EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: ronthedon on July 04, 2011, 07:36:34 am

Title: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: ronthedon on July 04, 2011, 07:36:34 am
hey just a quick message to let some peeps no why i left fear mongers
1. they have a new memmber called nub ive talked to alot of peeps on server and found out hes not very well liked after a few fallin outs with him i felt that if this was the sort of people FM  are lettin in it was time for me to move on your loveably Gnome Gnomemercy =) would like to thank henna and LL for lettin me be a part of what was a good guild thx again Gnomemercy

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: Reako66 on July 04, 2011, 08:30:22 am
They picked him over you? Cold

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: ronthedon on July 04, 2011, 12:17:13 pm
aye im afriad so bro =)

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: Kenshou on July 04, 2011, 01:47:30 pm
He was already kick out of House o Strix for the way he treated people in /ooc. Suprise LL and Henna are ok with him, Have a read of why i booted him, all over some one bidding on an item

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: Zartaxis on July 04, 2011, 02:01:03 pm
I would have sworn that I saw that guy rage quit the other day in ooc.

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: lerxst2112 on July 04, 2011, 02:27:06 pm

Ah drama, I've missed you so.

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: Dood on July 04, 2011, 03:31:11 pm
Asked to leave Forbidden Prophecy before joining FM also for being disrespectful. :(

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: ronthedon on July 05, 2011, 06:57:38 am
well to be honest in i was shocked why henna and LL have takein him on But he i think im well liked on the server and i want to keep it that way I dont want to be in a guild thats had the likes of him

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: ronthedon on July 05, 2011, 06:59:08 am
He was already kick out of House o Strix for the way he treated people in /ooc. Suprise LL and Henna are ok with him, Have a read of why i booted him, all over some one bidding on an item

Lol thats why I left FM that is Nub all over a 1st class dick

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: Woppoz on July 05, 2011, 04:29:22 pm
Nice. Glad to see it''s not just me.
Your talking about Nuboorodi? I ran into this guy in LDoN 4 pub while I was cycling back and forth between the 2 bosses. I watched him pull half the zone to boss1 and figure no biggie. Ill run back to boss2 as he should pop any time now. I get there and boss2 is up so I drop him. Nub shows up while I'm doing it and states "Frapped enjoy the ban". I told (his alt i presume) "He must be talking to you". He then claims I had to many mobs when I had maybe 12 -14. Mind you this is like 5 mins after he pulled half the zone to boss 1.

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: saiumi on July 05, 2011, 07:17:01 pm
Nub was removed from <Ultimate Weapon> for pretty much the same reasons, plus ninja'ing and leeching.  I know it's horrible of me to say, but please if you do invite this person to your guild be wary of anything this person is involved in.

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: Fugitive on July 05, 2011, 07:32:30 pm

This guy must blow....

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: ronthedon on July 05, 2011, 07:57:11 pm
HE DOES THAT FUGITIVE nothing but bad news about him Glad i moved on

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: henna on July 05, 2011, 11:23:55 pm
FM dont post very often on forum, but I feel something needs to be said. No one was picked over anyone. FM takes in new members and sometimes not every one fits, but we do expect maturity and respect given to all members. And for those concerned, We are FM we know how to recruit and watch members and boot if problems arise. Everyone deserves a second chance. As looking on the forms a year ago our guild itself had to do a lot of work to fix a reputation issue also. Thanks for your time Henna

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: Cracken on July 06, 2011, 12:06:05 am
          Lol a few of us saw him training ldon 4 with the FM tag maybe something more needs to be said to him henna.I do agree tho everyone deserves a second chance because in the end the only thing this guy will do is get himself ignore by the server or ban by hunter. Heres to change and hope.... ;D

~GL of classic Composers

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: Slyminx on July 06, 2011, 01:09:31 am
Guess I'll have to get my rogue up, sneak/hide and watch for his training in LDON 4, one fraps later, he'll be gone ;)

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: Reako66 on July 06, 2011, 02:55:07 am
Dam FM really wants this guy who is On his fourth chance or more.  Why would anyone want to be in guild who picks him over old members.

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: oldepharte on July 06, 2011, 08:00:59 am
Don't ya'll think it is time to either stop kicking this player around or to move this thread to Rants and Flames?

I'm just saying....

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: ronthedon on July 06, 2011, 09:03:54 am
to be fair henna hes been kick from  guild after guild  I think that shows what sort of person he is

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: ronthedon on July 06, 2011, 09:04:51 am
Dam FM really wants this guy who is On his fourth chance or more.  Why would anyone want to be in guild who picks him over old members.

 SO true man =)

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: funkinmofo on July 06, 2011, 10:33:49 am
Everyone deserves a second chance.

Not posting to say anything against anyone in particular or against any guild.
I just had to comment on part of Henna's post:
No, sorry. Not everyone deserves a second chance. They are reserved for special circumstances when someone deserving basically has a brain fart and acts out of character. Or when based on a reccomendation from a trusted individual.
To hand out second chances to every Tom, Dick, or Asshat.....is just a recipe for disappointment/disaster. Especially in online games where you are trusting someone to wear your guild tag and act in a manner that represents the guild in a positive manner. If reputation doesn't mean anything, then no big deal. But when it counts, idiots, asshats, rule breakers, selfish sods, and general malcontents can expect to have the door hit them on the ass on the way out on their first offence. They can always re-apply later on down the road if and when they finally have a firm grasp on what the guild's expected gamplay/attitude is and aren't just quoting what you want to hear but abide by it as well.

My 2 cents on the subject

Title: Re: The reason i left fearmongers {Gnomemercy}
Post by: ronthedon on July 10, 2011, 03:06:32 am