EZ Server

General Category => Guild Recruitment => Topic started by: Froakakhan on June 15, 2011, 06:25:56 pm

Title: Looking for Guild
Post by: Froakakhan on June 15, 2011, 06:25:56 pm

not necessarily new to ez server, been off and on playing over the last few year, but lately finding myself playing here more and more.  so due to being frustrated at dealing with the instability of group instances, and also to enhance long-term playability - i am looking for a guild.

i've been playing MMOs for some time now.  started with eq from release up until eq2 came out, been playing that off and on since, with other games in the mix. finding myself saddly disappointed at games now days - im not even that old but that statement makes me feel it lol

i currently have a 6 man group that i have been focusing on the most - war, pal, pal2, rng, mage, shm - i am currently at the end of t2 on farm status for BPs - just got my first kronos kill last night woot:p  havent started on any RoA or charms yet - tho just finished leveling a druid, another war with anger Vs and now working on a bard for when i do start it.

i wholly intend to to break into the high end, and as such would prefer a guild that has progressed or is progressing through t3/4/5.  not asking for handouts or people to do everything for me, just a little advice here and there
