EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: DrEradul on July 14, 2011, 10:38:49 am

Title: New to EZ server
Post by: DrEradul on July 14, 2011, 10:38:49 am

Hey guys,

So i've been doing some reading and think this place will suit my EQ needs but I'd like to know what to box with if my main character will be a monk.  I don't know how much progression I'll really do, but after seeing the videos, looks like everything is soloable with one toon... or am I wrong.  Let's assume I'll be going all the progression.... shammy/chanter/warr/cleric/monk?

Ideas, ideas!!!

Also, which folder should i directly put the EZ server's files directory into?

Thanks and hope to be in game soon.

Title: Re: New to EZ server
Post by: Giggity on July 14, 2011, 10:41:30 am
Paladin is a good choice to box with almost any char.

Title: Re: New to EZ server
Post by: DrEradul on July 15, 2011, 10:13:32 am

After some hardships with my CD reader and a while waiting for the titanium CDs to arrive, I'm in!

Right now I have a 20 monk and paladin, Rorle and Stralus, respectively.  Feel free to say hi

Title: Re: New to EZ server
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 15, 2011, 01:24:43 pm
The shaman will be largely useless because there is a buff bot in the nexus. Later on the shaman does get  a better hp buff but that is not until well into the tiered content. Shamans are largely a utility character that is used for that buff and then forgotten about. I can't remember if slow is disable completely or if it is just that everything beyond dulak is unslowable. Charm is disabled on this server all together. This puts enchanters largely in the same category. I good box crew would be pally war cleric monk. Beyond that add in another paladin or some sort of dps. A pet class would be a good add in as they are good cheap dps. Pet classes on this server are bst, mage and necro.