EZ Server

General Category => User Interfaces => Topic started by: Haijen on August 04, 2011, 03:33:48 pm

Title: UIs that work on EZserver
Post by: Haijen on August 04, 2011, 03:33:48 pm
What UI do you use on EZserver?  I'd like to compile a list of working ones because nothing I've tried seems to work.

Title: Re: UIs that work on EZserver
Post by: lerxst2112 on August 04, 2011, 04:21:34 pm

I use a few parts I've picked up over time.  Any interface should work as long as it matches the client you play with.

Title: Re: UIs that work on EZserver
Post by: Trevius on August 05, 2011, 12:36:41 am
I am guessing you are running the Titanium client, and I don't have any UI lists for that, but I do have some for SoF and SoD:



For the UF client, you can probably just use http://www.eqinterface.com and try interfaces updated in the past year or 2.

Title: Re: UIs that work on EZserver
Post by: Haijen on August 05, 2011, 06:40:48 am
I am guessing you are running the Titanium client, and I don't have any UI lists for that, but I do have some for SoF and SoD:



For the UF client, you can probably just use http://www.eqinterface.com and try interfaces updated in the past year or 2.

Thanks.  I am running Titanium and that's what I've been doing (eqinterface).  I'll probably have to troubleshoot on there because nothing is working and I've looked at dozens of help threads.

Title: Re: UIs that work on EZserver
Post by: stad on August 05, 2011, 08:48:37 am
i will check but i think it was called POW, the one i use

Title: Re: UIs that work on EZserver
Post by: Haijen on August 06, 2011, 03:51:02 pm
Literally NOTHING works for me.

So it isn't an ezserver or an EQEmu thing?  People use UIs here, correct?

Title: Re: UIs that work on EZserver
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 06, 2011, 04:04:16 pm
What client are you using? Yes people use UI's here and on every other server. UI's are client restricted not server restricted. So are you using Titanium, SoF, SoD or UF?

Title: Re: UIs that work on EZserver
Post by: greenshag on August 06, 2011, 06:39:51 pm
When you are browsing around EQInterface.com, you should be looking at individual pieces and/or full sets that by today's standards would be outdated, because you are on an Emu server running an older client. You need to look for pieces and/or sets that are compatible with Titanium, SoD, or SoF (depending on which one you use).

On the home page there is a link at the left for "Downloads". Click that, and then click on the "Interface Pieces" or the "Complete Sets" links. When you're in those lists (THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT), sort them by "Last Updated".

Look for lines in the comments that say "updated for Titanium", "SoF compatible", etc.

If I were you I would try to find just one piece, like a Player Window or Hotbar Window, find one you like, and then try installing just that one piece. Once you get that to work, I think you'll find your moment of clarity on this matter.

Generally speaking, if a ui window piece isn't compatible, the game will load the default ui. There are some errors the game can handle, though, so if you load one up that works, but you still get the "your xml files are not compatible blah blah blah" when you log in, check to make sure it's not a feature that is vitally important and just play on.

I don't have any screenshots showing my setup on EZ, but here is what my hotbar looks like on any toon any server:


Title: Re: UIs that work on EZserver
Post by: funkinmofo on August 07, 2011, 02:07:51 am
For Titanium the most common interfaces usually used are DeltaCN and Sars. Pretty much everyone else just picks out pieces they like and cobbles something together.

Title: Re: UIs that work on EZserver
Post by: Haijen on August 07, 2011, 09:11:25 pm
Thought I posted a response but I guess I didn't....

I use Titanium and I'm running it on Mac OSX Snow Leopard through CrossOver games.  Everything seems to work perfectly except UIs and spell graphics (might start a thread about that too, lol).

I have tried most of the recently updated stuff on EQinterface and nothing has worked.

Thanks for all the replies!

Title: Re: UIs that work on EZserver
Post by: greenshag on August 08, 2011, 01:04:22 am
I use Titanium ...
I have tried most of the recently updated stuff on EQinterface and nothing has worked.

That's because the recently updated stuff is too new.

You have to go BACK to earlier updates to find something that is compatible for your client (in your case: Titanium).

Title: Re: UIs that work on EZserver
Post by: stad on August 08, 2011, 06:08:26 am
http://www.eqinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=3830 (http://www.eqinterface.com/downloads/fileinfo.php?id=3830)

i think it is this one that i use

Title: Re: UIs that work on EZserver
Post by: Trevius on August 09, 2011, 01:51:45 am
Check out the User Interface link on this page:


At the bottom are 2 Titanium interfaces that should work well.