EZ Server

General Category => Shadowknight => Topic started by: sarroth on May 30, 2011, 07:16:53 am

Title: Oracle or Sorc charm?
Post by: sarroth on May 30, 2011, 07:16:53 am

I'm currently saving LDoN credits / cards to buy charm upgrades. I'm curious whether the oralce or sorc will be better for qvic (right now I'm working on getting epic 2.0 before going there).

At the moment, my tanking ability is quite good with AA's and lifetap procs, so I was wondering if it's worth upgrading my dps via a sorc charm.

But I was curious whether the the oracle charm is really a must-have as far as tanking in qvic and T1.

Also, how do they affect tap procs exactly? Is it the case that sorc ups the dmg & heal by 50%, where oracle ups only the heal part by 100% while leaving the dmg alone? Or does oracle up both sides of the tap (in which case I guess that's the clear way to go)?

I read somewhere that there was a stacking issue between the Soul Abrasion AA and the sorc charm. Does that mean that the lifetap procs simply use whichever modifier is better (in which case it'd take a high level sorc charm before lifetap procs would benefit)?


Title: Re: Oracle or Sorc charm?
Post by: funkinmofo on May 30, 2011, 09:31:39 am
staff of fluxing power from noob vendor goes in your ammo slot and gives the same effect as a sorc charm lvl 1-10 (50% more spell damage) which directly affects your procs. That way you can still get the heal bonus from your oracle.

Title: Re: Oracle or Sorc charm?
Post by: sarroth on May 30, 2011, 02:04:44 pm
Wow, genius. Thanks very much.

Now I'm curious why the SK dps parsings from http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=1403.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=1403.0) were done with a sorc charm...

Title: Re: Oracle or Sorc charm?
Post by: lerxst2112 on May 30, 2011, 06:42:23 pm

Because the focus effect on a 41+ sorc charm is much more powerful than the a level 1-10 sorc charm which is what the staff of fluxing power is the equivalent of.

Title: Re: Oracle or Sorc charm?
Post by: Brokyn on May 31, 2011, 06:24:48 am
Yeah, use the flux staff till you have sorc 11+, but my personal preference is going with sorc over oracle for the SK.  You do get the higher heals because the lifetaps are increased by sorc as well as the damage increase, where the oracle only changes your heals.

Title: Re: Oracle or Sorc charm?
Post by: sarroth on May 31, 2011, 10:38:28 am
Thanks for the responses. Very helpful in learning how the mechanics work on this server.

It kind of sounds like it might be worth doing just oracle v1 or v2 (in combination with the flux staff) and to then start working on a sorc charm.

... last night I was trying to farm gems / cards in level 3 when a guardian upgrade dropped (!). I should have sold it, but instead I cubed it. Oh well. :)

Title: Re: Oracle or Sorc charm?
Post by: Brokyn on June 01, 2011, 01:36:26 pm
You were right to keep it...  You actually want 25 Oracle, 25 Sorcers, 25 Guardian, and 25 Brawlers upgrades eventually.  Then when you have those, you start to farm the V2 upgrades from HoH eventually reaching rank 50 in all 4 and combining them to make the Ultimate Charm.