EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Cowtipper on June 06, 2011, 11:08:19 am

Title: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Cowtipper on June 06, 2011, 11:08:19 am
I'll pop in once in a while to say hi to friends but I'm pretty much retired from EZ server. Thanks to all who knew me on here for the fun times.

Before I get a spam of PMs and emails asking why I'm calling it quits on EZ.. its really a combination of things. Main two are lack of new end game content and the ME ME ME mentality that is prevalent on the server. That really bothers sigh. Maybe its because I like helping people so much.

For example.. I've given away (not sold - given) over 30 4.0 epics i can remember when I wasn't tore up and just running anyone lol.
I've ran dozens, if not hundreds, of toons through Qvic - again random people. For Free.
I give away rotting armor from T1 to T4 when I farm it.
Helping people makes me happy.

What makes me sad is the mentality of me only that has prevailed on the server. Maybe its due to boxing and not interacting with others people get jaded. I don't know.

What I do know it 3 weeks ago I was helping a newbie friend who needed Hunter/Forager in TT.
Crazy as this sounds I don't have WinEQ. 12 box without it... Kinda think WinEQ isn't quite cheating... and it crashes Air alot more. I almost never crashed when I was there with no one else in zone.
So I have no maps/tracking... so I spent 15-20 mins asking in OOC and shout if anyone could please spare 10 precious minutes to track 2 mobs for me.

Not a single response. I said wow and shook my head

So I decided to give the crazy grind that is p99 another shot.
I've been pleasantly surprised. Sure its slower leveling but if you're looking to interact with people and actually group with 5 other humans.. wow. Its also pretty amazing to be on a 40 man raid and realize its not you and 4 other guys boxing the entire raid.
Having to play 1 toon at a time on p99 pretty much forces people to be a lot more social.

To me that has always been, and always will be, one of the biggest draws of online roleplaying games.

Please don't get me wrong at all - I love EZ server too and prob always will. I might even be back later on (I didn't sell any of my toons). Theres so much here to offer a player -lots of fun; custom content with cool new zones and items; the opportunity to destroy almost any classic EQ zone you want.. this list goes on and on with what EZ provides and provides well.

Its just not what I'm looking for in an online RPG at this time.

So if anyone ever gets the itch to look me on p99 my name is Kental Cowtipper on there.. I'm a dwarf warrior (no pally this time lol).
Original name huh?

See you guys around =)


Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Curry on June 06, 2011, 11:48:45 am
You need track/MQ to find Hunter/Forager lololol????
(I'd assume you meant MQ, not WinEQ?)

P99 raiding isn't quite that fun as you make it out to be (imo); you're either hardcore as all hell or you're nothing. I used to do hours and hours of plane trips prior to kunark every week, but gdi it got stale with constant drama at the inavoidable appearance of a_rival_guild011 and the horrible repetition of the increasingly tedious trash-clears/poopsock. Not even gonna touch the subject of having to wake up at 3am for a text message and have comp on standby to log in in a minute to rush tyo slay some sodding dragon for some rogues +3str on wrist slot.

Iunno, I just find the grief caused on p99 to be alot more impactful than here. Worst on EZ if someone's being a douche is that I wait max 30mins fore repop or go back to bind point. Worst on p99 is you spent 12h camping crap to have it KSed or lost days worth exp since a random passing monk didn't like your guildtag. I can count the real crappy experiences here on pretty much one hand, there I can't even count all of the more vexing occasions.

Random enough venting!

Buhbye man, protip for p99: don't go look into their forums.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: chunkumss on June 06, 2011, 12:16:40 pm
It was great knowing you in-game and I hope you enjoy your time on P99. You were one of the good guys on EZ, and I'm sad to see you go.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: stad on June 07, 2011, 02:32:42 am
piety to see good players leaving.
Have fun with the knew hobby or time filling duty.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Resistance on June 08, 2011, 06:30:26 pm
I agree with OP - really nothing to do.. no one to group with, kinda boring.. and gets lonely while  boxing.. we need a good grouping system going on in EZ..

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: funkinmofo on June 08, 2011, 06:33:59 pm
I agree with OP - really nothing to do.. no one to group with, kinda boring.. and gets lonely while  boxing.. we need a good grouping system going on in EZ..

Grouping system: its called a guild. Join a guild that actually groups and isn't just a gathering of boxers. If you can't find one...make one.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Severs on June 08, 2011, 10:26:41 pm
You cant leave dork, you owe me platz. Plus im running out of old friends to play with ... heck i remember helping you gear up all that time ago. Sooo go play p99 get tired of it and come back already. Check in with me on the weekends here though so we can actually group doesnt matter to me if its box or single characters.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Tylo on June 08, 2011, 11:41:02 pm
I agree with OP - really nothing to do.. no one to group with, kinda boring.. and gets lonely while  boxing.. we need a good grouping system going on in EZ..

Grouping system: its called a guild. Join a guild that actually groups and isn't just a gathering of boxers. If you can't find one...make one.

You can't find one because it doesn't exist, and even of the good guilds willing to take people that don't box their own army, its basically the geared people carrying you and feeding u gear so maybe your pally can auto attack and heal the main tank, and ur tank can just loldps on the wayside or something like that.

IP limit would force people to group and play nice, building a good community within the server, and bring back what makes EQ great...not the grind or the epic loot, but the people and friends u made when u were getting ur ass handed to u the first time u went into befallen or unrest, and loved doing it every night.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: funkinmofo on June 09, 2011, 12:35:04 am
I agree with OP - really nothing to do.. no one to group with, kinda boring.. and gets lonely while  boxing.. we need a good grouping system going on in EZ..

Grouping system: its called a guild. Join a guild that actually groups and isn't just a gathering of boxers. If you can't find one...make one.

You can't find one because it doesn't exist, and even of the good guilds willing to take people that don't box their own army, its basically the geared people carrying you and feeding u gear so maybe your pally can auto attack and heal the main tank, and ur tank can just loldps on the wayside or something like that.

IP limit would force people to group and play nice, building a good community within the server, and bring back what makes EQ great...not the grind or the epic loot, but the people and friends u made when u were getting ur ass handed to u the first time u went into befallen or unrest, and loved doing it every night.

Did you miss the part that said if you can't find one make one...
Restricting IP isn't going to force people to suddenly want to group. Most of the people who play here do so because they can box their own army. They don't want the hassle of waiting around to find others to go tackle something. Or deal with people whining when they lose the random for loot. The reason there isn't much of a community on this server is due to the fact that hardly anyone actually uses the forums to stay up to date with whats going on. sounds to me that you are more inclined to play somewhere like P99 since you want the live experience. Me I prefer playing here. I like the content, I like the challenges as you break into new content and there are a handful of people I enjoy communicating with. Far too many people are eager to see restrictions imposed or gameplay changed to force people to group together. The truth of the matter is the onus is on you to make it happen if thats the way you prefer to play. If you want to group with others and form bonds with those people then go out there and find people with the same mindset. Don't pop onto the forums and say it doesn't exist. That defeatist attitude will only make you bitter. Make a guild, create a mission statement that can explain what your goals are and recruit your ass off. Make it happen yourself without relying on someone else to hand it to you.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Resistance on June 09, 2011, 02:07:21 am
I agree with OP - really nothing to do.. no one to group with, kinda boring.. and gets lonely while  boxing.. we need a good grouping system going on in EZ..

Grouping system: its called a guild. Join a guild that actually groups and isn't just a gathering of boxers. If you can't find one...make one.

Yeah been there done that, your missing the point.. it's not fun you get me? unless your a stoned up cunt that likes to do that shit all solo with millions of boxed toons, then great.. GG.

But EZ will fall soon if we dont get a good system going on here.. most people have left an they continue to leave.

Just saying braaah  ::)

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: funkinmofo on June 09, 2011, 02:17:43 am
I agree with OP - really nothing to do.. no one to group with, kinda boring.. and gets lonely while  boxing.. we need a good grouping system going on in EZ..

Grouping system: its called a guild. Join a guild that actually groups and isn't just a gathering of boxers. If you can't find one...make one.

Yeah been there done that, your missing the point.. it's not fun you get me? unless your a stoned up cunt that likes to do that shit all solo with millions of boxed toons, then great.. GG.

But EZ will fall soon if we dont get a good system going on here.. most people have left an they continue to leave.

Just saying braaah  ::)

I will respond even though you were talking like an asshat instead of using english. Most of the people taking a break from EZ are doing so mainly because they have run out of content, not because they are (QQ) sad because no one is grouping. As well as the incessant "me first" mentality that runs rampant here. Get your facts straight.

In regards to the statement EZ will fall soon... yeah sure. People like you come and go on a daily basis, you are entitled to your opinion. But those of us who have been here and played through all the changes will take it for what its worth....
Those people who have left outright had other reasons for leaving, those that are taking a break are awaiting for new content. If you truly are that unhappy here, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Cowtipper I apologize for posting in your thread.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Resistance on June 09, 2011, 03:58:46 am
Just so you know.. most people have quit.. i was playing on this server when it went live.. from day one, a lot of people have left and are continuing to leave.
Why get so defensive? im only telling the truth, dont be MAD bro.

Anyway i really cbf with your headache and nerdish rage.. so just accept the facts. 95% of EZ population hate boxing.. just sucks balls and takes the fun out of it.. we want to enjoy ourselves.. not compete an box a million characters an get high end items on a emulator server, really nothing to prove you arent' accomplishing anything.. we want fun.. you getting this BRO? k.

Me out! Yallah habibi.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: funkinmofo on June 09, 2011, 05:10:14 am
Just so you know.. most people have quit.. i was playing on this server when it went live.. from day one, a lot of people have left and are continuing to leave.
Why get so defensive? im only telling the truth, dont be MAD bro.

Anyway i really cbf with your headache and nerdish rage.. so just accept the facts. 95% of EZ population hate boxing.. just sucks balls and takes the fun out of it.. we want to enjoy ourselves.. not compete an box a million characters an get high end items on a emulator server, really nothing to prove you arent' accomplishing anything.. we want fun.. you getting this BRO? k.

Me out! Yallah habibi.
95% of the population hate boxing, ya pulling numbers out of thin air doesn't really cut it. When the ability to box is one of the biggest attractions to this server. most of the people who box are doing just that...grinding for the high end content. And they do this because...they find it fun. Not standing around with their thumb up their ass waiting to find a bunch of other people who are doing the same content so they can accomplish their goal. This server with its current setup allows people with little spare time to actually accomplish something and have fun. Its funny really, server avgs 150-250 players even in the offpeak hours during the week. Consistently hits 300+ to just under 500 on weekends and yet you say people are leaving/unhappy. Guess they all just login to bitch and moan about boxing/grinding content. Oh wait thats just you. For someone who supposedly started playing here from day one...you sure haven't grasped what the majority of people who play here enjoy. You can continue to try foist your opinion on others and rattle off imaginary numbers.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Brokyn on June 09, 2011, 09:28:34 am
Well, let's, for a second, assume that your "95% of the population hates boxing" statement is actually true...  That leaves a couple possible explanations for your lack of success finding a group.  Either a) You suck at EQ on a level that people find so mind numbing that they can't compensate for it, or b) You are so much of an asshat that people can't get past that to see your mad skillz.

Now that we have cleared that up, I think you might have your stats backwards.  I would have believed you if you said 95% of the server is boxers.  I, for one, play anywhere from 6-10 toons at any given time.  However, if any of my friends wants to group up for content I have absolutely no issue parking all but the needed toons.

Being in a group with other players is fun, but chatting on vent with your friends does not require that you group in game.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: walk2k on June 09, 2011, 11:23:23 am
lol bye!

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 09, 2011, 11:50:53 am
Resistance your full of shit. You have not been here since day one. I remember when you started here and it certainly was no where near since day one. I also remember when most of your guild was banned for warping. Saying that 95% of the server hates boxing is a stupid erroneous statement. Not having a box limit is part of the reason this server thrives. Aside from P99 this server has a much higher average population than any other emu server. As for the "most people have quit" statement; people always quit and more people come in. But you know what, we all fail so you should take your "bra leet speak" and go somewhere else.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Cowtipper on June 09, 2011, 02:17:12 pm
Wow.. certainly didn't mean to cause any grief with my post.
Funkin - no worries about posting on here man.

I just wish everyone could get a long better and be nicer to each other.
Some of you know how I was.. if you can think of someone who helped out more newbies or gave away more stuff (besides Hunter himself) let me know - because I can't. I really and truly tried to create some unity on this server anyway I could.

- I joined and became an officer of one of the larger (at the time) guilds on the server to try to bring people together.

- Helped come up with the Christmas events from last year FP ran that people actually showed up for (I can only theorize now it was due to hunter giving out UCs are prizes).

- Ran events on Easter this year which were a huge bust (for me at least)  - I tried to actually engage the server and have them do a simple scavanger hunt (find 6 uniquely named eggs throughout EQ). The prize was a 4.0 epic book.
I shouted the damn event for 3 hours and not a single person could be bothered to get in the spirit and have a little fun; to put forth a little effort and get themselves a 4.0. I was so bummed out I just went to sky and farmed 20-25 books - which I had people roll on in Nexus. Since it required doing nothing there was 40+ people rolling on the books. 0 willing to do a simple easter egg scavanger hunt.

Perhaps I was wrong in how I phrased my sentiment early; maybe the problem is not so much a ME ME ME attitude on this server. I've been thinking long and hard about this.. maybe the draw of the server (being able to solo/box) is the underlying issue why we can't get cohesiveness - EZ server naturally draws alot more people who are antisocial  - who prefer to play alone - which this allows them to do.

Think about the argument that EZ server allows people with a little time to accomplish a lot. It makes no sense to me.
9 out of 10 people I personally know on EZ server (and I know a few lol) box 3 to 23 toons.
Think about how much time the average person on EZ server has invested in their toon army. How many hundreds upon hundreds of hours it takes to get just 1 UC or 1 RoA 100 now.

After playing on p99 (just dinged 50 yay) my opinion is the average p99 player probably spends less time logged in then the average EZ server player.

It just a matter how you want to split your time.

As to those who are talking about the server stats of 200-300 logged in at minimum... did you stop and consider if 90% of the server boxes.. how many of those 200-300 logged in toon are real people? Maybe 70 or 80? I know of at least 5 people (myself included) who would routinely box 12+ chars.

So the average server pop might be 70-80 real people; maybe 125 to 150 during peak (when it shows 450-500).

Thats a pretty small community when you think about it.


PS - Sev I WILL be back. I still love EZ and all my friends here; its just gotten rather stale for me at this point in time. I might have some plat on some mules hidden if you need what I owe ya back send me a PM here bro.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 09, 2011, 02:49:08 pm
Comparatively speaking though, the population on EZ, even when taking into consideration the boxes and only counting real people, EZ is still easily greater in population than an of the other servers aside from P99. Only one that can even compete population wise is THF.

I too have quit and come back a lot over the years. Hope to see you again sometime on EZ and hope you enjoy your stay on P99.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Fugitive on June 09, 2011, 05:12:14 pm
I agree with OP - really nothing to do.. no one to group with, kinda boring.. and gets lonely while  boxing.. we need a good grouping system going on in EZ..

Grouping system: its called a guild. Join a guild that actually groups and isn't just a gathering of boxers. If you can't find one...make one.

IP limit would force people to group and play nice, building a good community within the server, and bring back what makes EQ great...not the grind or the epic loot, but the people and friends u made when u were getting ur ass handed to u the first time u went into befallen or unrest, and loved doing it every night.

You're joking right cause IP limit me I still won't group with your ass, I group with friends and guildmates WTF is this 90s thinking about. Get off your ass and make friends there are plenty of people that play that play together..

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 09, 2011, 08:00:58 pm
One thing I really can't stand about live is in a group you have 6 individuals. It is hard to find 6 people who are going to be on all the times you are going to be on, not have family drama distractions going on in the background and be capable of playing their toon. The more people you encounter the greater chance you have of encountering an idiot. My being able to box does not mean I do not encounter people on this server. It just means that if I encounter an idiot I have more toons at my disposal to mitigate the damage they might cause to our group.

Putting an ip limit on this server will do the same thing to other servers that have ip limits, (excluding p99). The numbers will tank and the remaining population will suffer because of that.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: walk2k on June 09, 2011, 08:05:05 pm
yeah man let's put in IP limit also get rid off all these custom zones and loot and weapons it makes people too powerful basically let's put everything back to how it was on live in.. uh.. 1999

wait nm.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Severs on June 10, 2011, 08:35:26 pm

PS - Sev I WILL be back. I still love EZ and all my friends here; its just gotten rather stale for me at this point in time. I might have some plat on some mules hidden if you need what I owe ya back send me a PM here bro.

No worries man im good i was just messing with you hate to see you go though. I have made lots of friends over the years and alot have left but as was said earlier new people come in too so it all works out. The only person i know for a fact that was here on the server before me was xiggie cause he helped me in potime for my first epic over 2 years ago. There may be a few others that i just dont see or have forgotten but the point is this coming and going of people has been going on for a long time so to say the server will fall is an overstatement in my opinion. Anywayz come play anytime you want man, i will leave you in the guild so you always have a home here anytime you are ready to come back. GL on p99

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Resistance on June 13, 2011, 02:03:51 am
stfu xiggie go do your shrooms you fuck tard. Dont ever reply to my comment, cbf with your headache and your noobie no life ways. gtfo.

Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 13, 2011, 03:46:30 am
stfu xiggie go do your shrooms you fuck tard. Dont ever reply to my comment, cbf with your headache and your noobie no life ways. gtfo.


Title: Re: Thanks for the fun times guys
Post by: funkinmofo on June 13, 2011, 04:45:24 am
stfu xiggie go do your shrooms you fuck tard. Dont ever reply to my comment, cbf with your headache and your noobie no life ways. gtfo.
