EZ Server

General Category => User Interfaces => Topic started by: Beansie on November 20, 2011, 11:25:34 am

Title: UI Crashing
Post by: Beansie on November 20, 2011, 11:25:34 am
     Greetings and well met all! First post here, only been playing a few days but I'm having a blast FYI, lol! ;D So, here I go, putting in one of my old fave UI's onto my lvl 31 cleric, and crash goes the game.  Total freeze, can't move, non responding, so I have to task manager out and restart game.  Clearly it's the UI, right?  Delete the entire folder I had put the UI into, no problem, restart computer, go read about how '09 and newer is UI's accepted into the game currently; no biggie I already deleted the entire folder off my computer.  Still not working.  I deleted the UI folder off my puter 4 days ago.  ???
     I go into the game and the first time I try to open a window to a merchant, walk, open inventory, anything, I freeze up and can't move forcing me to Ctrl+Alt+Dlt out.  She's still there simply because I scored the name I wanted for her and I have found that deleting a character and then reusing it's name does the same thing, so not only am I losing a bunch of names I want b/c they crash when I recreate them, but the UI isn't anywhere on my computer anymore but is still causing the freezing. :'(
     Anyone have any ideas on wht may be happening or how to circumvent it?  I get excited when making new characters and playing new games (New but old, I'm a long time EQ'er), so I create, delete, create, delete until I find what I really want, that sucks that I can't ever reuse names I like/want/had one minute ago.
     On the flip side of my first post I'd like to take the opportunity to say what a fun friggin' game this is to play!  I started playing EQ over 10 years ago and frustrations due to various reasons and simple boredom took me on an mmorpg journey taking me lots of places, many better I felt, than EQ but this game always felt like 'home' as it was my first really hardcore gaming experience.
     This game has had some much care and time put into it to favor the game player be them grouping fiend or solo artist, and it is such a joy to have found this set up! :D  Thank you so much for putting all your hard work into it so the gaming experience can be a pleasure and not a second job.  Muahh! :-*

     Thanks in advance for all whom have read this post and/or have anything to add!  Rock N Roll!

Title: Re: UI Crashing
Post by: Solbash on November 20, 2011, 11:33:57 am
It's because you still have that characters UI stored in your EQ folder. Go into your main EQ folder, and find the UI configuration files for that character. Delete them and you should be able to use that again with the name that you want.

The file is going to look like this...

UI_(character_name)_EZ(Linux) x4 Exp

Title: Re: UI Crashing
Post by: Beansie on November 20, 2011, 11:50:14 am
     Awesome possum! ;D  Found 'em!  now hopefully I can run the cleric and use my names...now only if the server will come back up hahaha! :D Thanks a load for your help!  I wonder how long downtime will be.... :-\