EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: hateborne on September 25, 2011, 06:32:07 pm

Title: How to Improve Load Times?
Post by: hateborne on September 25, 2011, 06:32:07 pm
Other than stripping models down to bare minimum and going to lowest possible settings, is there any way to greatly increase load times?

Sitting on i7 with 6gb of DDR3 (@1066 if memory serves) and MSI nVidia 560ti. I will bump ram up to 16GB of DDR3 1600mhz in a few weeks (not just for boxing, but for virtual machine experimentation for work :-P).

Other than spending $1k on a processor, buying a $300 solid state, or moving into Hunter's living room....any suggestions?


p.s. - Yes I am back, and yes you should be afraid. I will buttah knife all you bitches.

p.p.s - running titanium atm

Title: Re: How to Improve Load Times?
Post by: lerxst2112 on September 25, 2011, 06:45:22 pm

Surely you mean decrease load times, not increase. :)

You can try turning texture caching on if it isn't already.

Title: Re: How to Improve Load Times?
Post by: hateborne on September 25, 2011, 06:46:59 pm
No, I want to spent more time reading the awesome loading messages!

(yes, thank you!)

Will try it now.


Title: Re: How to Improve Load Times?
Post by: Digz on September 25, 2011, 07:03:43 pm
a solid state drive is your best bet and its pretty much night and day difference at that compared to a hard drive. Yes there are $300 drives out there but theres also $100 ones that will do the job just fine and still blow away anything youre currently using

load times = all about the drive the game is installed on, buy one and you wont regret it

Title: Re: How to Improve Load Times?
Post by: Kushie on September 26, 2011, 11:47:03 am
Get a better internet connection. If you're loading slow with that kind of machine you're doing something wrong, unless you're playing 17 toons at once.

Title: Re: How to Improve Load Times?
Post by: Zuez on September 26, 2011, 02:45:16 pm
Glad to hear a SSD is a great improvement I've been looking in to building a new computer and was thinking about including one. Hate check out newegg.com for your ram you can get 16gig 1600 corseair vengeance for like $120

Title: Re: How to Improve Load Times?
Post by: walk2k on September 26, 2011, 04:20:21 pm
Load old models, use texture caching or whatever it's called.

I have SSD and love it for boot drive - system resumes from standby in literally 5 seconds, the monitor is barely warming up..  but I don't think it helps games load times that much.  Mine is small (40GB) originally I had EQ and some other games on there but ran out of room so moved my games to the 1TB Samsung somethingorother and the load times only increased a few % barely noticeable.

Except for using old models I don't think there's much you can do, the EQ client is just slow, and a lot of loading is spent talking to the server I'm sure...

Title: Re: How to Improve Load Times?
Post by: walk2k on September 26, 2011, 04:21:38 pm
Oh I'm using SoD, I think it's faster than Titty..

I have about the same system btw - i7 950 3.8Ghz, 6GB ram 1066 etc..

Title: Re: How to Improve Load Times?
Post by: Zuez on September 26, 2011, 04:58:50 pm
From what I understand the game itself would have to be on the SSD to be able to see any benefit what so ever. Luckily the cost of SSD's are dropping so a 120gb or higher shouldn't be too bad considering the benefits of it.

Title: Re: How to Improve Load Times?
Post by: Jatrasis on September 26, 2011, 10:20:16 pm
I would honestly love to see you in your ADD induced haze while you wait for my machine to boot up EQ.  With that machine, I am wondering what "long load times" means exactly :)

But yeah, SSD can help a LOT.  If you're buying the ram, get the SSD instead or get it first.  Anything that "loads" will be effected by your hard drive.  Anything that is graphics or lag related (lots of toons in a zone) is RAM/Vid Card related.

Title: Re: How to Improve Load Times?
Post by: hateborne on October 04, 2011, 05:47:55 pm
Get a better internet connection. If you're loading slow with that kind of machine you're doing something wrong, unless you're playing 17 toons at once.

I was generally assuming 30MB Up/Down would be sufficient. Mainly because the game was developed and released when dial-up was the best o' the best.

Thanks for suggestions about SSDs. Looks like that will be my next upgrade.
