EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: trydaneq on July 13, 2011, 10:00:16 pm

Title: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: trydaneq on July 13, 2011, 10:00:16 pm
My recent experience with Ultimate Weapon has been, for lack of a better term, garbage.  In short, Gumboo is a lying, power-hungry thief (but most of you already knew that).  Here's the full scoop...

It all started maybe a week or two ago.  I was hanging out in Plane of Sky (T3/T4) to have easier access to be able to buy the pieces I'm missing.  I bought a piece from Gumboo (leader of UW), and we started chatting for a little while.  He kept bugging me and bugging me to join his guild.  This went on for a couple days, eventually to which I gave in and joined because the guild I was previously in was mostly Euro and West-coast USA players, so our playtimes didn't exactly match up to where I could interact with people on a regular basis.

I had recently come into some money/items given to me by a friend after I was scammed out of my P99 account, and had an extra Firestrike IV weapon augmentation.  I asked in guild chat if anyone could use it (obviously not permanently, because who would give someone 1.5mil worth of stuff for nothing?) and Gumboo insisted I let him use it for his Paladin. I figured it would be fine, seeing as how he's the leader of a high end guild he could be trusted...boy was I wrong.

A few hours later a charm upgrade was for sale in ooc (don't remember which kind, I just know I needed it).  Another person was bidding after me that turned out to be someone else in UW (I was new and didn't know who was actually in the guild save for a couple of people). Despite me needing the charm for my main, Gumboo insisted I stop bidding so the other guy could get it for his alt.  Pretty shitty guild management there.

Several days later I was basically bullied into selling Gumboo an Oracle upgrade for his alt, again despite me needing the points.  I have to admit, at first I was going to sell it and auctioned it in ooc, then decided against it, but he insisted I sell it to him.

A couple days ago there was a discussion (totally civil except on the part of Cracken calling people names) about whether or not LDoN counts as a custom zone for the purposes of training, as there is nothing in the actual rules post about it, and there is no 'don't train here or you'll get banned' message upon zoning into LDoN, even though people insisted there was, I had just zoned in and could see on my own screen that it was not there. The discussion didn't even pertain to me personally, I was in a zone by myself, but I was told, by Gumboo, to 'shut up' several times (which I did after the first time) and just use a GI (which I also did, even though I was totally alone).  After that conversation had completely ended, talk about raiding on EQLive back in the day began in ooc, and as someone who raided extensively on live, with people talking about how different servers handled multiple guilds going for mobs, I mentioned how Brell had an actual schedule for raid targets between guilds capable of taking them down or wanting a shot at them, and for the most part it worked.

Apparently I'm supposed to be able to read Gumboo's mind through his thick skull, as I was promptly kicked from UW without so much as a reason (to which I found out the next day was because I said something in ooc...because apparently Gumboo can control people's friendly social interactions that have nothing to do with a previous topic), and his 'shut up' comments meant don't talk in ooc at all...go figure.

Anyway, I sent Gumboo a tell asking for my aug back as I was no longer a member of his guild, and would have to start using my Paladin to kill stuff with me, to which I immediately saw all of his characters in Nexus go LD at once.  I caught him online the next day and he tried to tell me that I said he could keep it, which definitely was not the case, and that he was not going to give it back, and if I kept pressing the matter was going to slander me to all of the other high end guilds, because supposedly he's friends with all of them and has some sort of imaginary influence over the server.  Even a couple long time members of his own guild tried talking to him about it, but he wouldn't hear it.

All in all, Gumboo is a thief.  You'd think you could trust someone who runs a guild as prominent as UW, but I guess people who are shit in real life need to push people around in a video game.  Second time I've been screwed on this server.  Wonderfuck.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: gumboo on July 13, 2011, 10:25:10 pm
Yup thats me a thief, we all know gumboo shremp as a thief.

Anyways i didnt have time to read this post cause i knew it was coming. Like i tell all my officers and everyone of you guild leaders im friends with you have to remove some bad seeds to plant new gardens. Well we all know this was a bad seed and bought his way into my guild by giving me a FS4. Seriously a Fs4 im gonna steal when mind you i play enough toons to box a t5 group. I mean COME ON!? I'm sure i've went on more then i needed to in order to prove my point, but all i need to say is my countless amounts of gear and discounts (previous to him joining guild) were payment enough for the FS4 he gave me as a gift to get his gear hes gotten and after removing him from our guild for training in ldons public zones when he had axcess to our gi and flaming about how it was legal in ooc, he was removed and now thinks i owe him back a gift. Which you know what ill let the server deside, if you guys think i should give him this gift back in order to keep this newb back a gift cause he was removed them eh ill do it cause its no skin off my back. lets hear what you say Yes? or No?

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: trydaneq on July 13, 2011, 10:30:26 pm
There were no discounts at all prior to me joining.  I paid the same prices for things as everyone else.  Just stop lying to everyone.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: tryit on July 13, 2011, 11:13:51 pm
Well my two cents on this topic... Gumboo give the man his aug back bro... If you really have a full group to box T5 then you should already be auged out and wouldn't even need it. Second if you really do have a group who can do T5 where are your 4.5's or even 5.0's???  For a leader to make people pay to be in a guild just seems a bit shady to me. I know there is guilds on this server who not only gear there members for free but give them FSV augs for free! Besides Gumboo dont you think its a little arrogant for your first sentence to be how you didn't even have time to read this persons post, but you had time to respond and state your side. Bottom line give the man his aug back and stop selling gear to your members I really think it shows what kind of leader you must be!  :o

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: gumboo on July 13, 2011, 11:37:42 pm
know what nm, seriously..... guys gonna repost under a different account cause hes that desprete, screw it. plan on making a fs4 aug just to give him cause jeez never seen something like that. Anyways wanta send a shout out to Fail Mongers for taking him right away. I mean great guy just like nuboordi or whatever ruined there guild. So never mind me caring about the guy giving me something i just like the idea of him making a bad guild worse.

<3 Gumboo The FS Theif

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: lerxst2112 on July 13, 2011, 11:42:37 pm

1) LDON is a custom zone.  Don't train in public.

2) Trydaneq, you have 7 posts total and 6 of them are you bitching about someone else scamming you.  Perhaps you are the problem.

I'm sad to think I played on Brell with you.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: tryit on July 13, 2011, 11:47:27 pm
Im not the same guy but whatever.... was just asked my opinion so I gave it sorry it wasn't the one you wanted to hear  :P

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: whatzizface on July 13, 2011, 11:52:04 pm
A bad guild worse? Come on gumboo you really gonna go there? There are alot of people that dont agree with our decisions that is true, But they are our decisions. Since Nub has joined he hasnt been a problem to us at all let alone you or anyone in your guild, So i would think you would be glad we took him and he stopped creating drama? And as far as a guild goes i dont have a problem with you or your guild, But seems to me people would see us and think "all T5, Freindly, Look out for each other and have fun playing together" Not OMG here comes those guys gumboo doesnt like. So please take it apon yourself as a guildleader to have some sort of tack and not try to smear names of entire guilds.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: henna on July 13, 2011, 11:55:17 pm
If by "Fail Mongers" you mean the guild actually out there doing T5. Who gear there members for free! Who group together and have fun as failures. I think one might have to take a step back and look in a mirror to see who the true failure is. So what if you don't like us! We do our own thing and stay our of your way, we bother no one in your guild or even on this server. So call us names but it is only making yourself look bad.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Dood on July 14, 2011, 12:20:24 am
all i need to say is my countless amounts of gear and discounts (previous to him joining guild) were payment enough for the FS4 he gave me as a gift to get his gear hes gotten

Wait, What? We are supposed to get gifts?!  :o  Guild Meeting!

Give the guy his aug back, Leave Fear Mongers alone, and Just Play nice.  ;D

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: gumboo on July 14, 2011, 12:36:28 am
Hey guy said in guild chat who wants a free FS4 i said ME! wouldnt you? anyways plan on given dude his aug back cause QQ'ing aint worth it. as far as fail mongers gos i offered my advise about the guy hes another nuboor wtf ever waiting to happen. as far as making guildies pay for gear, think what you will. never happened. atleast not from our guild. <3 you guys for always being there to take out our trash though. playing nice was telling LL to watch out for nub and trydan but my advice must be bad. so i guess ill play dirty and say someones a thief thats a good way to get stuff.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: whatzizface on July 14, 2011, 12:54:44 am
What is sad is though people have left our guild and went to yours we have never bad mouthed them for leaving. Seems to me if they do not fit in with your guild they are "Trash"? Did i get that right? Bad mouthing other guilds because they do not listen to your advice isnt the smartest thing a Guild leader can do to make friends. Well we seem to be doing fine the way we are "failures" and all. Us giving away augs to members, getting them geared and being friendly to folks trying to get ahead is considered a failure? Seems reality has taken a detour here, Your idea of a great guild and ours seem to be way different, and thats fine but bashing us? Come on gumboo try not to dig this any deeper because those out there that know us know better. Making yourself look childish here, might want to stop while your ahead. Or at least lay off the whole "fear mongers" thing.
(Shhh you can look right over there at magelo
<<<<<<<<<< to see peoples gear and see who has the best gear, Dont tell anyone but i think FM members alts are better geared than you)
   Now enough nastyness, It is a game get with it, You play your game and we will play ours.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: keex on July 14, 2011, 06:07:06 am
Not going to comment on any of the other drama going on here....

But Trydan you were told in GC that you were in the wrong on the ooc subject, and to pretty much stop making an ass out of yourself in ooc which you chose to ignore. Who wants to represent a mouthrunner? Not us.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: funkinmofo on July 14, 2011, 06:31:38 am
Trydan develop some common sense when it comes to online games. Google naive and credulity as they seem to be the reason for most of your posts on these forums.

Not judging you, just pointing out what I see coming from you all the time.

Gumboo, you knew this was going to come from keeping the aug. Could have avoided the drama by being the bigger man and simply returned it since you obviously didn't want to have anything more to do with this person.

Again, not judging.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Reako66 on July 14, 2011, 08:43:29 am
This is sad. The people of UW I meet were alway nice and friendly, but now I would not want to be in that guild now. FM I am sorry I only meet one guy from your guild and he was a dick too.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Cracken on July 14, 2011, 09:51:17 am

A couple days ago there was a discussion (totally civil except on the part of Cracken calling people names) about whether or not LDoN counts as a custom zone for the purposes of training,

      LOL what is this crud my friend???? Call you names by telling you that yourself need to go back to school since you boast in ooc about knowing the rules and reading the forums but you were breaking the rules by training ldon. Bro , dude, buddy whatever you want to be called to make yourself happy let me say that wasn't name calling it was a suggestion since it seems you can't read and understand the forums rules. I've been around ALOT longer then you my friend so i know them and check on them daily in case of change. WHY in any gods name would anyone go around telling you , you can't train in ldon as a lie. What would they gain. For the love of all man use that brain and put alittle thought into your actions before you do them. But i wish you the best hopefully you'll learn from this and study those EZ rules better my friend and grow from this experience.

Edit: only 30 sec by typing training in ldon i came up with this link


lol you can't find anything anywhere about ldon training are you serious???

~GL of Classic Composers

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: arcanekiller on July 14, 2011, 10:32:55 am
wow guys ive only got one thing to say if u give a item to a friend wife brother mother dont expect to get it back i would never let anyone borrow anything i wasent willing to lose just in case who knows they lose internet whatever lets all just enjoy the game -seekerofblood-

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Giggity on July 14, 2011, 10:36:07 am
In my opinion, it seems that you had someone join your guild.......even offered a nice aug for free (to use, borrow, whatever).  Then because you didnt like his opinion on /ooc you booted him.  I mean you don't HAVE to give the aug back, but come on man it just seems legit to give it back to the man.  You took it from him, then booted him cuz he was an asshole in /ooc or whatever.  If you're wanting to obviously wash your hands of this all, you just need to give his aug back and forget this ever existed.  If you are wanting to carry on a good guild name, you don't WANT these posts about you in a forum where people can begin to form opinions.

Oh and blasting other guilds doesn't seem to be a popular thing to do either.  Try to get along in the sandbox dude.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: soopakoopa on July 14, 2011, 12:26:59 pm
on the subject of Trydan i was there on GC when he said " who ever finds me in Fear first gets this aug i dont need it anyway" the FS4. so dont go and lie and say the things you said and make someone else look like they are stealing from you seriously dude.Gum sold me a toon and some augs (ninjaV,ninja2)for like 400p thats a discount price if i have ever seen one,and Trydan just think before you do anything it will help in the long run.Another thing Gum im sorry bro but that's disrespectful calling out another guild like that, no matter if you like them or not i expect better from My Guild Leader and the way you just acted is not one of them,Im leaving UW thanx for everything hope but nothing for the best for you and everyone else there they are cool as hell folks.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: oldepharte on July 14, 2011, 12:44:35 pm
I try to stay out of these little drama things, but Gumboo, I think I need to react to your posts.

Fail Mongers?  Why do you need to disparage other guilds?  If Fear Mongers is such a 'fail' why are all our mains and senior alts toting 4.5's and sporting T5 gear?  If we are fail and your guild cannot do what we do, where does that leave you mate?  I'm just saying....  Augs are important in this game.  Clearly they are or you would not have refused return of this one.  Now if your guild were as 'fail' as Fear Mongers then you would have an aug program to see to it that all your guild mains are packing level V's of their class augs that were provided to them by the guild.

As a guild Fear Mongers is not about hating on other guilds or players.  We are about having a good time and doing all the fun things you can do from the top of the game.  We're about sharing that with other players through things like open hunts in T5 and running armor giveaways in T1 through T4.  It is about growing a community, not a person... we want to have fun without screwing up other folks' fun.

I would appreciate it if you would refrain from disparaging my crew.  On the one hand it is trashy to do it at all.  On the other hand you look pretty lame when you try trashing folks who generally act nicer than you do.

Be the bigger Troll, drop the nasty, aight?   Thanks man!

Skeezy Ratty Troll
Sr. Officer, Fear Mongers

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: oldepharte on July 14, 2011, 12:49:29 pm
....I'm leaving UW thanx for everything hope but nothing for the best for you and everyone else there they are cool as hell folks.

If you're looking for a guild bro give me a holler in game.  FM is not currently recruiting but we have an 'exceptional player' loophole that I think you'll fit through.  ;)

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: keex on July 14, 2011, 01:01:00 pm
Gumboos actions and words do not reflect UW as a whole. I have also left after having some serious disagreements on this entire situation. Best of luck.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 14, 2011, 01:24:54 pm
I am usually pretty vocal but I am not going to touch any of this. This is extremely disappointing. Going to have to break out my Dignatio signature it looks like.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: gumboo on July 14, 2011, 01:28:06 pm
I just wanta make it clear i ain't writing this because of the members that desided to leave. I'm writing this because the members that desided to stay with me threw this. Sorry for my words and actions i went with this and i apoligize whole heartily. I had a buzz ( and thats no excuse) but i did and just got really angery over someone calling me a theif. I would like to also apoligize to Lordlarwin and his guild, you guys are good folks and i shouldn't have called you that on a community post. Sorry guys. Most of your members have been good people and i shouldn't have stooped as low as the person that started this thread. So i would like to say from ME im sorry to the Fear mongers, my guildies and the rest of the community of Ez. <3 Gumboo

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: gumboo on July 14, 2011, 01:35:38 pm
sorry a guildie pointed out i still sounded like an ass. I shouldn't have called you Fail mongers by any means it was rude and childish thats what i ment in the first post just worded wrong. Sorry once again guys

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: oldepharte on July 14, 2011, 01:55:56 pm
So i would like to say from ME im sorry to the Fear mongers, my guildies and the rest of the community of Ez. <3 Gumboo

Apology accepted bro.  Thank you.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Adydar on July 14, 2011, 02:48:27 pm
My guild is probably gonna kick me out for even posting in here but I just can't help it. :)

bought his way into my guild by giving me a FS4.

Hey guy said in guild chat who wants a free FS4 i said ME! wouldnt you?

plan on making a fs4 aug just to give him cause jeez never seen something like that.

Bought his way in the guild with it but the 2nd says he was in the guild?

Why plan on making him a fs4?  What happened to the one he gave you, can't you just give that back?

Man, i'm gonna get slapped.  :)

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Fugitive on July 14, 2011, 07:53:48 pm
I am usually pretty vocal but I am not going to touch any of this. This is extremely disappointing. Going to have to break out my Dignatio signature it looks like.

yeah to many Tools out there again =/

+1 Xiggie

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 14, 2011, 11:05:07 pm
I am usually pretty vocal but I am not going to touch any of this. This is extremely disappointing. Going to have to break out my Dignatio signature it looks like.

yeah to many Tools out there again =/

+1 Xiggie

Sending my bard over to your place to say "thank you". This time don't put any pictures on facebook though, /shiver

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: zeebos on July 15, 2011, 09:25:29 am

 Isn't this a video game?

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Fugitive on July 15, 2011, 09:44:25 am

 Isn't this a video game?



Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Alarti0001 on July 16, 2011, 11:35:24 am
I just wanta make it clear i ain't writing this because of the members that desided to leave. I'm writing this because the members that desided to stay with me threw this. Sorry for my words and actions i went with this and i apoligize whole heartily. I had a buzz ( and thats no excuse) but i did and just got really angery over someone calling me a theif. I would like to also apoligize to Lordlarwin and his guild, you guys are good folks and i shouldn't have called you that on a community post. Sorry guys. Most of your members have been good people and i shouldn't have stooped as low as the person that started this thread. So i would like to say from ME im sorry to the Fear mongers, my guildies and the rest of the community of Ez. <3 Gumboo

Oh the classic I am a drunk, not an asshole excuse.

Title: Re: Gumboo and Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Giggity on July 16, 2011, 02:55:26 pm
It did however appear that you were a thief, and just decided to return the stuff you didn't return after you got called out on a public forum. 

You were "buzzed"  congrats bro.  Way to take out your alchoholic aggression via an online forum.  Who doesn't get wasted and.......check the forums?  Wtf.

You are fail.