EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mr.V.Light on December 31, 2011, 07:04:50 am

Title: kudos, from a new guy
Post by: Mr.V.Light on December 31, 2011, 07:04:50 am
So I've been playing on EZ for 3 weeks now, and I have to admit thus far the encounters seem pretty tightly tuned.

I aimed to do all the content myself with no outside help, and started by boxing sk pal pal zerker, time seemed easy right until i tried DS without any hirelings alive, so I left and tried terrorantula - and got smashed... after spending a little longer in time and fully gearing my MT, quillmane/terror/DS all died to my little 4 man.

Running through ldon then seemed easy, right up until level 6 bosses - I could barely outdps their regen, and again smashed by the epic boss MoW.  So, I collected armor cards for my SK and again fully geared him for the current tier, and was able to take out MoW without help.

Qvic.. the keeper and the sandmonster gave me a little trouble until fully gearing my tank yet again, the keeper mid-fight, the sandmonster when he spawns the 4 little guys.. twinkletoes was also doable by my qvic geared tank.

So I'm currently sitting in a tacvi instance waiting on repops and I thought I'd give some props, while at a glance stats seemed very inflated on this server, the tuning throughout progression content is apparently very well done - assuming single grouping was intended :p

Title: Re: kudos, from a new guy
Post by: Fugitive on December 31, 2011, 09:32:27 am
You're doing great!! Keep up the good work.

MCP will stand in your way though with that 4 man.. I don't want to spoil anything you are sill a ways off.  Keep grinding!

Title: Re: kudos, from a new guy
Post by: Lucadian on December 31, 2011, 03:08:34 pm
Yeah, later on in the game you will need to change your group makeup a bit, but congratulations on actually doing it all yourself so far. It's something that most people on this server cannot say they've done.

Title: Re: kudos, from a new guy
Post by: SBellew75 on December 31, 2011, 06:45:24 pm
Yeah, later on in the game you will need to change your group makeup a bit, but congratulations on actually doing it all yourself so far. It's something that most people on this server cannot say they've done.

I've been running a PAL, PAL, WAR, SHM, MAG, NEC group. I am having difficulty with T2 bosses. My WAR is full T1 with 4 T2 pieces. Any suggestions or changes I need to make or am I just needing to work on my strategy?

Title: Re: kudos, from a new guy
Post by: Dethundrel on December 31, 2011, 06:50:39 pm
I made it all the way into HoH with just Warrior Paladin and Ranger.  The best thing to do is just make sure you have everything you can get before you move on.  If you are having trouble in T2, make sure you are full T1, including accesories.  Spend some time in T1 killing for aug components for extra HP's and Angers for War ( more agggro and more damage ).  It's not always fun, but being as I did it, I can say it is very doable.  Once you hit HoH though, you will need to change it up, HoH stomped my ass hardcore till I got some backup.
If you are running 2 Paladins, you should have no problems.  Make sure you have their Focus of Healing on.

Title: Re: kudos, from a new guy
Post by: SBellew75 on December 31, 2011, 09:47:47 pm
I made it all the way into HoH with just Warrior Paladin and Ranger.  The best thing to do is just make sure you have everything you can get before you move on.  If you are having trouble in T2, make sure you are full T1, including accesories.  Spend some time in T1 killing for aug components for extra HP's and Angers for War ( more agggro and more damage ).  It's not always fun, but being as I did it, I can say it is very doable.  Once you hit HoH though, you will need to change it up, HoH stomped my ass hardcore till I got some backup.
If you are running 2 Paladins, you should have no problems.  Make sure you have their Focus of Healing on.
Cool, thanks. Been thinking about switching out one of the PAL for a CLR, but was not sure. I guess I will just keep equipping who I have now and keep on trucking.

Title: Re: kudos, from a new guy
Post by: Lucadian on January 01, 2012, 10:20:07 am
I run War/pal/pal/beast/mage/cleric.

Thinking about dropping the warrior for another DPS class, though, and just letting my paladin tank. And I highly recommend Clerics for DI on those tough bosses you aren't sure of yet and for when your paladin(s) are getting bad proc rates.

Title: Re: kudos, from a new guy
Post by: Brokyn on January 01, 2012, 10:31:39 am
As I have said in many threads before, relying on one of your two healers to be the main tank is a bad idea...  If you drop your Warrior, I would only do so to add an SK tank (far better dps than Warrior).

Especially when you get on to T5 where mobs hit for 90k, a stun to one of your two healers can mean a quick wipe.  If you have your Warrior, or an SK tanking and they get stunned, at least the two healers continue to heal.

Title: Re: kudos, from a new guy
Post by: Lucadian on January 01, 2012, 11:27:03 am
But I also run cleric, and I have people in my guild who run close to the setup I was just talking about using.

Title: Re: kudos, from a new guy
Post by: oldepharte on January 03, 2012, 08:31:47 am
Good job on bootstrapping so far! 

There is wisdom above in the statements that you will need a bit more depth as you get higher up.  I would recommend you consider raising your main tank to UC status before building the other team members you need.  I do not have the words to tell you how much easier it is to raise an alt with a UC'd main.

Skeezy Ratty Troll