EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Untalented on April 26, 2010, 08:24:39 am

Title: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Untalented on April 26, 2010, 08:24:39 am
I know using MQ2 for warping/ghosting/etc whatever the hell it does is not aloud. I've been looking into getting it setup primarily for the /stick feature. However, I had another question to find out if this was "ok" or not.

Are we aloud to use the /twist feature to have say my boxed cleric continue to cast AE Heal? Would save me a lot of hassle having to switch every 3 seconds to be able to focus on added DPS or maintaining aggro on adds.

This would seem to me as okay to me, but I wasn't sure.

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Lodar on April 26, 2010, 08:30:14 am
Personnaly its either you prevent use or you allow it. 
You cant allow certain features only.  What would prevent you from using the other "cheating" features?

I dont know, maybe Hunter can give an answer on MQ2 usage.

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: robpickles on April 26, 2010, 09:23:47 am
Personnaly its either you prevent use or you allow it. 
You cant allow certain features only.  What would prevent you from using the other "cheating" features?

I dont know, maybe Hunter can give an answer on MQ2 usage.

I think what he is asking is that if Hunter allowed the Map and Stick features, would he allow this /twist feature too.

I can only see him allowing it if it does not give an exploitable benefit to your character in game.  Since i do not know MQ2, or what that feature does, I would think Hunter would need to check it out first and decide if it was acceptable or not.

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Untalented on April 26, 2010, 09:40:26 am
Basically it's the same as melody, but supposedly better. I just want it to constantly recast my clerics AE Heal, which allows me to take my eyes off that box a little bit and be able to focus more on keeping aggro w/ war and adding DPS with my other boxes. This way I don't need to switch every 3 seconds to recast.

And yes I'm asking if this would be acceptable  ;D

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Rezniron on April 26, 2010, 09:47:25 am
I thought somewhere hunter posted that using any functions of addons that replicate playing the character without pushing keys is a no-no. i dont remember where it was posted otherwise i'd provide a link.

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: robpickles on April 26, 2010, 09:50:51 am
Ahhh...now that u mention it I DO recall something about that too.

Sorry Untalented, i guess that would fall under those conditions.

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Untalented on April 26, 2010, 10:11:31 am
Maybe later today Hunter can post a firm stance on this as it would really be helpful, but I don't want to be banned for doing it.

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Lodar on April 26, 2010, 10:20:52 am
Well you can always do an in game macro with the hotkeys...

/cast 1
/pause whatever
/cast 1
/pause whatever
/call other key (dont remember the text)

and basically other key will have same... etc. it would simply loop

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Untalented on April 26, 2010, 10:49:48 am
Sounds promising... you said don't remember name tho so what is it? lol

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Mirielle on April 26, 2010, 10:50:40 am
I would say that as Hunter has said that he would allow map and stick, and not allow any other features that would allow an unafair advantage, then you have your answer.

If other features were going to be added to the allowed list, then it could start a slippery slope downhill.

Just my opinion though  :)

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: robpickles on April 26, 2010, 10:55:50 am
Just my opinion though  :)

You are probably right.  It would just open up a can of worms...

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Lodar on April 26, 2010, 11:40:42 am
I can try to find out how to call the other button... I had one running before...

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Lodar on April 26, 2010, 11:47:07 am
ok good news lol... the command is:

/ui action toolbarSlot##
where ## is from 00 to 23, for corresponding hotkeys from the bar. The first one is 00, last on first row is 11, first on second row (if you have one) is 12, and last on that row is 23. I'm sure you can figure out the rest.

Macro 1
/cast 1
/pause 30 (example... calculate time of recast/casting)
/cast 1
/pause 30
/ui action toolbarSlot01

Macro 2
/cast 1
/pause 30 (example... calculate time of recast/casting)
/cast 1
/pause 30
/ui action toolbarSlot00

This command pushes that button. You can even have it push itself. This allows you to loop your own macro using only the in-game features.

If you want to stop the loop, just change your hotkey bar to a blank one, or delete the key (it will still be in your abilities menu, of course, only delete it from the toolbar). Once the next cylcle is finished, you will hear a null button sound to indicate the loop is done.

Technically you can do whatever you want with this... who needs MQ2? :)

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Supreme on April 26, 2010, 12:26:33 pm
Congrats. You win at EQ.  ;)

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Untalented on April 26, 2010, 12:31:57 pm
Congrats. You win at EQ.  ;)

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Untalented on April 26, 2010, 12:32:59 pm
Will work just fine lodar thanks much.

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: robpickles on April 26, 2010, 12:43:00 pm
EDIT - ***Never mind - this was in SWG not EQ***  I do not think this command exists in EQ - sorry.

I think there is also a command you can use to stop all macros from running.... /dump i think it was.  So when the battle is over you can type that or have a  seperate hotkey to stop it for you.

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Lodar on April 26, 2010, 02:44:44 pm
yes it was... SWG FTW

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: robpickles on April 27, 2010, 08:12:40 am
I am surprised there is no command like /dump.

It would help a lot with in-game macro making.

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Untalented on April 27, 2010, 10:36:00 am
Yea no dump and "/ui action toolbarSlot##" as stated is an SWG command.

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Lodar on April 27, 2010, 11:52:06 am
oh yeah... sorry... damn.. maybe i was using a third party to click my buttons when i was afk like macro maker... for foraging for example... oh well

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: robpickles on April 27, 2010, 05:44:06 pm
I wonder how difficult it would be to add similar commands...if that is even possible.

Title: Re: Question Regarding MQ2 Rules
Post by: Reed on April 27, 2010, 06:15:01 pm
i think something client side prevents it. however if its custom, i know in SoD (Shards of Dalaya) we had custom /commands. Even here Hunter has his #commands. Maybe #dump, #action hotbar1 macro##