EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Cowtipper on May 23, 2011, 10:07:01 am

Title: High End Stuff for Sale
Post by: Cowtipper on May 23, 2011, 10:07:01 am
Wanting to sell -

Ninja Strike 4 (x2) - 750k pp ea
Ninja Strike 5 (x2) - 1.9 mill each

Icestrike5 (x1) - 2.8 mill

Firestrike5 (x2) - 2.8 mill ea, 2 for 5.4mill

Aged Platinum Custom BP (RoA BP) - 6k hp - 3mill  (SOLD)!
Aged Platinum Custom Legs (RoA Legs) - 6k hp - 2.9 mill

Will considering p99 trades/platinum (going to play half there, half here) - not selling all my stuff here don't worry guys =)

Looking for on p99:

- Platinum (will trade at a rate of 250k here for 1k there - have plat here or trade items above)

- Haste Item - FBSS, Sash of Dragonborn, RBG
- Cobalt Armor - Legs, Arms, Gaunts, bracer
- Diamondine Earrings x 2, Plat Fire Wedding Rings x 2

Give me a tell in game or PM me here =)

Officer of Forbidden Prophecy
PS - Im not leaving EZ server- just splitting up my time

Title: Re: High End Stuff for Sale
Post by: Hurley on May 24, 2011, 08:18:34 am
Cow, what are you playing on P99 and whats your guys name? Ive been rotating time between to two server too

Title: Re: High End Stuff for Sale
Post by: Severs on May 25, 2011, 08:50:27 pm
Hurley come play on Ez with me again when the server is up. Im on summer break and have time to actually finsh t5 now.

Title: Re: High End Stuff for Sale
Post by: lordlarwin on May 25, 2011, 10:11:13 pm
traders lol where you guys at we need you

Title: Re: High End Stuff for Sale
Post by: Zher on August 13, 2011, 02:30:08 pm
Do you still have any of these things?