EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on August 28, 2011, 08:38:26 pm

Title: Make Guilds
Post by: Hunter on August 28, 2011, 08:38:26 pm
I haven't made any guilds this weekend yet, I was out of town.

I'll try to make them in the beginning of this week as soon as I can.

I would like to use new features in the updated source code that would allow players to make their own guild, but due to the lag creating a guild, I prefer to do it during low peek hours and give a quick warning, so that nobody loses items thru the lag when doing a turn in or combine or anything. If I allowed players to make the guild on the spot, they would spam it in order to lag the server, nerd rages, etc.


Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 28, 2011, 08:44:03 pm
If it involves an npc that you have to interact with in order to create the guild maybe you can have the npc to spawn only at certain times?

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Fugitive on August 28, 2011, 08:57:25 pm
Possible pay for the guild too.. shrug..

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Fugitive on August 28, 2011, 09:05:41 pm
We could make a quest that involves effort to get a guild creation token.


Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 28, 2011, 09:14:14 pm
If it involves an npc that you have to interact with in order to create the guild maybe you can have the npc to spawn only at certain times?
Possible pay for the guild too.. shrug..
We could make a quest that involves effort to get a guild creation token.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Solbash on August 28, 2011, 10:58:13 pm
And also code it to where there has to be multiple people doing this just for the one guild, IE 3 people do the quest/tokens. The leader initiates the creation and the other two which would be officers do the turn ins and bam you get your guild.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Appren on August 29, 2011, 12:11:02 am
And also code it to where there has to be multiple people doing this just for the one guild, IE 3 people do the quest/tokens. The leader initiates the creation and the other two which would be officers do the turn ins and bam you get your guild.

No. The other three suggestions are good, but not this.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Gantrathor on August 29, 2011, 10:12:45 am
Good suggestions to limit problems, but this one might be best left in administrative hands.  Anything the players get to do will eventually be abused in one way or another by some.  I'm certain we'll have guild name issues, followed by complaints about the guild name nazi's when people bring them to Hunter's attention.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 29, 2011, 10:36:23 am
I don't see how this would create more problems. The quest and plat requirement would keep most from creating guilds with stupid names. As it is now, Hunter has to do 100% of all guild creations. With this he may have to fine toon someones guild name from time to time.

To be a little more clear, I personally think the quest should be as long as the fg and cg quests but with all no drop stuff. The plat, 100k minimum. I don't think there are many people who would put in that kind of effort and that kind of plat just to make a guild with a funny name for shits and giggles. Most of the people who do names like that are 1 to 3 week people.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Hunter on August 29, 2011, 11:16:17 am
I could easily make a quest like the Fighters and Casters Guild have. I could also have the Quest NPC to make the guild check certain things, like Player Level, Player AA's, etc. I can also write up a name filter so certain key words, or even partial key words like anything that contains "nig" in the word would be rejected, but that would reject things like "Knight".

My top concern is guilds being created during high population / peek hours. During a guild creation, the server tends to lag out for 10 seconds, maybe due to the 123,000+ characters in the database. Hopefully the character purge coming up will help with that. During that lag period, its possible for players to lose items they were trying to trade in to NPCs and we don't refund items here, cause if we did then everyone would come up with a story to get free items.

My second concern is naming policy but that can be easily fixed when brought to my attention.

I'll consider the quest thing to regulate. Maybe even see if I can make a black out period like 4pm - 2am can't make guilds cause server has too many people logged on at that time. Server population has dipped this year a bit, which does make it easier for the rest of the players that really want to play without lag. I've noticed, based on our 5 MBits/Sec upload that we start getting lag around 450+ players online.

Anyways, I'll keep ya posted if/when I decide. Same with character purge, I'll try to give a lot of advance notice, maybe 1 month's notice. Any characters that have been created or logged in the last year from the date of the purge will be safe from the first wave of purging. If I go under a year, the I might look at other criteria like is the player level 1 with no money and less than 20 items and under 10 hours of play time? etc.


Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 29, 2011, 11:21:50 am
Awesome, I think this would be a really good thing.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Dood on August 29, 2011, 10:08:29 pm
You sir, are a master of geek speak.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Collector on August 30, 2011, 07:07:51 am
Caryatis use to have a guild creator npc, but you could only make 1 guild per IP.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Dethundrel on August 30, 2011, 11:36:49 am
I say any change that has even a "slight" chance of causing an item loss is bad ju ju.  It will only take 1 person losing an item to create a shitstorm over it, and can you blame them? If I went to do a 3.5 turn-in right as someone made a guild and lost my shit, I would literally lose my shit!
Also, no matter how big of a restrictionyou put in place, how much effort it takes, or how much money it costs, there are plenty of asshats that will always abuse it to make horrible names or grief people.  Who to say that if you beat someone to an epic kill, they won't be a dick and have a guildmake on standby waiting to watch you go to turn in so they can try and screw you?
Am I being WAY over paranoid? I think not. The majority of people here are very well mannered and would never perform such douchebagary. However, we know there are just as many idiots that come here once in a while that would LOVE to exploit something like this. You could make a guild cost 5 million Plat, and you will still see some form of "OMG Buttsex" for a guild name.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: DrEradul on August 30, 2011, 12:58:56 pm

I like the entire FG/CG list and so far it's been a lot of fun for me being in Lguk with my toons, therefore it would also be a good idea for the guild quest.

Additionally, how would you guys feel about having a list of mobs to kill as well as the items to collect?  Flagging your character for these mobs in order to turn in the items and receive the guild token, as an example.

Too much?


Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 30, 2011, 01:56:56 pm
I think killing a list of mobs is a good idea. I have seen a lot of people on this server. I have seen a lot of name violations and griefers. Most of the time, those people don't make it as far as fighters or casters guild and t1 gear. You might even add that as part of the requirements to create a guild. Honestly though, most of the people who do make it that far regret any naming violation. Sure, there will be some fools, but once they learn that the punishment is not a name change but a guild deletion and loss of time, plat and effort they wont do it again. Sure there will be some abuses, but I don't think the effort put to get rid of those abuses will be the same amount off effort to create guilds solely by Hunter.

I don't see any reason to limit per IP. Make sure you have to do the same effort per quest, make all the items lore so no one can spam it out. Most importantly, limit when it can be done. If there is a way, make it so you can turn the quest in at any time but the guild would only be created at a certain time of day.

What about making it something that is done at server restart. Even if it means that the server be locked out an extra 10 minutes, it would be worth it to prevent any other issues. If there is a way to do it, I think this would be a really good idea.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Brokyn on August 30, 2011, 02:04:32 pm
Easiest way to limit the time(s) that guilds can be created is to have a spawn timer on the NPC that performs the guild creation.  Limit the time of day that the NPC spawns to 8am-Noon Eastern, and from 2am-7am at server reset (or some other low population times)

If the NPC isn't there, the quest can't be completed.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Appren on August 30, 2011, 03:54:03 pm
I'm thinking 100 items and 11 combines wouldn't be too bad, since it should be a team effort... Everyone who wants to be in that guild would be out hunting for those items.

100 items? we're talking about a guild here, not a freaking epic 6.0 or something.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Reako66 on August 30, 2011, 04:09:14 pm
But u people do not think of The new people that want a guild to do Instances or starting with friends. I think people should have guild if they want, because not like there is guilds out there.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Fugitive on August 30, 2011, 06:09:25 pm
But u people do not think of The new people that want a guild to do Instances or starting with friends. I think people should have guild if they want, because not like there is guilds out there.

Agree with this,

Lets not make it over the top period...

Make it so during the week you can do what the quest is to make a guild, or just email Hunter and wait for sunday so he can create it.. shrug

But on the other hand, right now guild making isn't broke..Hunter gets to it...

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Litharan on August 30, 2011, 06:23:04 pm
Alot of good ideas here!  I like the idea of the guild quest mob spawning during certain times to avoid peak hours.  Also the ideas of farming certain items not to mention an added cost are good additions.  I would also toss out the idea of the quest mob giving a server wide shout say a minute before it creates the guild to give people a heads up to avoid complications with items being lost.  The quest items could be very simple, first off make them lore/no drop.  Have them drop off say Tunat and Chaos and a third purchasable item worth 50-100 k off the vendor in PoD.  This wouldn't make it so difficult that people wouldn't want to do it but at the same time forces players to play through content up to the T1/3.0 stage of progression.  It also would be worthwhile to have the quest mob give a warning that should an inapropriate guild name be chosen all members of that guild could be banned.


Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Fugitive on August 30, 2011, 07:19:45 pm
I'm thinking 100 items and 11 combines wouldn't be too bad, since it should be a team effort... Everyone who wants to be in that guild would be out hunting for those items.

Keep it simple

Im not ready to do my 6.0s

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on August 30, 2011, 07:23:49 pm
But u people do not think of The new people that want a guild to do Instances or starting with friends. I think people should have guild if they want, because not like there is guilds out there.

Agree with this,

Lets not make it over the top period...

Make it so during the week you can do what the quest is to make a guild, or just email Hunter and wait for Sunday so he can create it.. shrug

But on the other hand, right now guild making isn't broke..Hunter gets to it...

Put the quest with a plat requirement but also leave the option to get it done by Hunter, just at his leisure. That way if you don't want to wait you don't have to. But the people who don't have the plat or ability camp all the items can still get it done for free, just not as quickly.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: oldepharte on September 14, 2011, 11:38:44 am
I'm not convinced a fee is needed as a management device.  The only players affected would be the very newest.

A quest along the lines of CG/Fg would be most excellent.  I think it should also be a soloable (for the most part anyway) quest.  Currently a player can have a guild made by a single char's action (e-mail to Hunter) and I see no gain in changing that.

I don't like the idea that the guild npc is only available at certain times because it sorely impacts players who cannot get in game during those hours.  However, the guild creation process needs to occur during slack hours. 

Hunter, is it possible to have the quest queue something into a slack hours batch update?  In addition to managing the update impact it also would allow a window for management oversight.

Skeezy Ratty Troll

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 14, 2011, 12:08:57 pm
It should be pretty easy to set it up so guilds are automatically created on server reboot.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Strix on September 14, 2011, 07:58:25 pm
...created on server reboot.

Please don't add any more time to the server reboot - my wife will just find more jobs for me to do around the house that I've been successfully avoiding for years :)

-1 from all of Oceaniana on adding time to the server reboot


Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 14, 2011, 09:05:01 pm
I don't think it would really add very much time if at all. It could be done along side magelo update and the actual world server and zone boot.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Rastlin on October 06, 2011, 09:39:16 am
So making a guild we have to Ask a GM to do it? And if thats the case how do I request a guildname

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Gantrathor on October 06, 2011, 11:23:02 am
Send an email to Hunter (his address is probably on the site somewhere, but it's also in the MOTD in game) requesting that he make a guild, include the guild name and the name of the toon that you want to be the guild leader.  He usually takes care of guild creation on the weekends.

Title: Re: Make Guilds
Post by: Rastlin on October 06, 2011, 02:56:18 pm
Thank you so much :)