EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on October 21, 2011, 07:42:42 pm

Title: Trains
Post by: Hunter on October 21, 2011, 07:42:42 pm
Listen up you rebels. New source code allows me to determine trains and assign punishments (such as disconnect user).

Akkadius: Exported $client->GetAggroCount();, this will get how many NPC's are aggroed on the client. This can also be used to determine when in combat.

Oh, this is going to be fun, muahahah.

(Updating source code soon).

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: bozac on October 21, 2011, 07:46:39 pm
Is it legal to train in private guild instance?

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Hunter on October 21, 2011, 07:53:11 pm
Technically I don't allow trains at all, but if your in a private instance, who's going to report you? Now I'll have code to take care of you exploiters!

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Ponzi on October 21, 2011, 07:55:03 pm
I am personally going to enjoy getting 9 mobs on my monk and feigning them on anyone in ldon / qvic / etc to get them instantly booted from the zone.

Thanks Hunter!

/sarcasm off.

As always, with every new concept and knee-jerk overreaction, there is going to be ways for people to grief each other. Hell, in qvic there's so many mobs bunched together in some of the areas it's going to be hard to not get 10 mobs in certain places.

And that would cripple the ability of a person with less-than-stellar computer to pull mobs to a central looting location in many zones.  /stick isnt always a feasible option in places like Qvic/Ldon/basicallyanywherewithwallsandobstacles.

And anyone with a 4.0+ and no AE ability is going to have a devil of a time keeping adds down on mobs like MoW and Tacvi boss 2 without getting 10 on a single screen.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: stales on October 21, 2011, 08:10:58 pm
Is this code going to effect PoFire?

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Tibador on October 21, 2011, 08:13:57 pm
Can we revist that rule with new instancing my understanding of that 10 or less rule was to allow sharing of public zones before instancing so a high end warrior could not come into a zone and monopolize a whole zone and also zones were little less stable back then so people could crash them easily to grief people.

As in live or any game for example becoming high geared takes time and with that you get the benefit of lower tier zones being easier with the 10 rule your basically saying all the effort you put in to gear means nothing in this aspect and I would like to hear your opinion on this Hunter as most things on this server is already pretty time consuming.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Ponzi on October 21, 2011, 08:14:48 pm
Is this code going to effect PoFire?

lol i totally forgot about that. If the change is serverwide, Hunter will need to take the 'custom' out of PoFire in order to keep the 11mobANDIBOOTYOU code from tossing RoAers.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Cracken on October 21, 2011, 08:20:49 pm
            Lol charm farming in ldon will never be the same. Poor shadow is going to sore now i bet with everyone skipping ldon to kill the giant chicken of a demon instead.  :D

~Member of The house of Strix~

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Hunter on October 21, 2011, 08:21:52 pm
I could easily set the X number of mobs allowed to train custom to each zone. I could make any punishment too from just logging it to a log.txt file for review abusers to do a mass ban later, or insta disconnects.

If I do the logging, you won't know its there. If I do the insta disconnects, then it'd be obvious right away.

Right now my priority is the zone crashing + upcoming Halloween Event.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Jackal1950 on October 21, 2011, 08:25:34 pm
I am fairly new to this server, but have heard that your Halloween event is a lot of fun, so helping the  stability of various zones seems logical, even if it means BanHammer at ready...8-)

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: oldepharte on October 21, 2011, 08:26:43 pm
Hell, in qvic there's so many mobs bunched together in some of the areas it's going to be hard to not get 10 mobs in certain places.
And that would cripple the ability of a person with less-than-stellar computer to pull mobs to a central looting location in many zones.  /stick isnt always a feasible option in places like Qvic/Ldon/basicallyanywherewithwallsandobstacles.

Umm, try counting the mobs as you pull them.  I cannot think of a single place outside of specific encounters like MoW where you can attack 1 mob near you and pull 10.  I am not an expert, just saying....  

And anyone with a 4.0+ and no AE ability is going to have a devil of a time keeping adds down on mobs like MoW and Tacvi boss 2 without getting 10 on a single screen.

I don't think encounters like the tacvi bosses that spawn multiple adds would count as a train, at least not if you are killing them in their own room, and not pulling the whole zone to boss 8.

The whole 'no train' thing is pretty basic:  don't be greedy and do take your time.  If you can't handle behaving like that then pop an instance and party down.  :D

As in live or any game for example becoming high geared takes time and with that you get the benefit of lower tier zones being easier with the 10 rule your basically saying all the effort you put in to gear means nothing in this aspect and I would like to hear your opinion on this Hunter as most things on this server is already pretty time consuming.

The fact that I can clear a zone several tiers lower than my char normally hunts does not mean that I should, or even that it is a moral thing to do.  The name for the act of a high level wasting a lower level zone for loot is "bottom feeding"  From the point of an observer it is a rude, arrogant behavior.  It is highly unfair competition to the players who are properly geared to be hunting at that zone level.

That being said, there are valid reasons to hunt down level.  The way you do that is to pop an instance so you do not impact the lower end of the community.  At a bare minimum of courtesy, if you do go bottom feeding in a public area you really should consider giving away the loots you do not need.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Cracken on October 21, 2011, 08:29:13 pm
            Mass secret ban before Halloween event would be classic humor hunter lol i'm already tearing up thinking of the idea. ;D

~Member of The house of Strix~

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Wildane on October 21, 2011, 08:31:01 pm
Wow, I always thought training involved running over someone else.  So, training just means rounding up mobs to kill more efficiently?  Personally, I've never had a problem with anyone, either running anyone over or getting run over, and I have /hidec all and /hidec looted on hotkeys.  If this is the way it is, so be it, I just didn't know there was a problem.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Castaway on October 21, 2011, 08:32:34 pm
Okay here is my opinion on this new update you are doing Hunter.

If you are going to change the limit to no more than killing 10 mobs at one time, you should change the drop rates on mobs because clearing qvic even in a guild instance pulling left to right, right to left still takes a very long time to do. Adding to this equation not everyone has hours and hours of time to play a game, we work, we have families and whatever else that falls in between. If you could increase the drop chances of certain items that are extremely rare this would be a little different. It would take a century alone to get a ultimate charm now.

This update aggravated me very much and wish to see some cooperation with us ez server members.

On top of this, I totally agree with this rule but only for the public.. in instances group or guild we should be able to pull how many ever mobs we want due to the price increase. We all should not be punished for other peoples actions..

Now for my idea on a very good change that you could probably do but it might take a bit of coding - For this idea that I speak of, you would need ( Item Levels ) on Tier Gear kind of like WoW has.. and with the item levels on gear you could make a maximum item level of  tier zones and if they exceed the maximum item level they are not allowed to kill in public, they must make an instance to hunt. To code this I am not sure on that as I am not a coder.. but I am pretty damn sure that this is possible

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: oldepharte on October 21, 2011, 08:38:54 pm
....If you are going to change the limit to no more than killing 10 mobs at one time....

This update aggravated me very much and wish to see some cooperation with us ez server members.

This is not a change, this rule has been in place forever.

As to cooperation among easy players, may I suggest we think about what a nice gift Hunter offers here for us and agree to cooperate in not giving him grief?  Think it through....

Skeezy Ratty Troll

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: cantari on October 21, 2011, 08:49:07 pm
Technically I don't allow trains at all, but if your in a private instance, who's going to report you? Now I'll have code to take care of you exploiters!

Just trying to get clarification on private instances.

So you are saying in them you will ban/boot people pulling >10 mobs at a time or going to ignore the information if it is in a private instance?

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: whatzizface on October 21, 2011, 08:51:22 pm
I agree with skeezy on this one, Before the instances the UC was a pain, It has remained so except for the instances that keep people from greifing one another. I for one have done it both ways and can tell you from experiance "The UC is a time sink, any way you cut it it will take time, Whether you pull entire zones or 10 at a time it does not come easy" I think it is a awesome concept we can have our own instances so we all get a chance at lvl's instead of the 3 we had before where if you were late to the party you had to hope the other guy in the instance wasnt POed that you were there. We all made it work and it will continue to work great if we all have some common curtesy.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Tibador on October 21, 2011, 08:51:44 pm
As in live or any game for example becoming high geared takes time and with that you get the benefit of lower tier zones being easier with the 10 rule your basically saying all the effort you put in to gear means nothing in this aspect and I would like to hear your opinion on this Hunter as most things on this server is already pretty time consuming.

The fact that I can clear a zone several tiers lower than my char normally hunts does not mean that I should, or even that it is a moral thing to do.  The name for the act of a high level wasting a lower level zone for loot is "bottom feeding"  From the point of an observer it is a rude, arrogant behavior.  It is highly unfair competition to the players who are properly geared to be hunting at that zone level.

That being said, there are valid reasons to hunt down level.  The way you do that is to pop an instance so you do not impact the lower end of the community.  At a bare minimum of courtesy, if you do go bottom feeding in a public area you really should consider giving away the loots you do not need.

Like i said keep the rule of 10 live in public zones, now zones are pretty stable even if you train all of pofire or whatever zone you most likely wont crash and even if you do its most likely a client crash not zone so i still dont see the reason other then to slow down progression.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Ponzi on October 21, 2011, 08:53:08 pm
oldpharte - Can't pop instances to avoid training rules any more.

And we *have* to kill tiers far below us (ldon/etc) for charm upgrades and essences in order to gear out Ultimate Charms and Weapon Augments.

I've personally never pulled more of 10 of anything in a zone with other people in it within a mile of me, unless it was like qvic or timea, in which i was rotting everything and the people near me were literally /cheering me on because i was doing it *for* them.

The training rule is there to protect the people in ldon/qvic type zones from getting steamrolled by greedy jerks who disregard the presence of others entirely. And i agree with it whole heartedly, because you really can't trust the masses to police themselves and always do the honorable thing.

But there's also times where you simply can't help it. If some poor paladin is on ldon 6 (and god knows why in the first place).. there's simply no way i'm going to be able to jump past him to an area he isnt killing... without spam killing 90% of the mobs around him by the time he finishes the 3 mobs already beating on him. Thats simply game mechanics. What you *can* do is let him know he's far better off in ldon 4 getting cards + potential for his specific charm drop. Or if he needs pages, you invite him along with you and give him half an hour of his life back. Thats where being a good guy and cooperating comes into play.

And in zones like qvic where people like me and Tibador are hunting one particular stupid drop and rotting all tokens and 99% of the armor and flawless gem drops, there's usually a few people in the zone cheering us on and thankful we are easing the steepest gear curve in the game (Time mobs/armor to Qvic mobs/armor) for them. If there is a group of one or two living people with a legit box going killing qvic content like god intended, i'm going to hit up ldon for charms or HoH for pages/tokens instead and let them enjoy their content the normal way. I *totally* get that. It's just been my experience that there is a mage, a rogue and a beastlord sitting LFG/AFK by the first boss spawn safepoint in qvic and 0 people actually running around 'struggling' their way through qvic. It's single toons looking for rots or other 'jerks like me' mowing stuff down praying for their particular class armor drop of the box thats /sticking behind me.

 And a zone like Tacvi where a UC Warriror spams all 8 bosses at once, is likely going to /ooc 90% of the drops as rots for ppl to come loot, or he's in a guild instance where he's going to rot it regardless with no witnesses/victims. /shrug.

As for the 'counting mobs as i pull them' argument oldpharte makes, umm.. I can just continually hit autoattack on while i'm running and spam kill with less than 10 on me at all times, it just makes it an adventure to backtrack and loot it all. Which completely bends over the 'spirit of the law' but ends in the same amount of mobs killed per minute and the same amount of content deprived to the little guy, who's usually rooting for me to spam down the zone to begin with.... The exact same guy who is going to be charged twice as much by mercenaries for a qvic / ldon run if it takes 2-3x as long for them to yank 15 tokens worth of bosses taking baby steps.

It's all relative. Probably the one zone i *am* notorious for pulling 10 mobs in is plane of dragons on my paladin, which harms absolutely nobody and gets me killed the times when i forget i'm on the warrior screen instead of the paladin lol. Thats a bad example, of course, because there's a zillion dragons in PoD and even the staunchest forum warrior is going to have to get creative to figure out how that is detrimental to the server. :P


Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Kushie on October 21, 2011, 08:56:42 pm
Technically I don't allow trains at all, but if your in a private instance, who's going to report you? Now I'll have code to take care of you exploiters!

Just trying to get clarification on private instances.

So you are saying in them you will ban/boot people pulling >10 mobs at a time or going to ignore the information if it is in a private instance?

It's pretty clear he is saying if no one reports you, you have no worries. Obviously people cannot report you if you're in a private instance.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Tibador on October 21, 2011, 08:58:24 pm
No i think what he is saying is that just because no one is reporting you that you are still exploiting his 10 rule.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 21, 2011, 08:59:45 pm
You know, there really was a time when all of the server could not handle more than just a few mobs in qvic. At one time it was considered end game to have full qvic and have a lvl 25 charm from ldon. Granted the server has changed since then it is not game breaking to not be able to pull qvic in 1 or 2 pulls.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Devious313 on October 21, 2011, 09:00:19 pm
Nobody has to report you, the source code will either disconnect you or log your train to a file so he can punish you later.../shrug thats what I got out it.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: cantari on October 21, 2011, 09:00:30 pm
Technically I don't allow trains at all, but if your in a private instance, who's going to report you? Now I'll have code to take care of you exploiters!

Just trying to get clarification on private instances.

So you are saying in them you will ban/boot people pulling >10 mobs at a time or going to ignore the information if it is in a private instance?

It's pretty clear he is saying if no one reports you, you have no worries. Obviously people cannot report you if you're in a private instance.

Hmm, or it sounds like he is saying before he enables this code to allow him to log these details, nobody was reporting you, and now he will have the ability to "see" the players in private instances pulling more than 10 mobs, hence the "Now I'll have code to take care of you exploiters!"

Unless that last line was strictly sarcasm...

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Hunter on October 21, 2011, 09:00:53 pm
The 10 mob train rule has always been in effect, but bans have decreased since people don't get reported in their own instances. Now I have code to keep eye on you, even in your own instance! Muahah.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: oldepharte on October 21, 2011, 09:05:19 pm

blah... blah... blah, blah, blah!!!

Sir, I submit you seek excuses to not follow simple rules.  Put that childish behavior aside, it ill becomes you!

Skeezy Ratty Troll

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Ponzi on October 21, 2011, 09:10:57 pm

blah... blah... blah, blah, blah!!!

Sir, I submit you seek excuses to not follow simple rules.  Put that childish behavior aside, it ill becomes you!

Skeezy Ratty Troll

Dammit Skeezy, ask around. We're both known on this server for being good ppl who selflessly help others. :P lets stop pretending to bicker.

We both know the real reason i'm mad - pulling to a central location on a crappy computer makes looting about 5000x easier and keeps the Baby J from crying.

Plus it's a lot easier to laugh at the changes spaming T4 semi-afk fully UC'd than being down in the trenches in ldon, so nyah!

Hopefully it's another step in the right direction for eliminating botters. Thats the real positive i can draw from it.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Liveye on October 21, 2011, 09:14:41 pm
Can you change the wiz rain spell to something that isn't against the rules since it kills 4 mobs at a time with 3 waves? That's 12 mobs so it's breaking the rules by existing...

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Tibador on October 21, 2011, 09:26:45 pm
Oh come on lets not rush to grab pitchforks guys but i do think this rule is way out dated for the server and would appreciate taking a look from the players point of view as this is just going to make it that much harder to tier up.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Hunter on October 21, 2011, 09:43:57 pm
Can you change the wiz rain spell to something that isn't against the rules since it kills 4 mobs at a time with 3 waves? That's 12 mobs so it's breaking the rules by existing...

I can ban you for asking dumb questions.

Nice post count, f**.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Duluum on October 21, 2011, 10:09:03 pm
Hey :)
nice topic, as i heard black, white, and grey about training and don't really know what to think.

the rule is 10 mobs in public custom zones (except PoFire), but some big farming custom quests are like ... train incitations.
i thought non-custom (if not bothering someone else), instanced custom zones, or empty zones, were more train friendly.
i don't want to ruin other's gametime and i thought this was a good compromise but i'm afraid i was wrong.

zone crashing (which nearly never happened to me), exploit ... issues i wish to know more about, in order to play fair.

questions about trains i do :
1/ is instanced (or empty) ldon4 cleaned in 2 pulls an exploit ? Because it is the only way i found to reach the 2K credits/hour average, which many UC farmers told me about in ooc.
2/ when training an instance, could it make public crash ?

again, my pleasure is linked to others having some too, and most of the time /tells pre-solved every problems i could have had (remaining problems were post-solved the same way), and i quite never experienced zone crashings.

english is not my birth language, sorry for mistakes, and don't look for sarcasms or second degree : just asking, not crying.


Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Natedog on October 21, 2011, 10:42:35 pm
Did training in ldon guild / group instances stress the server? . Ive never crashed an instance before besides in HoH / Sky / T5.. and those crashes are just from killing 1 mob at a time usually.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: viena on October 22, 2011, 02:33:56 am
I think there has been some confusion on this subject, because a train has been and always will be when you get someone killed or run the mobs to a zone and lose aggro, shouting "TRAIN TO ZONE"

A pull on the other hand is NOT a train, IE AOE groups that PULL half the zone and nuke/stun and no one dies. I think there would be a lot of clarification to new members if you said NO PULLS larger than 10.  I know I sure didn't think that was what it meant, and I am utterly shocked after playing on this server for a few months, I had no idea that this was how Hunter wanted his server to be. It completely changes the game. No wonder people are having a knee jerk reaction to this, I know I sure am.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Hunter on October 22, 2011, 04:34:13 am
People always overreact.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 22, 2011, 04:56:17 am
People always overreact.


Title: Re: Trains
Post by: copyleftdev on October 22, 2011, 06:01:23 am

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Natedog on October 22, 2011, 06:14:24 am

Silly goose... You can make trains any size in non-custom zones as long as you aren't doing it to grief another player. So PoI PLing with bard is still acceptable.. then train as you please in PoFire.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 22, 2011, 04:19:17 pm

People always overreact.


Title: Re: Trains
Post by: napoleonn on October 22, 2011, 04:33:54 pm
I'm all about the rules, but i thought instances were made for ever zone so you didn't have to train or cause anyone troubles? I know your not suppose to pull more then 10 but i thought if you payed the 100k plat for your own instance you were able to do whatever you want. Just wondering if theres any point in making a guild instance in ldons now if im gonna get banned for pulling more then 10?

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: walk2k on October 22, 2011, 04:45:54 pm
I think people would like a definitive answer, yes or no will there be punishment for training in private instances, and what will the limits be?

If trains are a performance problem for the server then make it 20 mobs and say your 3rd offense you get disconnected.  Anything more than that would be just be overly punitive.

 If you don't want people to train LDON make charms only drop from bosses or something.  15 min timer on them and nobody has a reason to train in LDON any more - which btw I find extremely tedious... fun the first few times you can clear LDON 6 from a to z in one swing of a warrior's epic  8)  not that I would know about that...  ::)  otherwise it's just tedious, not fun.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: napoleonn on October 22, 2011, 04:57:27 pm
To sum it up ya, a yes or no answer to that question would really clear up alot of things from what i read. I myself would like an answer to that question. Making it 15-20 mobs would be cool though. +1 to that idea. Either way your the boss man Hunter and i appricate what you offer. Thanks again.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: L0stman on October 22, 2011, 06:40:06 pm
I vote for not getting a yes/no answer.  The speculation and "OMGZ THE WORLD IS ENDING" is entertaining.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Hunter on October 22, 2011, 08:15:34 pm
Yes, speculation is entertaining.

Officially, you'll only get banned so far if someone submits a FRAPS video of you training. Use your head.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Doragoon15 on October 22, 2011, 11:58:45 pm
I'm not gonna lie...i think hunter is now the best troller on the forums!

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: napoleonn on October 22, 2011, 11:59:54 pm
6113 posts i think hes got us all beat forever  ::)

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Hunter on October 23, 2011, 12:40:49 am
Better Recognize.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Richard on October 23, 2011, 12:55:57 pm
People always overreact.


LOL  Xiggie, what B rated film did this clip come from??

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Kovou on October 23, 2011, 12:59:40 pm
People always overreact.


LOL  Xiggie, what B rated film did this clip come from??

Didnt you know that's Xiggie he stars in all his own clips!

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on October 23, 2011, 03:59:32 pm
I have no idea what movie it comes from, lol. I just find random pics/gifs while browsing the net and save them. Sometimes pictures say much more than words, lol.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: walk2k on October 24, 2011, 11:43:30 pm
Yes, speculation is entertaining.

Officially, you'll only get banned so far if someone submits a FRAPS video of you training. Use your head.
Ok that's fair enough, thanks.  Head firmly in use!

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Drast on November 09, 2011, 10:28:38 pm
so in basicaly don't be an ass and it's not a problem right?

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Fugitive on November 09, 2011, 11:35:48 pm
so in basicaly don't be an ass and it's not a problem right?

Don't train in a public custom zone except plane of fire..

I think this thread is mostly about instances of custom zones unless your a dick to yourself alot youwont frap self and email...the jest of it haha.

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Jackal1950 on November 10, 2011, 08:03:21 am
looks like maybe from an episode of   "The Monkeys"...............maybe not

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Safiraya on December 10, 2011, 10:04:43 pm

Title: Re: Trains
Post by: Fugitive on December 10, 2011, 10:37:11 pm

Necro reply