EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on October 18, 2011, 02:29:01 pm

Title: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: Hunter on October 18, 2011, 02:29:01 pm
The way items are turned in for Task Quest has been fixed.

Previously, the NPC would take your items even if you haven't accepted the task yet.

Now your items will be returned if the task has not been accepted or is not active, so that players will not lose items by accident due to handing them in before accepting the task.

The quest fixed were for Audyin, Melwithe, and Hyacinthe.



Title: Re: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: Brokyn on October 18, 2011, 04:03:45 pm
As always, nice work Hunter!

Title: Re: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: highfever on October 20, 2011, 06:52:44 am
Just a FYI, I completed the Fighter's Guild quest twice today and upon completion of the last step, I received a message that said "you don't have any tasks to complete" or something along those lines and the NPC gave me all 4 King's Chest cards back, but I got credit for completing the entire quest. Both times.

Title: Re: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: Hunter on October 20, 2011, 11:38:32 am
Weird, I'll have to check into that. I only tested with handing in the 1st item.


Title: Re: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: Kovou on October 20, 2011, 12:06:45 pm
did the same fo rme when i handed in the last of the CG stuff handed me all 4 items back as well

Title: Re: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: Hunter on October 20, 2011, 12:48:20 pm
I just realized why its doing that. I'll fix it soon.


Title: Re: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: Hunter on October 21, 2011, 09:42:29 pm
Ok, just fixed/tweaked the Task Quest for Audyin, Melwithe, and Hyacinthe again.

What was happening in the code, is when you turned in an item to the NPC, it finished / checked the step in the task first (database task stuff). Then second, the NPC's (perl) quest code checked if you have the quest "Active", which was obviously not active in the database anymore, since it was "Completed". Just the order of things I guess.

Its fixed now so that when you hand in the last required item, that it won't give it back to you.

The Task Quest was still being completed before for the players, but it provided players a way of having their last turn in to be given back, which was a minor exploit.

Planning to use the Task System for more quest on EZ Server. Seems to be working great now, no loss of items, and no dupe of items either.



Title: Re: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: L0stman on November 04, 2011, 09:59:29 pm
Hey Hunter,

I just did the CG task today on a new toon and found that it -did- succeed and give me a ring as expected.  It did not, however, give me a "Hail" text from her that shows that I am in the guild.  It also does not tell me that I can type 'enter' to enter the guild.  It appears (incorrectly) that the only way to enter is via your ring and "Better hope you dont delete it"

It seems that you can still type 'enter' to her to get into the guild though. 

It may be worthwhile to change her text so that she does not prompt you to do the task if you are already in the guild - and keep the "Say Enter to come into the Casters Guild" text.  It may be confusing to a player who comes back, hails the chick to get in, and can't figure out how to get in.

Title: Re: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: Solbash on November 04, 2011, 10:21:23 pm
Could we also get a notice if your going to do live updates to the db. Kinda sucks when your mid fight in t5, and the server lags out, kills you and poofs all your triggered mobs.

Title: Re: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: Fugitive on November 04, 2011, 10:31:41 pm
Could we also get a notice if your going to do live updates to the db. Kinda sucks when your mid fight in t5, and the server lags out, kills you and poofs all your triggered mobs.

don't need a db edit to wipe you though?

Title: Re: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: Hunter on November 05, 2011, 07:38:39 am
I do a lot of minor database updates without anyone noticing, but its when I do major copy and paste into the database, or a big search / query that it lags out for like 3 seconds.

Back in the days, I used to do #npcspawn create (which makes a clone of the NPC with a new NPC ID) vs the #npcspawn add (which makes a clone of that NPC at a different spawn location, but with same NPC ID). Anyways, I was cleaning this stuff up, mainly custom Nexus/Surefall Quest NPC's. Hope this didn't affect the Task Quest NPCs, so I'll double check that soon. Keep me posted on any bugs with Task or Quest NPCs and I'll try to fix them.

Title: Re: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: Hunter on November 05, 2011, 07:47:46 am
Seems if you ask about "task" again that they will confirm you are a member, and ask you if you want to "enter" the zone or get a Casters Guild Tag.

I'll edit the NPC to be more clear with a simple hail if you are in the guild or not yet, rather than finding out after saying task, which one would logically assume that means your going to do it over again, but it doesn't.

Title: Re: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: Hunter on November 05, 2011, 08:06:14 am
This has been fixed and updated in Nexus.

Hailing the NPC will give you different based if you are finished with the task.


Title: Re: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: Fugitive on November 05, 2011, 08:38:40 am
This has been fixed and updated in Nexus.

Hailing the NPC will give you different based if you are finished with the task.



Title: Re: Fixed Task Turn Ins
Post by: L0stman on November 06, 2011, 06:29:17 pm
This has been fixed and updated in Nexus.

Hailing the NPC will give you different based if you are finished with the task.


Oddly enough, this only kind of works.

On toons that went through the task system it works fine.  On a toon I had that is fighters guild from way-back-in-the-day, when he hails he gets asked if he wants to do a task.  I had to try to enter the guild hall by typing "enter" to know, for sure, if I was flagged for it.

Odd stuff for sure.

(Note - I was hailing them because I forgot which guilds I had already done on this user).