EZ Server

General Category => Cleric => Topic started by: Melandril on July 20, 2011, 12:02:06 pm

Title: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: Melandril on July 20, 2011, 12:02:06 pm
From what I gather, there are no cleric mains on this server.  I find this sad, because I loved playing a cleric main on live years ago.

Either way, if i recall, Pallys have the group heal proc and seem to be able to work well as both healer and dps for boxing the early levels (1-70).

Are Pally's always a good 2nd box or is there a point at which an SK should grab a Cleric for the 2nd box?

(Also, can you make it to endgame with just a 2 box or do you have to bump up the number of boxes?)

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: whatzizface on July 20, 2011, 12:29:06 pm
Going end game by yourself you will need more boxes or find a guild that goes there. A SK main can work equally well with a pally or cleric box, Up to end game but it depends alot on the lvl of their charms.

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: Brokyn on July 20, 2011, 11:34:48 pm
SK and 2 pallies, with added dps in the other slots can kill almost anything on this server (exceptions being MCP and Kern).

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on July 21, 2011, 12:27:15 am
MCP could be killed by 2 paladins if you had some a hell of a lot of patience. Would have to be max uc and max augs and a very very good connection but it could be done. I just would not want to be the one doing it.

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: 6 Crazy Pirates on September 06, 2011, 03:15:06 pm
My cleric has just been leeching xp, currently at level 65. My two paladins are godlike though. I've been told a cleric is good for the endgame custom content but my team steamrolls everything so far without ever casting anything with the cleric except an occasional rez. I'm guessing clerics get some good heals at 70? Because before 70 they are completely useless.

Anything + PAL is godlike 1-69.

My 6 box team is currently:

I really enjoy the wizard with the manastone and two pals feeding him constant healing. As a fresh 70 he has a 7k instant cast nuke that does over 50% of Bastion of Thunder mobs hp. The rest of the team is currently just there to distract mobs from my wizard :)

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: Fugitive on September 06, 2011, 03:23:43 pm
I'm full T5 war war pal pal mnk cleric @ 380k(yeah I know I need to work the range quest now) and still get single shot killed every now and then.

Cleric is healing 269k per cast grp heal
Cleric is healing 59k on strikes
Pallys are healing 67k on strikes..

Oracles will improve healing.
Word of Vivication is your friend.

Anything really under QVIC is trivial but with that box you will roll decently through QVIC.

It gets more challenging near end of T2 and upward.

I would also just leech that xp and keep same group upward so don't have to worry about back flagging and gearing when you get QVIC and up. But thats my my 3 cents worth of crap

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: 6 Crazy Pirates on September 06, 2011, 03:29:11 pm
What do I need to get my cleric to heal on strikes? I'm not sure my cleric has ever swung a weapon.

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: Fugitive on September 06, 2011, 03:30:34 pm
It's later in game I think 3.5 Epic and up or 4.0 and up

You still haven't even got to PoTimeA which is a nice fun zone and then you get to do your 1.5s

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: 6 Crazy Pirates on September 06, 2011, 03:31:54 pm
Thanks for the replies. One more thing, what is the cast time on those big group heals? Do you pretty much only use group heals rather than single target at endgame?

I'm really disappointed with Bastion of Thunder right now. It's just shooting fish in a barrel with my box army - really looking forward to the difficult content.

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: Fugitive on September 06, 2011, 03:33:01 pm
VIVI is your friend, but I think the mana requirements for where you currently are in game are high.

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: Appren on September 06, 2011, 04:07:46 pm
Once your box army is all level 70, just go straight to Plane of time, no real need to gear up much in BoT if you have tank/heal.

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: 6 Crazy Pirates on September 06, 2011, 05:03:40 pm
Thanks, definitely plan on getting to pota asap. Can I do LDON before 70? My lowest is 61.

I killed everything in the plane of fear and plane of hate at 50-52 just for fun.

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: weirdo on September 06, 2011, 09:20:13 pm
My 4 box crew is,


The sticking points for me were,

1. Dragonslave. With FULL time gear I couldn't tank it, so I ended up soloing it with my necro by chain tapping.
2. Terrantula, same as above, ended up kiting it and chain tapping , it worked.
3. LDON level 6. I got owned here, it took a lot of work to get through this with my team. I ended up getting the CG pet and then was able to do this with no issues.
4. Qvic. This was a pain, the trash and bosses were super tough at first. I ended up looting some rotting tokens and then getting help with twinkletoes and getting my necro his epic. With the necro epic pet it became very doable/easy.

Currently doing T1/T2. At first with my crew I could _barely_ kill a T1 boss. After buying some pieces and slowly upgrading I can now do all T1 bosses, and currently doing more T2. I can kill some T2 bosses but I suspect, as usual, once I have more T2 gear I can do all the T2 bosses with ease.

In general, to kill the stuff in zone X, you need a geared group with the stuff that drops in zone X. That seems to be the theme and I expect it to continue. This means it's always hard at first, but gets easier as you get more gear.

The cleric(which doesn't have oracles) has helped, and I hear they are even more helpful later.

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: weirdo on September 06, 2011, 09:24:44 pm
I should probably emphasize that the cleric has helped me A LOT, especially in in QVIC, T1, T2.

In potime the cleric was a laggard, it just hung out and looted plate if nobody needed it. It still does that, but now she is actually useful.

There have been plenty of fights where my paladin is at 0% and the cleric pulls off a miracle heal, or, when the paladin dies, the cleric resses the paladin and heals the stonewalled warrior so that my pally is back up and running.

For a long time, I thought my cleric sucked, but now I see she is really useful. Note she does not an oracles charm, which I need to get at some point, and this should make her much better I'm told.

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: Kushie on September 07, 2011, 12:07:45 am
Im a cleric main

Title: Re: Cleric or Pally for boxed healer?
Post by: Kushie on September 07, 2011, 12:11:48 am
I chain cast vivi for group heals. Never run out of mana, crits for 250k+ heals If i have a big boy tank (IE 250k+ HP), i don't mind using Over Raided Heal spell, which crits for 1million heals+ with oracle 50.

Divine Intervention is your best friend.