EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: firbie on December 31, 2011, 08:03:40 pm

Title: Buying SLS
Post by: firbie on December 31, 2011, 08:03:40 pm
Buying SLS 50k each

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Raygan on November 16, 2014, 11:56:53 pm

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Rakharth on November 17, 2014, 05:20:36 am
wtb sls back on berries vendor...... ;)

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Expletus on November 17, 2014, 06:33:05 am
Why are we seeing sls for 400-500k all the sudden? Ppl get some plat and they just droppin bills on em? This is insane, something needs to be done.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Fliker on November 17, 2014, 06:34:05 am
wtb sls back on berries vendor...... ;)


Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Adydar on November 17, 2014, 07:45:01 am
Why are we seeing sls for 400-500k all the sudden? Ppl get some plat and they just droppin bills on em? This is insane, something needs to be done.

It's residual plat from Halloween, the amount people got was so insane, it inflated the prices.  It will some day come back down, but it will take a while for the plat to be spent up for sure.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Expletus on November 17, 2014, 08:13:39 am
Even more reason why SLS should be eliminated from the game or added to a vendor of some sort. Too much stuff to do in the game than chase around wisps.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Darpey on November 17, 2014, 08:34:00 am
Just gonna throw in my 2 unpopular cents:

SLS is the ONE thing in our economy that is stable(ish). Granted, it's way inflated right now, but that's not a SLS problem, that's a plat problem. SLS are just as easy to get now as they were a month ago, the difference is the hundreds of millions (billions maybe?) of plat that flooded our economy. It will go back down.

As much as I would personally enjoy it, it would be bad for our server IMO to remove SLS from /auction (which would be the case if they were added back to Hive Queen, at least in part).

We'd still have essences and rainbows, but SLS are by far the strongest part.

- Darpey

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: zefirus on November 17, 2014, 08:45:35 am
SLS prices are up because of two reasons... the first like everyone said was the influx of pp. The second was the replacement of strikes dropping with lots of PP.. So there are some folks who were banking on going from strike V up that now have to go from the beginning all the way up.

I say, don't mess with the SLS, its all good. Just pay the going rate or farm em yourself... prices only stay up if folks buy them.. supply and demand.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Natedog on November 17, 2014, 09:08:41 am
Time to log in and sell my 500 SLS!

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Expletus on November 17, 2014, 09:19:05 am
You're right. Im sorry just hate spending my time farming when I could be doing other stuff like everyone else =/

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Raygan on November 17, 2014, 11:34:10 am
I disagree.  I think they should be put back on the vendor.  It would not keep SLS from being sold but make them sell at more reasonable price...but I am up for them to not only be added to the Hive Queen but also to be sold for say 200k on a vendor in the crafters guild!  People saying that SLS are good because it allows lowbies a way to earn plat is rubbish.  they can still sell essences and sell unicorn turds, they just wouldn't be able to make the fast cash they could off of SLS's. Adding them to vendors only keeps the prices reasonable.  The thought the price will go down later is a false hood.  Just like folks saying gas prices would come back down...once it gets to a high level it will stay there, just like how they use to be sold for 50k and went to 250k...people said they would go back down.  Did they? Nope!

Of course here is another idea that someone else had last night...put SLS on a global drop list with items such as unicorn poop so that you don't have to go to jaggedpine to get them.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Adydar on November 17, 2014, 12:46:45 pm
Of course here is another idea that someone else had last night...put SLS on a global drop list with items such as unicorn poop so that you don't have to go to jaggedpine to get them.

I agree with this to an extent, I always thought the boss mobs in tiered zones should have a chance to drop them, can make it crazy small in lower tiers and then just really small in middle and just small in higher ones, but at least it is somewhat less farming they mindlessly wisp hunting.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Raygan on November 17, 2014, 01:19:03 pm
that's why I love t9....soon as my video card comes in so I can farm wisp/ancient wisp.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Warbash on November 17, 2014, 01:52:22 pm
I disagree.  I think they should be put back on the vendor.  It would not keep SLS from being sold but make them sell at more reasonable price...but I am up for them to not only be added to the Hive Queen but also to be sold for say 200k on a vendor in the crafters guild!  People saying that SLS are good because it allows lowbies a way to earn plat is rubbish.  they can still sell essences and sell unicorn turds, they just wouldn't be able to make the fast cash they could off of SLS's. Adding them to vendors only keeps the prices reasonable.  The thought the price will go down later is a false hood.  Just like folks saying gas prices would come back down...once it gets to a high level it will stay there, just like how they use to be sold for 50k and went to 250k...people said they would go back down.  Did they? Nope!

Of course here is another idea that someone else had last night...put SLS on a global drop list with items such as unicorn poop so that you don't have to go to jaggedpine to get them.

Agree 100% it won't destroy the newbies ability to farm and sell, they can still sell to those not capable of doing the dailies and those that need more than the dailies provide.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Phah on November 17, 2014, 02:34:47 pm
People saying that SLS are good because it allows lowbies a way to earn plat is rubbish.  they can still sell essences and sell unicorn turds, they just wouldn't be able to make the fast cash they could off of SLS's. Adding them to vendors only keeps the prices reasonable.

Imma have to disagree with you here.

tl;dr : lowbies shouldn't be forced to sell essences or rainbows, they need those themselves. In addition, the rate at which lowbies can farm those items is glacial compared to the rate of farming SLS, I don't know why the two are being compared here.

1) you shouldn't be selling essences as a lowbie, except maybe qvic essence. The other essences you NEED for strikes. Period. Naturally progressing through the tiers I got about 30 of each essence, which has been enough for my augs so far, but not too much longer. So, I could maybe sell my qvic essences and get 3 million, for about a month's effort back in qvic? That rate of making plat is glacial compared to SLS. Sure I can farm qvic faster now, but who is buying qvic essence anyway?
2) Rainbows just don't drop that much, and when they do (especially for lowbies) they should be spent on the tank's RoA. During my time in T1/2 I found a grand total of 1. I'm now almost finished with T3/4, and I've still only seen about 15 total, and 1 gsoa. Not by any means a regular, steady source of income: I'd say I'm getting 1 rainbow every 3-5 nights of farming HoH, and it's not like I play every day. (Yes I clear slow. /shrug)

There may be no difference for you between essence/rainbow farming vs SLS farming, but I assure you, there is for lower-tier players. New 70s can farm a few SLS and be able to get the 1m plat instance maker, they can't farm essences for that. T2 players can't farm essences, even qvic, anywhere near as fast as they can SLS, and lets not even talk about rainbows.

But I have to say, it would be really neat to have SLS drop from bosses.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Aurran on November 17, 2014, 02:42:50 pm
The server is flooded with cash from Halloween, probably easily over a billion pp.  With the new dungeons T2-T4 essences are easier than ever to get, does anyone farm Hoh for tokens anymore.  Why can't people just farm their own SLS's or pay the increased prices?  

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Warbash on November 17, 2014, 03:23:13 pm
The server is flooded with cash from Halloween, probably easily over a billion pp.  With the new dungeons T2-T4 essences are easier than ever to get, does anyone farm Hoh for tokens anymore.  Why can't people just farm their own SLS's or pay the increased prices?  
What tier are you in and what level are most of your augs?

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Warbash on November 17, 2014, 03:29:03 pm
People saying that SLS are good because it allows lowbies a way to earn plat is rubbish.  they can still sell essences and sell unicorn turds, they just wouldn't be able to make the fast cash they could off of SLS's. Adding them to vendors only keeps the prices reasonable.

Imma have to disagree with you here.

tl;dr : lowbies shouldn't be forced to sell essences or rainbows, they need those themselves. In addition, the rate at which lowbies can farm those items is glacial compared to the rate of farming SLS, I don't know why the two are being compared here.

1) you shouldn't be selling essences as a lowbie, except maybe qvic essence. The other essences you NEED for strikes. Period. Naturally progressing through the tiers I got about 30 of each essence, which has been enough for my augs so far, but not too much longer. So, I could maybe sell my qvic essences and get 3 million, for about a month's effort back in qvic? That rate of making plat is glacial compared to SLS. Sure I can farm qvic faster now, but who is buying qvic essence anyway?
2) Rainbows just don't drop that much, and when they do (especially for lowbies) they should be spent on the tank's RoA. During my time in T1/2 I found a grand total of 1. I'm now almost finished with T3/4, and I've still only seen about 15 total, and 1 gsoa. Not by any means a regular, steady source of income: I'd say I'm getting 1 rainbow every 3-5 nights of farming HoH, and it's not like I play every day. (Yes I clear slow. /shrug)

There may be no difference for you between essence/rainbow farming vs SLS farming, but I assure you, there is for lower-tier players. New 70s can farm a few SLS and be able to get the 1m plat instance maker, they can't farm essences for that. T2 players can't farm essences, even qvic, anywhere near as fast as they can SLS, and lets not even talk about rainbows.

But I have to say, it would be really neat to have SLS drop from bosses.
By your very post they need SLS just as much, you are correct that they should not be selling Essenes or AA crystals either.
SLS farming is boring and offers no progression capability other than earning one component to a DPS aug. It's so necessary in just about every important crafted item on tbe sever. It's just silly, oh and waypoint, banker and teleporter are free on vendor now.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Fugitive on November 17, 2014, 04:49:23 pm
There are a gob of bags of pp that new players get thru all the tiers.. not saying they can make enough is getting to be BS.. no bags used to be in any Zone it used to Cost tons just to farm content not counting doing the augments..(not saying that is right or wrong or that's how we had to do it) Just the PP challenge now isn't that bad..

Number 1 problem is everyone wants EVERY AUG/UW/SHIELD for every toon NOW NOW NOW...and oh my I don't have 500Million PP... HB/LB do something the game needs to be nerfed... I got an IDEA .. SAVE and be patient.

SLS price has been fked up for a long time since there was BS pp in the game from other BS practices, SLS requirements for every FKING COMBINE is dumb period it was a troll solution, based on a few noobs bitching about not having Plat.

With the introduction of PP bags thru all content (now), SLS should drop randomly thru Tiered content as well period. (Noobs still can sell, not for insane way off the mark prices)

We need to learn to enjoy the ride.. the end is pretty boring when you get there.(plus when you see all the training wheels put in place lately)

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Fliker on November 17, 2014, 05:39:23 pm
Well put Fugi.
I would still like to see something useful on the queen that can be purchased for those toons without UW and have UC finished.

Remember everything on the queen is no trade and berries are the same

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Ponzi on November 17, 2014, 06:48:26 pm
Well put Fugi.

What we are seeing is a influx of demand and a drastic decrease in supply. There isnt the amount of lowbies that there once was, and those lowbies need SLS as much as cash anyways. The price on SLS isnt 4-500k.. Thats just what people are throwing in their WTBs not realizing that there is no sellers, period.

Global SLS drops might help. But honestly, Hate has put full SLS drop rares in jaggedpine. He's put GLS/SLS drops on lightbringer in T3. They have done things to increase supply. It just boils down to Fugi's point that every part of progression involves farming SLS.

And think back to when u first started on this server.. There was FG/CG.. Ldon.. Qvic... TimeA...Ct/Tacvi... T1...even Tofs and Minis, if ur late to the party. There is a billlion fun progression things to do.. They dont even wanna farm their own SLS, much less someone elses.

And pretending for 5 seconds new players actually were going to do this farming..The pathing is so horrendous u actually need skill and knowledge to overcome it. They gonna spend 10 minutes stuck in rocks, chasing wisps under the world and running into a mountain barrier an go 'f*ck this' and stop.

I've always thought a PoFire type zone where full SLSs would be a rare drop would at least be an improvement. AAs and small chances for SLS would at least be a step toward progression. But i don't know.

If SLS gets tossed onto a stonehive vendor, no one needs SLS ever again... And thats just a new problem, really.

No easy fix if you are in Hate's shoes. It's akin to the UW dilemma. That must have been agonizing to weigh the pros and the cons... Of course, UWs got nerfed severly and everyone progressing ended up getting one anyways negating the need to tune t9+ for non uw users..  its an imperfect world, but a fun server :)

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Raygan on November 19, 2014, 06:23:00 am
Why would you not need to farm SLS if they were put on the Hive Queen?  At 25 points a pop that's what 5 SLS every two days (assuming that on a 6 man team you have 5 banking berries and 1 working on UW augs).  5 every two days isn't game breaking, it's hardly a dent.  My point to this whole post was making things reasonable.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Kardthe on November 19, 2014, 04:40:36 pm
I'm not going to argue for or against the SLS being put back on vendor...  but I would at least like to know what the plan is so i can proceed accordingly.  When they got taken off, it was due to people selling them and other things back and getting their Hatestomps and whatever else way easier and faster than intended.  The last word I heard from Hate about it was in /ooc.  He said that he would be putting them, as well as all other kinds of neat stuff back up on vendor, ie lower cost reward items/etc when the vendor issue was fixed.  If this has changed, then cool... but I would like to know as I'm now sitting on my berries... and we all know how  painful that can be :P

PS... how about a "Lovestomp" aug that reduces aggro for melee? :P  Seems like a nice alternative to "Hatestomp." to me :)

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Darpey on November 19, 2014, 05:19:07 pm
Slimy Sapphire of Cowardice (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Slimy_Sapphire_of_Cowardice) allows for up to 75% aggro reduction. That along with Hatestomp (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/images/thumb/4/40/Hatestomp_IV.jpg/442px-Hatestomp_IV.jpg) and Angerbomb (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Bashful_Crustaceans%27_Angerbomb) - your crew should have no problems with aggro

But it would be cool to see some sort of trinket on Hive Queen (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Hive_Queen) :)

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Ponzi on November 19, 2014, 05:25:13 pm
Why would you not need to farm SLS if they were put on the Hive Queen?  At 25 points a pop that's what 5 SLS every two days (assuming that on a 6 man team you have 5 banking berries and 1 working on UW augs).  5 every two days isn't game breaking, it's hardly a dent.  My point to this whole post was making things reasonable.

Think big picture: 12 toons in Dranik + 6 prisms (3 berries each) = 138 berries
12 toons in Abyss + 4 prisms on avg (3 berries each) = 72 berries

Thats 210 berries a day, or 8 SLS a day (and change). If u only run 6 toons thats 120 berries a day, or 5 SLS a day.

In the last month if vendor was in anyone with a pulse is up 240 SLS w/ 12 toons, or 150 SLS with 6 toons.

Its game breaking. I hate saying it out loud, but its true.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Bigoh on November 19, 2014, 05:36:17 pm
What if you could trade in 10 berrys for a SLS? Not doing math or hardly putting effort into the thought, just tossing it out there.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Ponzi on November 19, 2014, 05:59:43 pm
10 berries per SLS would be 21 SLS a day for a 12 man group or 12 a day for a 6man group.

That would be... chaos.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Darpey on November 19, 2014, 06:07:10 pm
Was thinking something along the lines of those food items from Halloween with limited charges for buffs / illusions

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Fliker on November 19, 2014, 06:07:47 pm
Why would you not need to farm SLS if they were put on the Hive Queen?  At 25 points a pop that's what 5 SLS every two days (assuming that on a 6 man team you have 5 banking berries and 1 working on UW augs).  5 every two days isn't game breaking, it's hardly a dent.  My point to this whole post was making things reasonable.

Think big picture: 12 toons in Dranik + 6 prisms (3 berries each) = 138 berries
12 toons in Abyss + 4 prisms on avg (3 berries each) = 72 berries

Thats 210 berries a day, or 8 SLS a day (and change). If u only run 6 toons thats 120 berries a day, or 5 SLS a day.

In the last month if vendor was in anyone with a pulse is up 240 SLS w/ 12 toons, or 150 SLS with 6 toons.

Its game breaking. I hate saying it out loud, but its true.

not at all

1.everything is "NO TRADE"
berries and all items

2. can NOT sell anything for more berries. selling is disabled

each toon can only get the 15 berries a day from the miner for quest completion

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Darpey on November 19, 2014, 06:11:29 pm
It's certainly fundamentally and unarguably game-CHANGING (I would argue in a negative way) gotta agree with Kiwis here.

I have 14 toons that are expeditionable. I would get 21 SLS *PER DAY* at that rate. Hell, even if it was @ 25 berries per SLS, I'd get 8 EVERY SINGLE DAY for 30 minutes worth of work... cause that's how long it takes Darpey to solo Dranik + Abyss

That's insane.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Fliker on November 19, 2014, 06:21:34 pm
if SLS = 25 berries
toon starting with 0 berries

day 1 each toon = 15 berries each = you get NOTHING
day 2 another 15 berries per toon = each toon could buy 1 SLS with 5 berries remaining

am i the only one seeing this? create berries from your inventory "NO TRADE" and selling has been DISABLED

"IF" SLS were to be put back on the queen, i would recommend them being sold for 30 berries each

1 sls per toon every 2 days

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Dimur on November 19, 2014, 06:28:30 pm

Think big picture: 12 toons in Dranik + 6 prisms (3 berries each) = 138 berries
12 toons in Abyss + 4 prisms on avg (3 berries each) = 72 berries

Except that prisms are worth jack shit and don't sell back at all, let alone 3 berries per prism.

Fliker's logic is sound though.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Warbash on November 19, 2014, 06:34:33 pm
if SLS = 25 berries
toon starting with 0 berries

day 1 each toon = 15 berries each = you get NOTHING
day 2 another 15 berries per toon = each toon could buy 1 SLS with 5 berries remaining

am i the only one seeing this? create berries from your inventory "NO TRADE" and selling has been DISABLED

"IF" SLS were to be put back on the queen, i would recommend them being sold for 30 berries each

1 sls per toon every 2 days
actually Abyss is 5 berries, Drankik is 15 berries.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Fugitive on November 19, 2014, 06:41:02 pm
actually Abyss is 5 berries, Drankik is 15 berries.


Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Warbash on November 19, 2014, 06:45:31 pm
actually Abyss is 5 berries, Drankik is 15 berries.

Lol wait, am I wrong rofl. I am second guessing myself hehe.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Fugitive on November 19, 2014, 07:14:06 pm

It tells you the reward amount and 5 and 15 are wrong, its 5 and 10

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Darpey on November 19, 2014, 07:16:52 pm
First, you know I love you Warbash :)

you can probably average 10 SLS an hour in Jaggedpine

I've certainly never been able to get 10 SLS per hour, more like 4? Maybe I'm not remembering right.

You get 15 berries per day per toon, not 20.

15 berries per day * amount of toons (14) = a TOTAL of 210 berries per day for me
(I know some of you will say, "but not every character can buy a SLS each day" - that doesn't matter, we're talking long run, and it will normalize)

210 berries per day @ 30 per SLS = 7 SLS per day
= 49 SLS per week for a total investment of 3.5 hours

In current world - 49 SLS would cost me 17 million platinum (and that's using a LOW price of 350k, rounding DOWN)

17 million platinum worth of items for 3.5 hours of work?

And i'm giving you the benefit of all variables I used... If i were to use the proposed 10 berry price instead of 30, it would be 51 million platinum worth of items (147 SLS's) for 3.5 hours of work.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Darpey on November 19, 2014, 07:18:00 pm
Which isn't to say that the SLS system is perfect... grinding in Jaggedpine for hours and hours and hours... but I don't think berries is the way to fix it, if it indeed needs fixing.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Warbash on November 19, 2014, 07:23:50 pm
Removed post due to bad math :)
I don't think its right to use plat as the comparison, need to use time it takes to get sls oneself and compare.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Fliker on November 19, 2014, 07:24:33 pm
actually Abyss is 5 berries, Drankik is 15 berries.

Lol wait, am I wrong rofl. I am second guessing myself hehe.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Fliker on November 19, 2014, 07:33:56 pm
Which isn't to say that the SLS system is perfect... grinding in Jaggedpine for hours and hours and hours... but I don't think berries is the way to fix it, if it indeed needs fixing.

im not complaining one bit about the sls grind.
i just want something useful on the queen for those toons with no UW and UC1 finished

just used sls cause it was there when it started.
would like run speed put back up too

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Dimur on November 19, 2014, 07:36:21 pm
I'm pretty sure the reason berries was brought up was so people could get SLS during normal gameplay and at a rate that is somewhat reasonable.  Berries are an alternate currency, after all, and the idea of being able to buy something with alternate currency has merit.  And to anyone claiming that realistically getting SLS anywhere but JP, NK or T9 is somehow going to ruin normal gameplay...it's absolutely trivial to farm them in NK and JP...likely by the time you're able to farm them in T9 you won't have much need for them anyhow.  I have more SLS than I need and have just been banking them as I get them, but I'm also not going to sell them off because I loathe the idea of having to farm them again if I do something that requires a supply of them.

The whole point of this thread is that as it currently stands, you can't farm SLS in relevant content reasonably (qualifying this statement with reasonably for those who suggest having them drop off a T3/4 or w/e mob that requires HoH tokens to spawn is relevant content) until you get to the point of not really needing them.  And I'm not talking about the multitude of people who buy their gear/flags 3 tiers ahead of the rest of their group and end up in T9 still needing a shitload of SLS to bring their alts current in strikes, etc and are T9 flagged with no hope of farming SLS there efficiently because they lack the dps and support classes required to do so.  Plat used to be the choke point more than SLS, and the plat problem has been addressed in spades...now SLS are the choke point and some people suggest that having them be the choke point should be addressed.  I don't have a dog in the fight, but I can see their point.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Raygan on November 19, 2014, 07:43:07 pm
Quote from: Orthanos on Today at 06:23:00 AM

Why would you not need to farm SLS if they were put on the Hive Queen?  At 25 points a pop that's what 5 SLS every two days (assuming that on a 6 man team you have 5 banking berries and 1 working on UW augs).  5 every two days isn't game breaking, it's hardly a dent.  My point to this whole post was making things reasonable.

Think big picture: 12 toons in Dranik + 6 prisms (3 berries each) = 138 berries
12 toons in Abyss + 4 prisms on avg (3 berries each) = 72 berries

Thats 210 berries a day, or 8 SLS a day (and change). If u only run 6 toons thats 120 berries a day, or 5 SLS a day.

In the last month if vendor was in anyone with a pulse is up 240 SLS w/ 12 toons, or 150 SLS with 6 toons.

Its game breaking. I hate saying it out loud, but its true.

If berries were droppable and you could give all berries to one toon AND you could sell prisms back, maybe.  As it stands now you get 90 berries a day for all 6 toons (15 berries per toon per day)  so once again...1 SLS per toon every two days=not game breaking.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Kardthe on November 19, 2014, 08:44:19 pm
Slimy Sapphire of Cowardice (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Slimy_Sapphire_of_Cowardice) allows for up to 75% aggro reduction. That along with Hatestomp (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/images/thumb/4/40/Hatestomp_IV.jpg/442px-Hatestomp_IV.jpg) and Angerbomb (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Bashful_Crustaceans%27_Angerbomb) - your crew should have no problems with aggro

But it would be cool to see some sort of trinket on Hive Queen (http://www.ezserverwiki.com/Hive_Queen) :)

LOL... i know... was more of a joke... Hateborne... Loveborne... etc... :P

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Bigoh on November 19, 2014, 09:17:56 pm
10 berries per SLS would be 21 SLS a day for a 12 man group or 12 a day for a 6man group.

That would be... chaos.
I ment prisms. Still no thought put in it. Forgot to smoke meds before posting. I'll read the page of replys after my original post now. Ya backwards I know..... :P

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Bigoh on November 19, 2014, 09:41:36 pm
Ya 10 prisms for a SLS would make prisms useful for people with full UC's but almost pointless since you only get 8 a day if you're lucky? Idk had a thought and posted it before thinking, would just like to see any other way to farm sls's. I have no problem at all farming stuff, I did back to back UC's followed by back to back uc2s for 5/6 of my toons
Jaggedpine is just horrible, that's all I'm saying. I'll deal with it or keep buying them but would love anything different. Even a old ldon type zone that has a charm drop rate for sls's but you can get aa exp at least.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Ponzi on November 19, 2014, 11:29:22 pm
lol Fliker... I was responding to someone asking about what would happen *IF* the prisms were sellable and the berries were usable for anything other than the UW augs.

Point being is if SLS was added to the vendor at 25 berries per...

A group of 12 would gain 15 berries each per day and on avg one toon would get 10 prisms.. Thats 180 berries (7 SLS per day on avg) and the 30 berries the prisms would fetch (if sellable once again) would be another SLS.. 8 total for one day of clears.

Now before you freak out again and point out that 'ALL THE TOONS WOULD ONLY HAVE 15BERRIESNAD WOULDNTBE ABBLE TEO BUY ASN SGINLE sls',  I would calmly point out that on day 2, they would have 30 berries and all 12 toons would be buying a SLS.. and heck, on day 5 each toon would have 75 berries total which would be 3 SLS.. x12 toons thats 36 SLS per 5 days. And if prisms are sellable in 5 days thats another 6 SLS (on avg).

In terms of strikes, thats two shy of a Ninja9 (44sls) per 5 day stretch from minis alone. It'd be fun, it'd be exciting, but it's way out of whack in regards to the current state of the economy.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Warbash on November 19, 2014, 11:39:33 pm
lol Fliker... I was responding to someone asking about what would happen *IF* the prisms were sellable and the berries were usable for anything other than the UW augs.

Point being is if SLS was added to the vendor at 25 berries per...

A group of 12 would gain 15 berries each per day and on avg one toon would get 10 prisms.. Thats 180 berries (7 SLS per day on avg) and the 30 berries the prisms would fetch (if sellable once again) would be another SLS.. 8 total for one day of clears.

Now before you freak out again and point out that 'ALL THE TOONS WOULD ONLY HAVE 15BERRIESNAD WOULDNTBE ABBLE TEO BUY ASN SGINLE sls',  I would calmly point out that on day 2, they would have 30 berries and all 12 toons would be buying a SLS.. and heck, on day 5 each toon would have 75 berries total which would be 3 SLS.. x12 toons thats 36 SLS per 5 days. And if prisms are sellable in 5 days thats another 6 SLS (on avg).

In terms of strikes, thats two shy of a Ninja9 (44sls) per 5 day stretch from minis alone. It'd be fun, it'd be exciting, but it's way out of whack in regards to the current state of the economy.

So 10 toons need x2 of ninja or firestrike so full grind that's 50 days, still need the plat and Essenes and the fairly high tiered groups to do it, not out of whack in the least.
I still think you need to factor in the time it takes to get SLS currently and the time it would take being able to get them witn berries, imo it's not that much different, a little better and more fun but not out of whack.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Ponzi on November 20, 2014, 08:27:40 am
Thats an excellent point Warbash : It really doesnt take much time at all to farm up lightstones manually. It's just mind numbingly boring. :) No one wants to come home from work, load up EZ to relax, zone into jagged and play the gayest form of Quake ever conceived.. complete with wall-hacking wisps.

Honestly in an hour of two boxing jagged pine whack a mole i usually walk away with anywhere from 7-14 SLS, depending on RNG. With the pink icons for the greater lightstones and the full SLS rare drops its worlds better than it was. Just boring :)

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Rent Due on November 20, 2014, 08:54:59 am
Dude, I totally wouldn't mind farming SLS if they were in a damn flat zone, this under the world, up a tree, in a rock crap is for the birds.

just move the wisps to one of the old world flat zones, east karana or whatever and put 5x as many of the little bastards.

I really wouldn't mind chatting, BS'ing and farming them, I just can not stand following an underworld wisp for 4mins waiting for his "wack a mole" (thanks for that) head to pop up.

seriously, can we do this? yes, Hate? serious, help a brother out here

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Darpey on November 20, 2014, 08:58:01 am
That's surely something we could all agree on - and would be easy to implement. Wisps are broken in Jaggedpine for sure. Non-mountainous zone would be SUCH an improvement, since the wisps wouldn't fall under the world. If the wisps were just fixed, the rate of grinding would go up by 50%

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Ponzi on November 20, 2014, 09:19:26 am
Only question is if its limited to zones where wisps are in the mob pool.

On the other hand, maybe we can get a little crazy with this:

Runnyeye goblins have stolen all the lightstones!

or better yet.

The Crushbone Orcs have wiped out jaggedpine and stolen the booty, time to GET IT BACK!

Just food for thought. :)

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Darpey on November 20, 2014, 09:22:02 am
Oooh i like it - going a completely different direction... and doesn't even have to increase the droprate (other than indirectly since we'll remove the underworld wisps)...

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Phah on November 20, 2014, 09:44:44 am
Oh man, that would be great. just add GLS drop chance to some random zone, random (common) monster loot table, could even change by day, on a rotating schedule, pretty easy to script.

...Or we can keep suffering through JP, cuz we need the SLS no matter what  :P

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Darpey on November 20, 2014, 10:00:46 am
Splitpaw / Blackburrow --- all gnolls can drop GLS


Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Warbash on November 20, 2014, 11:05:09 am
Splitpaw / Blackburrow --- all gnolls can drop GLS


This would be cool, use the scaling system from Halloween so you can get exp and cash maybe? Maybe random chance at resist stones of an appropriate level? It needs more than just SLS to drop, maybe a zone wide rare like prisms or something. Oh wait, we have the dailies:) but yeah something else would be cool.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Bigoh on November 20, 2014, 12:56:23 pm
Seriously any zone buy Jaggedpine would be better....

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Expletus on November 20, 2014, 01:06:00 pm
That's an interesting idea. Scale a zone and have it randomly drop SLS plat bags resists prisms. Could put a 3 hour limit on the instance with 24 hr lockout.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Warbash on November 20, 2014, 01:08:00 pm
That's an interesting idea. Scale a zone and have it randomly drop SLS plat bags resists prisms. Could put a 3 hour limit on the instance with 24 hr lockout.
Yeah at the risk of Hate calling me out for supposedly stroking him again, that scaling concept was awesome. It has so much potential.

Minus the lockout or time F- That.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Darpey on November 20, 2014, 01:17:29 pm
I was just thinking gnolls in Blackburrow or Paw b/c those are awesome zones... unless pathing is an issue. I know on p99 the pathing in Paw is so bad you can't fight past the doors - which would then make it worse than jaggedpine in the first place.

But any suggestion as an alternate method of farming SLS's would be sweet :) I agree with Warbash about the lockout timer - not a fan :/

And by ALTERNATE I don't even mean significantly faster necessarily, just less of a game of /target wisp /stick 1 /attack on /loot repeat... with 1/2 of your wisps unlootable.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Warbash on November 20, 2014, 01:19:39 pm
I love Blackburrow, so many fond memories of that place as an eq newb. Sucks to hear about the pathing.

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Fugitive on November 20, 2014, 01:27:00 pm
BB is Paw are cool, but wouldn't the pathing be just as bad there too?

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: balidet on November 20, 2014, 01:31:44 pm
Don't mess with Paw..its the perfect level up zone to 35... takes about 2mins...leave it alone...

thank you..

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Rent Due on November 20, 2014, 01:33:27 pm
why cant SLS farming be in multiple zones?

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: Fugitive on November 20, 2014, 01:33:51 pm
Don't mess with Paw..its the perfect level up zone to 35... takes about 2mins...leave it alone...

thank you..

Leveling and SLS Monster combo!

Title: Re: Buying SLS
Post by: balidet on November 20, 2014, 01:50:59 pm
well since it takes really about 2mins to be done with the zone I would like to not have to hang out longer than that for more SLS....

It would be better if SLS dropped randomly in all zones...well...GLS but whatever you now what I mean..and for the love of god bring the random ubber spawn of the wisp of doom back...He got yanked before I got to properly try him on and a few more surprise deaths are not going to harm anyone...I have been farming SLS in t9 and have never got him to spawn once(