EZ Server

General Category => Guild Recruitment => Topic started by: Dontee on May 30, 2011, 02:34:42 pm

Title: Looking for a guild
Post by: Dontee on May 30, 2011, 02:34:42 pm

I started playting on EZ a few weeks ago and am loving it. I currenly have a three box of WAR/PAL/MAG that is going pretty good (lvl 65-68 right now), overall people on the forums have been very helpful, which I greatly appreciate.

I wanted to make sure I was going to stick with the server, and that I wasnt a total noob (not sure I got that done yet) before looking for a guild. It seems people dont group much on EZ, but I would like to find some like minded people with similar goals (to progress, but at a semi-casual pace). Or maybe just some people to chat with :)

Very happy to help out, as well as recieve help smacking down them mobs. I play mostly nights EST, give me a tell or PM sometime. Itanku, Brickk, and Hammerr are my toon names with Itanku being the toon most likely to see the tell.