EZ Server

General Category => Guild Recruitment => Topic started by: ByronosaurusRex on July 14, 2011, 05:10:45 pm

Title: What's the Guild Scene like?
Post by: ByronosaurusRex on July 14, 2011, 05:10:45 pm
I play a BST and my buddy plays a MAG, and we're both working on CG/2.5s atm. Also leveling some alts for a box squad, a PAL, SHD, CLR, and WAR. Possibly an ENC at some point. Neither one of us would be able to box more then 3 toons at a time.

My question is this: what place would we have in the Qvic + and beyond content? Are there any guilds currently recruiting those looking to get into the higher end content of the server?

Title: Re: What's the Guild Scene like?
Post by: zeebos on July 15, 2011, 09:30:47 am
Most of the established Guilds will take in lower geared people if they have a good head on their shoulders, don't spam nonsense in OOC/create drama, and can box a few toons. Typically want them to at least be flagged for T3. If that doesn't work for you, create a guild and start recruiting new players and you can all gear up together. Enjoy.