EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Gnaughty on April 24, 2010, 07:21:50 pm

Title: Hey
Post by: Gnaughty on April 24, 2010, 07:21:50 pm
Hey I've been away more than a month I think and was wondering if any people I played with are still on?  Any Avalon still around?

Title: Re: Hey
Post by: Soloni on April 24, 2010, 08:23:40 pm
Just me usually. I can't box and no one to go to PoD + with. So, I have been helpin lowbies

Title: Re: Hey
Post by: Crabthewall on April 24, 2010, 08:24:26 pm
Hey I've been away more than a month I think and was wondering if any people I played with are still on?  Any Avalon still around?

Hey Gnaughty welcome back :) You'll still find hazard/bikaf on a bit, musky I see on too, Nugbar is also here on rare occasion, Soloni was on earlier today I think too?

Title: Re: Hey
Post by: Soloni on April 24, 2010, 08:28:42 pm
yeah, I finally got SoD client to work. If only I had 200 ish bucks to use. I'd be boxing up a storm. I had to return PC hardware because a bill I couldn't pay.

my job doesn't pay me enough :(

Title: Re: Hey
Post by: Gnaughty on April 25, 2010, 09:48:49 pm
Aww sorry to hear that Sol, I remember you being held back by pc limits.  Hey hey Crab, work is slowing down this was the last big work week whgich was a solid 90 hours.  I have a small break of maybe 3 weeks until I go back maybe longer hopefully, was thinkin of gettin my game on.

Title: Re: Hey
Post by: Soloni on April 26, 2010, 03:16:24 am
I just ordered my new hardware from TG. My GF helped me out  to do a bill me later option (she has better credit). I'll end up paying more but its "affordable" now.

Title: Re: Hey
Post by: Balthor on April 27, 2010, 01:18:52 am
Hey G how you doing man.

Title: Re: Hey
Post by: Bikaf on April 27, 2010, 04:49:28 pm
hey there big guy

Title: Re: Hey
Post by: Gnaughty on April 27, 2010, 05:24:40 pm
Hey yall still playing?  Man I thought you guys had quit playing altogether.  Work just ended officially for our department at the internal revenue service but I may be going back in a few weeks to another area.  That means I have some playtime and was thinkin on starting up some EQ for some fun, how much has the new expansion changed the server? 8)  Oh and wanted to know if my boy Handz was back playing as using his warrior would really help alot. 

Title: Re: Hey
Post by: Bikaf on April 27, 2010, 09:49:33 pm
Hey Gnaughty,

I don't play all that much anymore and when I do it's usually with Kaldar and the FOH crew - check them out, i'll log in for a few charm upgrades and that'll be it.  I've seen Musky on a few times and Soloni has started playing again.  Check out the guild roster to see who's been on lately.

I don't think Handz is active right now - we chat regularly on facebook and he's got his time in columbia (drug cartel) coming to an end so I think he's living it up until he gets shipped back to france.

Title: Re: Hey
Post by: Gnaughty on April 28, 2010, 02:15:15 pm
Aww ok say hi to him on Facebook for me, I'll email him to see if hes cool with me playing his war for a bit though I dpon't think he checks that all too much.  What FOH bunch are you speaking of? I've been away from the server awhile so dunno who that is.  I've also lost my info for the shaman I was running so if anybody happens to have an extra lying around I'd sure appreciate that alot, though sexual favors are out of the question.

Title: Re: Hey
Post by: sebekl on April 28, 2010, 07:21:23 pm
Some people from the original Fires of Heaven started up a guild and we are doin T3/T4 now.  Good group just play when we can have some fun.

Title: Re: Hey
Post by: Gnaughty on April 28, 2010, 09:04:34 pm
Wow that's pretty freakin cool as I have been a fan of that website since hmm I think 2001?  Have always been a reader of those forums and never posted but always enjoyed the information that came out of it.  Well hopefully I can catch up with some of ya and have some fun.  I'm spent right now recovering from 21 days of straight 12 hour days some 19 hour days so looking forward to some good ole EQ and this is such a treat to be able to see some of the FoH crew here on our little ole server.  Hopefully I can remember enough to get back into the game, lookin forward to all the new faces.

Title: Re: Hey
Post by: Nugbar on May 02, 2010, 07:24:44 pm
Hey Gnaughty!  Yeah i have pretty limited playtime for the time being. My gaming pc is packed up and I only have the laptop to use.  Im in the middle of packing and moving out of our house we just sold.  And while we are building our next home me and the family will be living in our new camper through most of the summer. i put EQ on this computer but that will limit me to 1 toon, for MGB in nexus im sure.  But when i get all this outta the way ill be able to play more. Good seeing your post! ~~~

Title: Re: Hey
Post by: Bikaf on May 02, 2010, 09:08:08 pm
i put EQ on this computer but that will limit me to 1 toon, for MGB in nexus im sure.  ~~~

hah he sure isn't talking about shaman 3.0!!!