;D.  Thanks to put the way of playing in the right order !  So, you mean that I have to continue in Ldon to get my 4 chestcards before getting my epics.  Is this doable ?  Because I read before in this forum that I need an epic to deal with Ldon.  If this last is not necessary, I focus on Ldon.


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: funkinmofo on June 10, 2011, 10:57:04 am
Oh boy, a lot of work to do  ;D.  Thanks to put the way of playing in the right order !  So, you mean that I have to continue in Ldon to get my 4 chestcards before getting my epics.  Is this doable ?  Because I read before in this forum that I need an epic to deal with Ldon.  If this last is not necessary, I focus on Ldon.


The order in which you do it depends on you and how you play your team. Once you hit 70 usually people go for their 1.5 epics, then go for their cg or fg flags, most usually then try for their 2.0 epics (some opt to go for their 2.5 if they are cg/fg flagged at this point) , then they hit qvic for the 3.0/tacvi/pod flag tokens and after getting tokens turned in they are usually ready to go grab the completed 3.0 epic book.
The order slightly differs for most people depending on if they are buying runs or have overgeared toons to drag their alts around.
But in every case:
1) get characters to 70
2) get your 1.5 epics
Then from there decide what you feel like doing
FYI- some people find it faster in the long run to focus on getting only one toon into at least t2 armor with 3.0 epic (usually melee type war/sk/pal) since it makes powerlevelling and gearing up the rest of your team that much easier. Trying to level, gear up & flag 3+ toons at once can be daunting.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 10, 2011, 11:10:54 am
Hi Funkinmofo (strange name  ;D)

Thanks for all this tips and making we wiser on EZserver.
A lot of stuff to try out.  I will keep you posted.

Bye and thanks again
Alrazor (A Flemish Lion  ;)

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 11, 2011, 07:01:26 am
Hi again,

I tried to deal with dragonslave, but he resists apparently all my spells from my BST en MAG (such as ANUL MAGIC, dispells.  Even my direct damage spells are resisted by this mob !?   What should I do best to lower down its shield ?


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: walk2k on June 11, 2011, 11:29:26 am
you have to be in melee range to cast spells on Dragonslave (like they did with old school dragons at one point, before they put in mob summon)

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Dethundrel on June 11, 2011, 12:39:08 pm
Dragonslave, and many other dragons around Norrath, are what we call "belly casters". As the name suggests, you must be in very close range to cast any spell on them.  If you turn on auto-attack and cannot hit them from the distance you are standing, all of you spells will be resisted.  Some of them even require you to be inside of the target ring, simply being in melee range is not close enough.  Not sure how many belly casters are still like this on the EMU, but there were quite a few on live.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 12, 2011, 04:42:42 am
Hi Dethundrel,

Thanks for informed me about "belly casters", never heard of it before.
Yesterday I tried to use my BST-CLR-MAG-combination in close range of Dragonslave and all were slashed within the next 10 seconds.  After an OCC-call, a good soul helped me to kill DS.  I saw he had an epic 3.0, awsome  ;D
So, I think everyone should get some help to get his epics before dealing with such mobs, or am I wrong here ?
I think to get the book at Terrorantula, same way of playing.  We'll see...  later on, I hope also to help people to get their epics  ;)


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 12, 2011, 01:35:51 pm
As long as you are not including a tank in your group you will always need help getting your epics. As you progress along you will also need help even getting gear. With that setup you will never be self sufficient when forward gearing.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 14, 2011, 04:20:41 am
Hi Xiggie,

OK, I had already the intention to level tank-toons.  I had even read before on this form that you could a 'powerlevel' of 3 toons : WAR+SHK+PAL.  But can you give me some tips about Powerleveling ?  How do you do that ?  Is the pally the healer for the War+Shk ?   Do I use the custom-zones for powerleveling or not ?  Perhaps there exist a guide somewhere on this forem  ;)

Another question, about epics.  I managed (with some help of good souls) to get my epic 1.5 for my CLR.  What does an epic really do.  I see the base damage is not so high, but it works as a buff for my pet.  Does there exist a list or guide where epics are explained ?


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: funkinmofo on June 14, 2011, 05:08:41 am
Hi Xiggie,

OK, I had already the intention to level tank-toons.  I had even read before on this form that you could a 'powerlevel' of 3 toons : WAR+SHK+PAL.  But can you give me some tips about Powerleveling ?  How do you do that ?  Is the pally the healer for the War+Shk ?   Do I use the custom-zones for powerleveling or not ?  Perhaps there exist a guide somewhere on this forem  ;)

Another question, about epics.  I managed (with some help of good souls) to get my epic 1.5 for my CLR.  What does an epic really do.  I see the base damage is not so high, but it works as a buff for my pet.  Does there exist a list or guide where epics are explained ?


There are different formats to powerlevelling. Most revolve around other toons (shammy 3.0-4.0 epic click for hp, bards with 3.0 or higher grouping to get ds songs on then ungrouping  quickly while songs pulse) buffing low levels until they are level 47, then using overgeared toon (usually a war) to group and clear pofire a couple times to hit 70.

Cleric epics are mainly for their click effects not their damage...
Epic 3.0 is a shield with epic click of 300% more heals, 3.5/4.0 is a mace with epic stonewall click. While the damage on the 3.5+ isnt great it does proc a group heal similar to paladins.

I haven't done a search on the forums in awhile, but last time i looked there wasn't a recently maintained listing of Epics and their effects. If you are curious about a certain epic ask for someone to link one in ooc.

Bst 1.5-2.0 epic is a click buff for your pet, the 2.5-4.0 are click pet summons.
Mage 1.5-2.0 click pet buffs, 2.5-4.0 are pet summons.

So cleric you will need to do 1.5-3.0 twice so that you have 3.0 shield and another that you can upgrade to 3.5+ mace

Bst you will want to do up to 2.0 3 times so that you can keep a 2.0 pet buff, and then upgrade the other two to 5.0 eventually since they dual wield

Mage is similar to BST, do two up to 2.0. Keep one 2.0 for pet buff and then use one for upgrading up to 5.0 eventually.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 14, 2011, 09:26:21 am
Hi Funkinmofo,

1/ About powerlevelling : OK, I understand that I need help from better toons to level new toons of mine.  But when you level 3 new toons (WAR+PAL+SHK) in group, it should go rather faster than level them separately ?

2/ Concering Epics : I mixed up a bit.  I mean't that I got my first epic 1.5 for MAG (and not CLR).  But anyway, your answer welcome concering epics for my toons.  When you talk about 'upgrading' an Epic, is this with augs you have to put in an magicbox together with your epic-weapon ?


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: funkinmofo on June 14, 2011, 11:33:45 am

1) No its faster to powerlevel a toon one at a time. But if you are just playing the toon through progression content (field of bone, paludal, mistmoore, dulak, bot,etc) then 3 toons working together would probably kill faster if you are doing it without the benefit of buffs.

2) Epics: No when I say upgrading an epic i mean going from 1.0 to 1.5, 1.5 to 2.0 etc.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 14, 2011, 01:35:18 pm
Given what you have available as your already lvl 70 toons, (bst clr mage) I would use the mage to ds you, use the cleric to buff you and put on a HoT and pull a few mobs with your toon you are raising. The idea would be to hopefully kill them before the HoT wears off and you run out of hp. Not nearly as fast as you will be able to later but certainly faster than your first time through. I would probably use the mage to plvl from 47 to 70 since you have the 1.5 for it. Just find a zone that has mobs your mage can get exp in at 70 and that you can get your toons in at 47, that your mage can kill in.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: funkinmofo on June 14, 2011, 01:53:43 pm
Given what you have available as your already lvl 70 toons, (bst clr mage) I would use the mage to ds you, use the cleric to buff you and put on a HoT and pull a few mobs with your toon you are raising. The idea would be to hopefully kill them before the HoT wears off and you run out of hp. Not nearly as fast as you will be able to later but certainly faster than your first time through. I would probably use the mage to plvl from 47 to 70 since you have the 1.5 for it. Just find a zone that has mobs your mage can get exp in at 70 and that you can get your toons in at 47, that your mage can kill in.

Good advice.
The other alternative is focus on your mage and get him his 3.0. The pet is very powerful and would make it far easier to level and gear up your other characters.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 15, 2011, 06:31:23 am
Hi Funkinmofo & Xiggie,

Thanks for the advices, but do you really think that my mage can get his epic 3.0 without upgrading my other toons to epic 1.5, 2.0, etc.. ?   Or do I ask some help to other players in critical situations as I did before (always a good soul who want's to help, nice server).  Anyway, I can follow your tactics and will surely give it it try  ;D

Kind regards,

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 15, 2011, 06:38:29 am
Oh, I forgot something to ask.   ;D

If you are talking about an extra toon to pull mobs (and of course can tank), you would probably prospose to level a SHADOWKNIGHT, because I think a WARRIOR is not able to pull.  Do you agree ?

Kind regards,

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 15, 2011, 03:35:51 pm
You will definately need assistance getting your pages and the book boss kills for all of your epics. Though if someone does help you and you concentrate on the mage your 3.0 pet will carry all the way through ldons and be a major help in qvic as your pet will be able to burn down the adds quite quickly. As for pulling, I always liked monk over sk any day because there is no cast time, much more evasion and a hell of a lot more dps. Although I have to say, I know many many people who just rely on their warrior to pull. Coming up though I can see there being minor issues such as in qvic.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 21, 2011, 05:12:29 am

Back with another question :

Someone told me in order to level a toon a bit faster is to give it gear looted by another char of mine.  Problem is that most gear is no-tradable so it can't be switched between toons.  Is this correct or is there another way to trade this gear anyway ?

Kind regards,

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Reako66 on June 21, 2011, 06:43:39 am
You can't trade no-trade items.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 23, 2011, 03:29:11 am
Hi Funkinmofo & Xiggie,

Finally I managed to get for all my toons their epic 1.5.  Even my BST has 2 pieces !   Question about epic for BST : one epic is used as primary-weapon and the second as 'seconday weapon'.  Makes this a difference to my pet or myself after both have been clicked ?

For Funkinmofo : in this formum you told me once and I quote : "Bst 1.5-2.0 epic is a click buff for your pet, the 2.5-4.0 are click pet summons"  :   I understand that after getting 2 times a 2.5-epic, I should keep the 2.0 in my invetory to use it as pet-buff and after buffing I put it back in my inventory and fight further with my 2.5 or higher.   Is that correct ? ::)

The more I play on this server, the more I LIKE it  ;D


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Brokyn on June 23, 2011, 09:06:10 am
No, clicking both makes no difference.  The pet buff doesn't stack with itself.

Yes, you will want to do a third 1.5, and 2.0 for your bst, so that when you go on to 2.5+ you will still have the 2.0 pet buff.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 23, 2011, 10:18:27 am
Hi Brokyn,

Why making an epic 2.0 for 3 times ??  Isn't 2 times enough ?  Or do you mean that when you get your 2.5 epics, you loose the 2.0's and can't be found back in the inventory as a kind of 'upgrading' instead of 'getting a new piece' ?

Kind regards,

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Brokyn on June 23, 2011, 01:02:56 pm
Yes, when you get your 2.5 you hand in the 2.0 and the 2.5 book, so you no longer have the 2.0

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: barrettd04 on June 23, 2011, 05:37:32 pm
Hi Brokyn,

Why making an epic 2.0 for 3 times ??  Isn't 2 times enough ?  Or do you mean that when you get your 2.5 epics, you loose the 2.0's and can't be found back in the inventory as a kind of 'upgrading' instead of 'getting a new piece' ?

Kind regards,

That is correct.  As Brokyn said, when you get your epic 2.5 books you will then turn them into the Epic NPC along with your 2.0.  Every epic after 1.5 requires you to turn in that particular epic and the next tier epic book. 

For instance, you have a completed 2.0 book.  In order to get your 2.0, you have to turn in your 1.5 and your 2.0 book.  For 2.5, your 2.0 needs to be turned in along with your 2.5 book, etc.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 24, 2011, 03:39:40 am
Hi Barretd04,

Thanks for the confirmation.

Only another remark : Finally I do not have to get 3 times the epic 1.5, but only 2 times, because epic 2.0 is an petbuff aswell (which is of course better thean the 1.5).  So it's only my 2.0 I have to get 3 times.   Am I right ?


Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 24, 2011, 04:37:41 am
You can dual wield epics so you are going to want to have a 2.0 spare along with whatever other epics you get. If that is what you are asking.

Title: Re: Boss questions
Post by: alrazor on June 24, 2011, 04:58:04 am
Hi Xiggie,

OK for dualwield, of course, my BST is already dualwielding with 2 epics 1.5. 

But now I understand  ;).  I need a 3th 1.5 to keep in my invertory to use it as petbuff and my other two 1.5-epics will get lost when I'm upgrading to the 2.0, and after that same way of working.
