EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Midol on June 26, 2011, 04:27:30 pm

Title: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: Midol on June 26, 2011, 04:27:30 pm
Last night I was in qvic, on my 70 Pally "Midol" with a guildmate "Strix". We were getting my left bracer for qvic so I could use my Tacvi Pattern and get full Tacvi (I already had everything else.)
The server reboots and I decided to just go to sleep, it was in the early morning hours. When I tried to log back in this morning, it says this when I attempt to connect my account "Jamez" to the EZ server. "This account is currently banned. Please contact customer service for more information.

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: Midol on June 26, 2011, 04:41:21 pm
Also, I was in a Guild instance with the guild House of Strix.

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: Hunter on June 26, 2011, 05:14:55 pm
I banned a few people today for characters with bad names.

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: Midol on June 26, 2011, 05:33:01 pm
Makes sense. Okay then. Restarting on another account then, I guess.
If that's okay?

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: Slyminx on June 27, 2011, 02:17:33 am
Hey Hunter, what kind of pattern do you follow for these bad names? Midol doesn't really flare up my spider sense to be worthy of baning, unless he had any other chars on the account named otherwise.

I mean, is a report enough or does it require some common sense. So there doesn't start a report-war between people who don't like eachother making up name meanings.

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: funkinmofo on June 27, 2011, 02:36:22 am
Think Hunter follows the old EQ naming Policy. Character Naming Policy (https://help.station.sony.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/16212)
So Midol would have fallen into the category of anatomical reference, since an immediate search of Midol on any search engine immediately references menstrual symptoms.

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: Hunter on June 27, 2011, 06:19:31 am
People banned recently had char with vagina in their name. Please, no racist, sexist, or anything offensive.

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: Slyminx on June 27, 2011, 10:07:30 am
I was just asking because if I find my accounts banned because someone found a referenece in old egyptia or high delkian language to "insert name" being connected to vaginal track or uterus, I'd really be frustrated.

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on June 27, 2011, 05:14:07 pm
I don't know anyone who has ever been banned for a naming violation because their name had some far off obscure meaning. I have however seen people banned for an offensive name that had some other obscure meaning that wasn't offensive. I think Hunter uses average and normal common sense when determining that a name does not belong on his server.

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: Reako66 on August 12, 2011, 07:46:30 am
Here is Hunter banning for bad names.

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: Kylok on August 15, 2011, 12:58:37 pm
This is the official rule, it is taken seriously and in a very strict way. That being said it's not terribly hard to abide by this simple rule...

Offensive words in names or public chat will not be tolerated, such as anything sexual, racist, hateful, etc. " - http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0)

Don't name your toon Midol Curesmycramps or Viagra Getsmehard or even Mainline Heroin (I can't see this directly violating the rules.. but I wouldn't even go there with Hunter). Stick with silly names or fantasy names, or if you're really pissed and want to make a statement name your toons stuff like Xxxxxa Xxxxxb Xxxxxc. I personally read a lot of fantasy books so most of my toon names come from Robert Jordan books or from music/movie references.

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 15, 2011, 01:02:07 pm
This is the official rule, it is taken seriously and in a very strict way. That being said it's not terribly hard to abide by this simple rule...

Offensive words in names or public chat will not be tolerated, such as anything sexual, racist, hateful, etc. " - http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=8.0)

Don't name your toon Midol Curesmycramps or Viagra Getsmehard or even Mainline Heroin (I can't see this directly violating the rules.. but I wouldn't even go there with Hunter). Stick with silly names or fantasy names, or if you're really pissed and want to make a statement name your toons stuff like Xxxxxa Xxxxxb Xxxxxc. I personally read a lot of fantasy books so most of my toon names come from Robert Jordan books or from music/movie references.


Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: ByronosaurusRex on August 15, 2011, 02:36:31 pm
Yeah my new warrior is named Anallein Mandragoran. Fantasy names FTW! Moar Wheel of Time names!

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: greenshag on August 17, 2011, 10:15:25 pm
Clever catchy names are cooler when they have some sort of reference or tie-in to the character itself. Whether it be a class reference, race (EQ races), or phrase of meaning, it should have something to do inherently with the character.

My ranger has always been Shaggio. The EQ naming filter wouldn't let me use Shaggy (my RL nickname), so I mixed it with "coolio" (which I say a lot instead of cool), and came up with Shaggio.

I've had problems with it on various games though, because of the "Shag" in it. I'd hope that people could look past the shortening of it to that, to not want to report me for it. But then again I keep mostly to myself.

But things like "Brakkin Bonnes" for a warrior, or "Aether Nether" for a mage should be what people are coming up with.

names of some of my toons:
Cleric - Sutures
Sk - Thorasic Vertebrae
Bard - Ziggie Stardust

oh by the way, if you see my bard Ziggie on, this is not the player Xiggie. I tried to make it Ziggy but it was taken. Just wanted to put that out there, cause I've had a few tells, lol.

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 17, 2011, 10:21:10 pm
Whats really funny is that Xiggie was my third choice when I came up with the name. First choice was Ziggy, Second was Xiggy, third was Xiggie. That was back in 01 though.

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: oldepharte on August 18, 2011, 01:21:15 am
One of my funnest names was also highly offensive and was presented as a choice by the random name generator on live in '99:  A troll shadowknight got offered "Bagukum" and I was all over that like honeybees on a wasp!  It eventually received a complaint and was banned for several years, but now the live side filters allow the name.

Skeezy got picked because, well, trolls are skeezy, ratty things and this guy is a troll.  :D

Lihom is an acronym for Legend In His Own Mind because each and every one of is...  ;)

Punkadin and his partner Palipunk are dual shouts to my elder son and a friend from live, as well as a couple friends from WoW as these are the nicknames I used to refer to their paladins. ;D

Chromedome Shiny Pate is an Erudite wizard... you seen that kid's forehead?  'Nuff said!   :)

Calmist During Storms the enchanter is named as if he were on a server where enchanters actually function!  :o

Slab O Meat is the ogre warrior as you would expect.  ::)

Have fun with them gang, I really get a big smile from a well played name.  A classic example would be Xiggie's Shaman, Foreign Policy.  Best name for an MGB toon evah!

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 18, 2011, 01:59:29 am
Yeah it is a really good name, shame it's not my toon, lol. It belongs to a guy named Spankrox. He has not played in a couple of years though. He was the leader of the guild called One.

My warriors name, Stone. Now I am usually not one for naming my toons overtly cliche but how can you pass up Stone as a name for a warrior?

My mage's name, Julez. By itself it is just Julez, however a few years ago I went to put a last name on her and could not think of one. I thought about it for a few days and all of a sudden it dawned on me. Bian. As in Ju - lez - bian (you lesbian). I think there have been 2 maybe 3 people over the last few years that have ever figured it out. All three were females, lol. I have however changed the name, (about a year ago) because I can't really be critical of peoples name violations if I am violating it myself. I still like the name though.

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: funkinmofo on August 18, 2011, 02:14:23 am
My mage's name, Julez.

Surname Vern(e) - optional e on the end. With the E, a reference to Jules Verne the writer.
Without the E, a reference to an old pop culture icon:

Title: Re: My account is banned. Help please. It was uncalled for.
Post by: lerxst2112 on August 18, 2011, 03:18:26 am

Sometimes the various random name generators are the best source of offensive names.

The name suggested to me by GameSpy a few years ago...  SwingingPlacenta.