EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Hyluth on August 24, 2011, 01:15:50 pm

Title: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: Hyluth on August 24, 2011, 01:15:50 pm
Bit new to the server and I'm running into crash problems when trying to aug armor!  Wondered if anyone had any suggestions for fixes.

I'm running a Windows 7 machine with the Titanium Client.  I've modified my eq install to work with project1999, but I switch the necessary files back and forth (spells, zone files, etc), depending on which server I play on.

I've lost multiple pieces of Qvic armor trying different ways to avoid a crash when I attempt to insert augments.  Usually, I'll purchase the aug sealer from the vendor OK, put it into inventory, and open it without an issue.

When my client crashes is normally when I try to put an item into the aug sealer container.  Sometimes it will crash after one item, sometime it will crash after two items.  On occasion I am lucky enough to where after restarting my client, the inserted items will appear on my cursor.  Unfortunately more often than not, the items will remain in the aug sealer container, and I cannot open the container to retrieve the items without another client crash.  This usually leaves the items unrecoverable and I'm left with no choice other than destroying the aug sealer container.

Has anyone encountered this before and would know how to get around it?  I'd be happy to try some additional solutions with purchased epic 1.0 weps and augs before risking my dropped armor again.

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: tholumar on August 24, 2011, 08:09:04 pm
Just as a double check, do a clean install of the TI client and see if you have the same issue (try it on something cheap..).

That way you know if the issue is with your migrating back and forth with p99.

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: Zuez on August 28, 2011, 04:49:01 pm
I'm having the same problem right now actually I guess I'll have to look for a copy to do a fresh install

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: Hyluth on August 28, 2011, 05:44:39 pm
I just did a fresh install and there's no change in the situation.  Moving between different UIs doesn't help either.

Oddly though, another slower machine that I have that runs XP lets me augment just fine (also using Titanium).  Is there a chance that I would need to delete my character files and start fresh?  If so how would I do that?

Thanks again for any help!

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: Recoil on September 04, 2011, 07:53:53 pm
Having the same issue, I have my 3.0 epic and an augment in the sealer and cannot proceed to open the container with out the game crashing.  Using Ttitan, all updated files, what gives?

Any admin support for this please?

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: Evilmog on September 05, 2011, 06:07:16 am
Best solution to this is get the UF client :)

Been my solution to a lot of questions, and it's solved a lot of them :D

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: L0stman on September 05, 2011, 09:14:20 am
Hey folks,

Bad news:  The code that is causing your crash is not handled by EQEmu or EZServer - this is pure client code.  The server gets notified when you put an item into a container but that is all that really happens at that point.  ("notified" = "This item X01 was added to container 4 slot 2 and this item X01 was deleted from slot cursor").  This means there is nothing really that either EQEmu or Hunter can do to change this.

I say that to say this:  Stop deleting your freaking items.  "Oh nos, its stuck in a container - I might as well delete the container since I cant get it out" <-- not a really smart idea. 

I have used the aug container extensively on both Titanium, SoF, and SoD - works fine for all three.  You may be having an issue on your local machine's interaction with everquest but who knows at this point.  Download SoF / SoD and you will be fine.  In the meantime, ease up off of the "Lets delete the container that has my item in it!"  Assuming you cant bumble around and either find SoF / SoD (unlikely that you cant just happen upon them) you could have always wrote Hunter an email asking for help removing an item from a container.  Hunters a busy guy and may take a while to get back to you but he is a good admin and wants to help you folks.

TL/DR:  Download the SoD client.

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: Fugitive on September 05, 2011, 09:18:37 am

Brah needs to come back

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: L0stman on September 05, 2011, 09:22:15 am
Brah needs to come back

That there be commie talk.

And yeah - I am on the cusp of coming back.  Logged in all of my (and wifeys) toons so they wouldn't get deleted.  About at the point where I can use a distraction.

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: Recoil on September 05, 2011, 11:16:25 am
I haven't deleted the sealer, I know my items are still in there.  I sent Hunter a PM as I haven't found his email address yet.

My problem is this; I don't 2+ box on this server(yet) and only have my Rogue in half t1/t2 and only 3.0 epics.  It's going to be a pain trying to reget the other 3.0 with only one weapon to backstab with that can actually do substantial damage.  I have already started to redo my epic quest and managed to get the 1.5 done last night, it just took really long with NPC HP regen and a single weapon(having epic 1.0 in my OH doesn't actually count as doing damage).  I'm patient enough to redo the quest, I'm just honestly not sure if I can solo the other higher level targets at this point.  I'm unguilded and don't know anyone else on the server to labeled them as a "friend".

My other problem; My other weapon doesn't have an augment in it either, I fear I might lose that one also in the sealer... I cannot stomach the idea of losing both 3.0 epics and having to start from scratch.

I'll hope for the best and hear back from Hunter when he has the availability to research this problem.  I'll start to look around for this SoD client and continue to troubleshoot the problem on my end.

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: L0stman on September 05, 2011, 11:21:18 am
Log into the server and type /motd - Hunters email is listed in yellow each time you log into the server.  He does not read PM's on the forum (mentioned by him many times).


But yeah - it took me just ~2 minutes to find SoD -just now- when I looked.  Get SoD and you shouldnt have to wait on Hunter to get back to you on it. 

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: Fugitive on September 05, 2011, 12:08:27 pm
I use tit, and sod and augged manymanymany items never hiccuped once.. sorry about your bad luck..what else is your machine or eq doing during this?

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: Recoil on September 05, 2011, 12:39:46 pm
Nothing really else is running, minus maybe IE9.  I dont even have ShowEQ, MQ2, or a multi box program even installed.  It's just an Athlon x2 3.01Ghz machine, 4GB of RAM, and a Geforce 260 GTX, Win7 Home 64-bit.  I use a batch file to ensure I'm only running off one core processor with the AMD speed bug.

The only variable I can think of why this might have happened is this...  As I mentioned I'm still new and wanted to test something.  I had the mats to upgrade my Moss Tundra IV to a V, so I combined the mats in the magic box and it worked.  I took the Tunda V off my primary weapon and tried to combine two V's in the magic box curious if it would make a VI, it did not.  That's when I tried to put the augment back into my weapons.  So at this point I have two 3.0 epics with no augments in it, and two augments just sitting in my bags.

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: Recoil on September 05, 2011, 12:49:14 pm
I just tried this on my work laptop with Win7 Home 32-bit and outdated server/spell files using Titan and was able to open the sealer and combine my augments and regain my weapons!  YAY! lol

I think it's primarily an OS issue and not what version of EQ is installed and if outdated/updated files.

If anyone else has this issue I would suggest doing what I did... use a different machine.

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: L0stman on September 05, 2011, 12:51:43 pm
While I am sure that it is related to your OS in some way, I also stand by my assertion that it will probably work fine also if you used a different version.  When you switch, update this and let us know?

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: Recoil on September 05, 2011, 01:37:46 pm
If I run into this problem again I'll take the time to find and download SoD.  But I now know I have a vialable work around if SoD doesn't fix my problem.  I use Titan because I also fool around on p99.

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: lerxst2112 on September 05, 2011, 01:52:50 pm

1) On Vista and Windows 7, don't put EQ under the Program Files or Program Files (x86) directory.  This can cause all sorts of trouble.  If it is there, move it somewhere else, like C:\EQ.

2) If you play on multiple servers, especially P99, you're much better off having a separate copy of the game for each server.  The files that you need to change to play on P99 can cause many problems on other servers.

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: Recoil on September 05, 2011, 02:18:49 pm
Yes I have two seperate copies of EQ with different database files installed in both.  I have TWO desktop shortcuts labeled as P99 and EZ Server.  They are however located in the Program Files(x86)>Sony>Everquest directory.  I'll test you method as that's easy enough to swap out locations.  I'm only curious if a copy/paste is suffient if there are registry files still looking at the old directory and could have any impact.

Title: Re: Client Crash - Please Help!
Post by: lerxst2112 on September 05, 2011, 02:55:53 pm

EQ doesn't use the registry for anything important, so moving directories is not a problem.

Because those directories were virtualized while under Program Files you might find that you are missing a couple of files.  If so, you can find them under the C:\Users\<your account name>\AppData\Local or LocalLow folder.  There should be a folder under there for each of your installs where it would put the files it couldn't save to the game directory.