EZ Server

General Category => Rants and Flames => Topic started by: Solbash on October 31, 2011, 10:44:43 pm

Title: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Solbash on October 31, 2011, 10:44:43 pm
This is the current hit list of Ninja Looters this weekend.

China (The guild) - Looted Scepter V - Name was to facked up for us to even make out.

Dazz - Stone Monster Familiar - Was caught, when confronted by his guild officer, he disbanded and logged.

Time to feed the trolls!! Have at them folks :)

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Reako66 on November 01, 2011, 05:29:08 pm
Did you email Hunter?

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 01, 2011, 09:18:59 pm
Of course

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kenshou on November 03, 2011, 12:33:09 pm
Cant deny you where there

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Fugitive on November 03, 2011, 04:35:11 pm

You guys know what happens in Public zones event or not.. /shrug obviously he was in the raid though.

However, I do find it funny about the Guild Tag Dazz is wearing.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Solbash on November 03, 2011, 06:15:32 pm
The comment was about another SM that was up at that same time, and no he wasn't in our raid.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: undeadanger on November 03, 2011, 07:07:37 pm
well all i can say is i was standing right there and saw him dazz knell down and loot it and the sm corpse puffed , and eveyone was tellen him not to loot it when he ran up in the middle of the whole guild standing there ,, all i can say is i am out a sm pet and he has it . think he will give it back ?

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 03, 2011, 07:30:29 pm
Guild chat is discussing a future SM kill, not the one that was currently dead.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: walk2k on November 03, 2011, 08:27:50 pm
bout treefiddy

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: barrettd04 on November 03, 2011, 08:32:00 pm

You guys know what happens in Public zones event or not.. /shrug obviously he was in the raid though.

However, I do find it funny about the Guild Tag Dazz is wearing.

Sure we know that scumbags lurk in pub ninja'ing others loot, doesn't mean we can't try to get 'em banned!  :)

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kovou on November 03, 2011, 10:41:04 pm
ya i've had alot of problems with Kyptic Soul and another guild Remedy ninja looting esp during then i or others who where trying to help ppl out by killing CT or SM (popcorn and FP im sure there's a few others) and we all had ppl comeing and ninja looting i had some own up to it but others esp from these two guilds did not say a word they never do and just disappare when called out on it

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 04, 2011, 12:40:27 am
Here is proof:

He has stone monster buff in Nexus. 43k hp pally.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 07, 2011, 03:09:08 am
So is this ninja looter going to be banned? He's still playing all the time.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Jatrasis on November 07, 2011, 12:08:28 pm
Officer:  Yeah, that guy shot you, but you really shouldn't have been walking around this place at this time of night.

Makes no sense.  Ninja looting is unacceptable, regardless if it is public.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 07, 2011, 12:28:57 pm

You guys know what happens in Public zones event or not.. /shrug obviously he was in the raid though.

However, I do find it funny about the Guild Tag Dazz is wearing.

Sure we know that scumbags lurk in pub ninja'ing others loot, doesn't mean we can't try to get 'em banned!  :)

That statement sickens me... So you only fight in pub to get people banned? You sir should be the ones getting banned.

Way to blow a comment out of context. Everyone fights in pub for a variety of reasons. Not a single person fights in pub specifically to get someone banned. Your assumption sickens me more then his statement. You're not very good with other people are you Thebone?

Of course we will try to get a ninja banned. Were we in pub specifically for that reason? Use common sense, if you have some.

"You were specifically in the ghetto to get those drug dealers and gangsters caught by police weren't you? This is why you should never leave the suburbs"

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: undeadanger on November 07, 2011, 12:44:58 pm
Well the point is there were 3 or 4 people tellen him not to loot it , it  is more stealing then ninja looting  and its not just stealing from the person or stealing  his loot  or stealing from the guild, its stealing from everyone on ez because at some point every player will need help and that sm pet may have been the one thing that turned the  fight that won the battle .. so call a theif a theif and place a tag to go under his toons name so anyone on ez thats new or old player  will see what type of player he / she  really is ....

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 07, 2011, 12:58:03 pm
I think what we've learned is TheBone is Dazz or his friend and they view us as a evil corporation with huge tax spiffs and unlimited lobbying power. We are the 1% and they are the 99%

Occupy EZ. Fight against the 1%.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Doragoon15 on November 07, 2011, 01:13:41 pm
ZOMG OCCUPY! We will make oakland look civilized!

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Fugitive on November 07, 2011, 02:08:35 pm
I think what we've learned is TheBone is Dazz or his friend and they view us as a evil corporation with huge tax spiffs and unlimited lobbying power. We are the 1% and they are the 99%

Occupy EZ. Fight against the 1%.

Bite your tongue period Thebone is not Dazz nor his friend. End of that story

Continue on whatever you are trying to accomplish here.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 07, 2011, 02:38:15 pm
I'm not going to bite anything. Look at what he said:

"Wait a Sec..... It say right there in your guild chat that it's not FP's loot. How can some one ninja something from your guild if your guild even say's it's not yours?

And from what it looks like It's even Soulproc (solbash) saying that....."

"That statement sickens me... So you only fight in pub to get people banned? You sir should be the ones getting banned."

I don't always defend ninja looters, but when I do, I try to flip the blame on the people who got ninja'd.

The most interesting angle in the world. We are the 99%

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Fugitive on November 07, 2011, 02:56:15 pm


Ask your GL before posting anymore.

It is starting to sicken me too that you Fucking know what happens in PUBLIC


Bottom line use GI

Now quit making this about this shit, worry about the ninja looter. Again Ask your GL before posting anymore.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Natedog on November 07, 2011, 03:03:47 pm
Someone needs to lock this thread, please.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 07, 2011, 03:16:21 pm
And no, Popcorn doesn't run anything except giving out security clearance for posting on forums.

Level 2 clearance with fingerprint and retina scanning.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 07, 2011, 03:18:46 pm
And no, Popcorn doesn't run anything except giving out security clearance for posting on forums.

Level 2 clearance with fingerprint and retina scanning.

Too bad there is no jackass filter in there.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 07, 2011, 03:53:24 pm
"Wait a Sec..... It say right there in your guild chat that it's not FP's loot. How can some one ninja something from your guild if your guild even say's it's not yours?

And from what it looks like It's even Soulproc (solbash) saying that....."

"That statement sickens me... So you only fight in pub to get people banned? You sir should be the ones getting banned."

I don't think my critical thinking or reading comprehension skills are in question, good sir.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Natedog on November 07, 2011, 03:54:39 pm

You guys know what happens in Public zones event or not.. /shrug obviously he was in the raid though.

However, I do find it funny about the Guild Tag Dazz is wearing.

Sure we know that scumbags lurk in pub ninja'ing others loot, doesn't mean we can't try to get 'em banned!  :)

That statement sickens me... So you only fight in pub to get people banned? You sir should be the ones getting banned.

Guess reading between the lines isn't required for posting either.

He doesn't mean:  "We kill in public zones to weed out the ninja looters"

He however means: "We kill in public zones and yes we know there are ninja looters. Doesn't mean we can't try to get that banned if they ninja our loot."

If you guys want to talk about ninja looters keep posting.. if you want to talk about our members make a new flame post.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Jatrasis on November 07, 2011, 04:00:17 pm
Of course, back in the day you would pay 500,000k for someone to come KS, right thebone?

Can't believe the innocent are being condemned because people want to glorify the guilty.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 07, 2011, 04:14:37 pm
So apparently he wasn't done with us kiddies. TheBone had some fine words of wisdom in ooc.

So if i get this right, guild instances are for guilds. Right? This is great news.

So getting ninja looted is ok in public. Hunter please make sure to update the server rules with this information. I wasn't even at the kill that got ninja'd, but I like to be clear on the rules of the server.

I think we were the only guild to kill Stone Monster in a guild instance.  35-36 other pets didn't get ninja looted. The one that did we are understandably upset about.

Please help me understand your logic in defending a ninja looter, because i'm still "to" stupid.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 07, 2011, 04:17:38 pm
Furthermore, we killed Stone Monster wherever he was up.

If you had killed him more then once or twice Thebone, you would know he's not always up in every instance.  We killed him in pub because he spawned in pub. No, we didn't spawn every Stone Monster we killed. And no, i wasn't there.

Honestly cannot believe people want to defend a ninja looter. It shows your true character.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Fugitive on November 07, 2011, 04:21:04 pm
Furthermore, we killed Stone Monster wherever he was up.

If you had killed him more then once or twice Thebone, you would know he's not always up in every instance.  We killed him in pub because he spawned in pub. No, we didn't spawn every Stone Monster we killed. And no, i wasn't there.

Honestly cannot believe people want to defend a ninja looter. It shows your true character.

1st let me set it straight.
We do not defend or advocate Ninja Looting Period ( how calling you a dumbass became (we support Ninjas) is unknown to me )

As we do not defend or advocate being dumb. The corpse should have been locked, you know what happens in public. It has happened before and will probably happen again there are to many lame ass lowlifes on this game that play that shit. It is lame and dumb period

Thanks for spamming me in-game, that is so awesome!

Also rolling a in game noob to Spew hate in OOC awesome!! Thanks at least have the sack to do it on your main.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 07, 2011, 04:27:43 pm
I don't think sending you 4 tells in game is spamming. I wanted to give you more material to taddle to daddy about.

Fugimad is offline.

If you want to talk about spamming, how about the OOC's earlier about big bad kushie posting in the rants and flames forums without permission. You won't even answer a tell to speak in a civilized manner. Your OOC was all caps with naughty language.

EDIT: On that note, Thebone please don't delete all your posts on this topic. We need your wise wisdom in this thread about ninja looting. You've enlightened me in ways you cannot imagine, deleting your responses will just leave them forever in quoted land. Fugitive deleted his "FUCK THIS THREAD AND FUCK POPCORN" and other classic overreactions from this thread too. I guess in the end, we learned RAGE had nothing to do with this incident and they should keep to themselves on matters not concerning them. Win

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Fugitive on November 07, 2011, 04:42:54 pm
I don't think sending you 4 tells in game is spamming. I wanted to give you more material to taddle to daddy about.

Fugimad is offline.

If you want to talk about spamming, how about the OOC's earlier about big bad kushie posting in the rants and flames forums without permission. You won't even answer a tell to speak in a civilized manner. Your OOC was all caps with naughty language.

EDIT: On that note, Thebone please don't delete all your posts on this topic. We need your wise wisdom in this thread about ninja looting. You've enlightened me in ways you cannot imagine, deleting your responses will just leave them forever in quoted land. Fugitive deleted his "FUCK THIS THREAD AND FUCK POPCORN" and other classic overreactions from this thread too. I guess in the end, we learned RAGE had nothing to do with this incident and they should keep to themselves on matters not concerning them. Win

BTW you are making it a RAGE vs FP,  It is not, I hope Severs and Soul do see this. It is RAGE vs DUMBASS specimen A) Kushie. So stop making this about FP and RAGE you tool.

Done here have at it.


And one more thing about your "win" no one wins on the internet

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 07, 2011, 04:47:28 pm

BTW you are making it a RAGE vs FP,  It is not, I hope Severs and Soul do see this. It is RAGE vs DUMBASS specimen A) Kushie. So stop making this about FP and RAGE you tool.

I'm not making it anyone versus anyone. I'm only representing myself and your guildmates dumb comments. You may be delusional. I haven't even mentioned any guilds.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 07, 2011, 04:53:43 pm
Come to think of it, Fugitive I do believe you're the only one getting really upset here. You've threatened to tell Soulproc and Severs about big bad Popcorn ruining the server a few times today.

If I could understand your logic, maybe we wouldn't be having this debate. You deleted all your posts so I can't go back to try to analyze your motives.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Reako66 on November 07, 2011, 05:07:57 pm
Kushie best to what he says because he knows everything. Fear his Rage. Lol

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 07, 2011, 05:13:24 pm
Kushie best to what he says because he knows everything. Fear his Rage. Lol

I'm not afraid of anyone on the internet. I can understand his intentions of defending his real life friend. Becoming emotional and irrational because his tongue is in Thebone's mouth is a little more then defending a friend.

This thread in a nutshell

First Post: We got Ninja looted

Thebone chimes in: You deserved to get ninja'd in pub. It wasn't even your kill according to guild chat. Go into guild instance, even though a stone monster may not be up in there now, or in a few hours.

Responses: You're dumb


Responses: You're still dumb.

Fugitive: ANGER

Responses: What?


Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Felony on November 07, 2011, 05:29:21 pm
You are dumb.
Get back on your pills, your stupid is showing.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: undeadanger on November 07, 2011, 06:32:50 pm
so the rules for the sever is lock your corpse or you will be ninja looted while in pub zones , and all guilds should hunt in a guild intsance and stay out of pub zones ,  but if you are ninja looted dont post in sever foums or you will be trolled and called  lame or dumb a$z  for the post ... and have a guild ban request made against you ... wow ban from a guild for a post but ninja loot and get free loot //////\\\\\\ jezz wake up people .

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 07, 2011, 06:35:22 pm

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 07, 2011, 07:21:09 pm
so the rules for the sever is lock your corpse or you will be ninja looted while in pub zones , and all guilds should hunt in a guild intsance and stay out of pub zones ,  but if you are ninja looted dont post in sever foums or you will be trolled and called  lame or dumb a$z  for the post ... and have a guild ban request made against you ... wow ban from a guild for a post but ninja loot and get free loot //////\\\\\\ jezz wake up people .

The server rule is don't piss of Fugitive or he will have incoherent "rage".

I don't think Google translate helps with punctuation errors Xiggie. Unfortunate I know.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Rocco on November 07, 2011, 07:39:07 pm
Everyone needs to relax. I decided i should post because i was there when it happened. To answer some of the questions brought up, yes the corpse was locked. But that doesn't stop someone from spamming /loot as you go to give it to the next person.

IF you ever fought SM successfully you should know strat doesnt always work out, even with mez breakers and sometimes zerging back to the zone was the only way to finish him. It would have taken too long to go to a GI too. I think every SM kill we did was in public.

The guild chat was talking about another SM that was up in the zone and said nothing about loot. As far as the fact we should expect ninja looters in public... ok, cool np, i think everyone gets that. But that doesnt mean we shouldnt report them for breaking the server rules.

I think this thread needs to end here.                        -peace

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Fugitive on November 07, 2011, 07:41:53 pm
^^ /nod rocco

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Kushie on November 07, 2011, 08:04:22 pm
Everyone needs to relax. I decided i should post because i was there when it happened. To answer some of the questions brought up, yes the corpse was locked. But that doesn't stop someone from spamming /loot as you go to give it to the next person.

IF you ever fought SM successfully you should know strat doesnt always work out, even with mez breakers and sometimes zerging back to the zone was the only way to finish him. It would have taken too long to go to a GI too. I think every SM kill we did was in public.

The guild chat was talking about another SM that was up in the zone and said nothing about loot. As far as the fact we should expect ninja looters in public... ok, cool np, i think everyone gets that. But that doesnt mean we shouldnt report them for breaking the server rules.

I think this thread needs to end here.                        -peace

Nah we did a few in instances. But we were standing around waiting for Stone Monsters to pop a lot, so we killed them wherever they were up. We didn't specifically hunt in any one zone. We bounced around killing him wherever he spawned.

I think it's safe to say Dazz isn't getting banned for his actions.  I hope everyone fully understands why we have frustration in this regard. Please also understand it is not our intentions to create drama, but I feel we rightly have a gripe here, despite your protests.

Unless Hunter wants to weigh in on the ninja looting subject, this thread got seriously derailed.

Title: Re: Looking for Ninja looter!!!
Post by: Solbash on November 07, 2011, 10:53:31 pm
Topic is locked till the junk gets cleaned up in it.