EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Brokyn on November 21, 2011, 07:27:04 am

Title: Upgrade for Pet classes
Post by: Brokyn on November 21, 2011, 07:27:04 am
Hey Hunter,

I was just working on my necro, and realized I have to go back to Qvic to get him a Batfur Sash, and got to thinking.

What are the odds of adding an updated Pet Focus effect to the BP for Mage, Bst, and Necro in T5.  Possibly a similar effect to the Vermillion Batfur Sash from Qvic, but maybe 90 instead of 45?

Then I thought, hey, there's no click effect on BPs, why not ask about a mana regen click for Wiz, and open the floor up for suggestions for other classes?

Thanks for the great efforts you already put in Hunter,


Title: Re: Upgrade for Pet classes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on November 21, 2011, 07:54:53 am
When I parsed my mage and my necro I could find no difference at all in dps or hp in my pet while using the pet focus items to cast my pets.

Title: Re: Upgrade for Pet classes
Post by: Kwai on November 21, 2011, 09:19:53 am
>>>why not ask about a mana regen click for Wiz<<<

Agree.  However, the 4.0 has a mana regen for Wiz (300?).  I think adding mana regen as a focus (rather than a click/spell) might be better since a click might bump against the click from the 4.0?  The current Wiz BP has Wurine Focus (Lowers the mana cost of beneficial spells) and since Wizards cast very few ... if any... beneficial spells it might be more fitting to change that over to a focus that gives mana regen or at least lowers the cost of detrimental or fire based spells.

Maybe flip the Mana and HP stats on Casters?  Caster gear follows the same line as melee gear (more HP than Mana).  Flip the mana and HP stats and you might have a winner....  i.e. Wiz T4 BP gives 15000 HP and 6000 Mana.  Could we go with 6000 HP and 15000 Mana and follow that line of thinking in all the caster gear?

Just my tupence.

Title: Re: Upgrade for Pet classes
Post by: Doragoon15 on November 21, 2011, 10:31:16 am
Only problem with going mana and hp would be that in full t5 your wiz would get one shot by rampage in hoh and higher.

Title: Re: Upgrade for Pet classes
Post by: Kwai on November 21, 2011, 01:03:15 pm
Hrmm.. could be.  My silks never had an issue with ramp (I always spin the mob)in HoH and I don't use them in T5... so dunno.  I try one today and see how they last.

Title: Re: Upgrade for Pet classes
Post by: Thebone on November 21, 2011, 01:08:40 pm
Hrmm.. could be.  My silks never had an issue with ramp (I always spin the mob)in HoH and I don't use them in T5... so dunno.  I try one today and see how they last.

Spining the Mob has nothing to do with Ramp.. Tho you can always leave your casters out of the ramp range. But this will not work with Coral in T5 as they resist all range dmg.