EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Strix on January 04, 2012, 07:37:55 pm

Title: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Strix on January 04, 2012, 07:37:55 pm
Hi All

It seems that:

The EZ Server economy appears to be laboring.

I say as a result of many conversations with players over the last few weeks.  It's easy to log on and see lots of activity in /auction and assume that all is well with the world.  The reality appears to be a lot different. 

1. Player found/sourced items are almost worthless.  This includes armour, epics and essences.  The only exclusion to this seems to be T5 items.  4.0 kills will periodically go for about 200k - but even these have very few buyers.  Quite simply put - the items are worthless if there are no buyers to buy them.  This seems to be the case.
2.  Zone runs (for plat) don't really exist any more.
3.  SLS and Artisan Seal sales are still present - but a flood of sellers has meant that the ratio of time invested to captial outcome is seriously diminished.

Contributing Factors:
i)  Cost of ore in making essences
ii)  Absence of enough items in the game that lower teir players can sell that higher end players would need (SLSs do this to a degree but there needs to be more variation in the market)
iii) Source of plat for high end players (given the sale of items is no longer generating cash plat) diminishes the higher you go in the game.

-- High end players have nothing to buy from low end players.  The cost of ore for essences means they keep all their plat and farm all components as needed themselves.  They are at the top end of the game but essentially broke.  This creates a class of players who are just not part of the economics of the game.
-- Middle teir players are using the chase of a UC to generate plat.  They have some need for items being sold by the lower teired players but are starting to learn the economics of the server.
-- Low end players are starting to see the reduction of items selling.  Not sure what the final impact of this will be - if anything.

- More items for the lower teired players to sell to the high/middle level players that they need.  The new item needs to be sourced from many zones (similar to the FG/CG kits) to stop automated farming of the item (eg SLS and Artisan Seals).  Crafter Scepter of Time Level 1 is an example - but too hard for a low end teired player to farm.  Perhaps something linked to an item in T6?

- Have all bosses in T3/4 drop bags of plat

- Increse the amount of plat dropping in T5



Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Ponzi on January 04, 2012, 08:30:59 pm
Well... Yes.

Only 2 things on this server matter. Killing Things Faster (KTF) and Massive Automated Healing (MAH).

Charms are a good example of this.. The sorc charms help to KTF and the oracles help you heal more efficiently via MAH to take on tougher content.

Augs are designed specifically to KTF, It's what they do. They take massive amounts of plat and SLSs and Essences to create. We know this.

Here's where it had messed up the economy:

Lower Tier players (who used to be a source of the charms via /auc) learn earlier on how important it is to KTF and heal more efficiently... Even if they buy runs thru qvic and ldon, they witness firsthand the keys to successL KTF and MAH. So they are far less likely than newer players 6 months ago to sell charms for plat... Why? because they can farm gems for plat.... They need to KTF and have MAH! If they dont have a paladin, they see one in action and immediately roll one. They sprint to PoD for Warrior Augs are start farming their tacvis and drag minors to start KTF.

And it's not entirely their fault. The market for v1s and v2s has disappeared because of Shadow. Higher Tier players can farm cash and tokens and V2s while still chasing their own v1s. And even if they accumulated their excess cash they would save it to buy augment mats to KTF, not charms which they are both already accumulating and, if needed quicker, would jump to ldon anyways to farm themselves while they generate plat + charms instead of losing plat to gain charms. Then they spawn their tokens to get their essences...

OH ALMOST FORGOT. Since the accepted math is 3 essences per 100 bosses spawned in airplane... And gearing a single paladin with 3 fire 5s requires 6 gods minor.. That's 200 bosses spawned to achieve a significant level of KTF for a single toon in a box army. Which is fine if 50 plate, chain, silk, and leather wearing newbies-with-T2-chests (NWTC) are waiting to buy them.

Which they are not. Which is where the system breaks down on a basic level. Even if there was 200 NWTC in the player base online while Uber XX is Fire V'n his paladin, the plate-heavy nature of the server woud probably break it down closer to 110/25/25/40, with silk coming in a distant second, for 200 NWTC. And an ungodly % of those plate wearers are paladins and warriors.

Which brings us to T4. Where stuff that isn't WAR/PAL is barely bothered to be placed in /auc. And ye,s Uber XX is still a mere 200 boss spawns from his one aug'd out paladin. Now he needs NWTCCT3ACATBPOT4A... (Completed T3 and can afford to blow plat on T4 Armor) to help him out when farming his gods majors.

Remember when we used to seriously ponder the merits of a rot bot in t3/t4? Now it wouldn't even matter, because like the Shadow/CompletelyEpic3.5BookRottingFCFS phenomenon.. No one would even bother to use it since it isnt in demand. Most people spawning bosses are just click deleting the armor to reduce lag anyways, or gearing up a druid just to claim they have one ready for T6.

In theory you're supposed to accumulate the essences while you gear up your toons. I get that.. That isn't whats happening.. And the need for people looking to KTF to liquify T3/T4 is trivializing another level of content for NWTC.

And that has sucked demand completely dry for t3/t4 armor. There's positively no difference between me sitting in T3/T4 farming essences and if the essences were found in the Hidden Bankquet (jesus god hunter don't do that, just an example plz :P).. Except the fact that farming T3/T4 I can read a book or watch a movie or chase squirrels outside in my yard while the magic happens.

Player to player interaction in the economy outside of randoms /cheering everytime i kill a  mob in public and wait for the rot call in /ooc is basically non-existant at this point. Players have little to nothing to offer other players, and certainly no reason to not just sink their plat into ore to KTF using their MAH machine in the first place.

And yeah, i'm just illustrating the problem and not offering a solution, but it is what it is. I'm up for some good ideas. T4 bosses could drop 100k pp per kill and that plat would still be dropped right back into Crafted Ore anyways and wouldnt do a thing for the economy..  unless you believed in Trickle-Down in the 80s. ;)

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Fugitive on January 04, 2012, 08:55:07 pm
Perhaps something linked to an item in T6?

I understand what you are trying to help and get some support for.. but I tire of being end game having to do something from T-0.5

More Treadmills probably isn't the right choices.. Maybe drop the No-Drop Tag from Qvic-T3, Hell that might not be a great idea also. T6 is already going to be a Repeat grind with all the new combines that you have to get over and over and over and over again to make your armor then to make your augs then to make the UC2 and all the the other over and over and over and over and over.

Again, the biggest problem with what I see atm is patience everyone wants now now now..

We are in vent discussing this post atm, there are many things that can break and make and re-break and so on.. This is a challenge period but again players want to make a million a night...

One more thing, The end game players don't have anymore cash to give when they are spending and saving 40 million plus on Aug stuff.. There isn't this magic cash. The problem really is in the cost of the Aug stuff... (its a win/lose) its a good aug slightly needed but expensive.. which requires a grind..

I got money but the only person getting right now is that devil of a crafting vendor.

This is no way bitching or complaining just some of my thoughts.. don't take it wrong
This is no way the end all be all, just thoughts..

Gems or more bags of pp from T5
Gems or bags of PP from T3/T4 bosses
Qvic - T3 Bind on Equip (use that Auction house)
HoH Augs Bind on Equip (use that Auction house)

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: curator on January 04, 2012, 09:11:01 pm
You both are right.  But I think Fugitive hit it.  All the top tier money doesnt trickle down.  It goes to vendors.  The only way to fix that is to add a crafting system where players can make the stuff that high tier players need so a player can be t1, but make something a t5 would use.  But that would require a lot of work I think so I think this is just something that will be ever-present

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Udeni on January 04, 2012, 09:28:58 pm
A really good way of making it so the lowbies can make shit the higher ups want is make it so you can combine essences to make the next level essence. Like 2-4 qvic make a tacvi, 2-4 tacvi make a dragon minor, etc. The numbers would need tweaking, and things like that, but IMO its a good way of doing it. Gives qvic essences a use other than crafted armor (lol) and makes it so the people who can't do t1 quite easily enough, or don't have the time to farm super hard, can just go slam out some easy things to get to make the harder things. Of course it would take A LOT of the easy things, but it gets up there.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 05, 2012, 12:28:07 am
Making essences combinable to the next level would make it so someone from qvic could just farm qvic and end up with lvl 5+ augs. I think that would be a very wrong thing to do and I seriously doubt Hunter would ever go for that.

I do think it would be a really good idea to drop the no drop tag on qvic through T2 armor and make it attunable. I would also love to see the lore tag and no drop tag taken off V1 charms. Make them stackable and tradeable. Those would be a good way to link the upper tiered players and lower tiered players.

All those things said, I still don't think the economy is broken though. I've seen the economy transform from one thing to another, hell I saw it when it first started out. The economy is still there, it's just changing. I do think that some of the aug mats from the vendors could do with a reduction in price especially now since the exploit plat has been fixed and is making its way out of the economy. Hell I wouldn't be suprised if that was the reason it was set high in the first place.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: stad on January 05, 2012, 12:31:45 am
if you want a plat sink use a casino. Not lower the drop percentage of certain items. I still remember the first days of Eq live where the casino opened. Man it was hilarious.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: wolfegunr on January 05, 2012, 07:37:27 am
How about we take the ridiculously priced aug mats (which were designed to get the money out of the market when people were exploiting and was wildly successful) off the vendor and make them rare drops in a mid-tier accessable zone?  Require 3.0 flag, and have it be say kaesora or something as a rare drop, as rare as a charm on ldon 1-5 for example. Make it tradeable. Mobs should be as hard as Ldon6 or so.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Ogah on January 05, 2012, 08:03:18 am
First - I love reading Ponzi's posts - thanks Ponzi - and I do take great advantage of your T3/T4 rot sells - this is Bane, btw and thank you.

Wolf has a great idea! You can knock off 100k-1 mil on the price of the augs by making the ore drop off mobs. It would be nice to have another LARGE zone to play in as well. Of course, that probably takes the most amount of work to accomplish AND I wouldn't make them nearly as rare at v1 augs - holy shizza UC farming sucks!

BTW - I agree with Xiggie as well - I don't think this economy is broken. I am fairly new - have a couple months under my belts but having grown up in this economy I think its hard but fair.

I farm the crap out of FG/CG stuff (during the day hours) and try to sell 1 each night - thats 300k pp a day that can be made. If I spent an hour farming wisps, I could sell an SLS for 50k. You can trade an SLS for a Tacvi essence (since those seem the hardest for me to get) and I can start augging my army - which is going to suck.

One thing I love about the state of the current economy is that you all ARE very generous to me and the Bane Army and I wouldn't be moving up without your t3/t4 gifts and cheap buys. I try to do the same and I won't sell t1/t2 rots - its a simple FFA.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Noel on January 05, 2012, 10:45:36 am
What if certain items for high level zones dropped in LEVEL restricted zones such as Dulak? Farming them for sale becomes almost impractical, since you would have to de-level the toon using RoA or make a new one every time you are over the limit.

This way only lower level players can get them and higher level ones are forced to buy them, since they can't blast through a zone AE killing everything in one shot.

In fact, it would be great if SOME FG/CG kit items could be only gotten in level restricted zones. Take Unrest for example - you don't have to be lvl 70 to kill the ghost and he is an easy kill even at lvl 35 with Epic 1.0.

The biggest farm in game is Lower Guk - why not make it lvl 45-60 only? Now running through the zone from camp to camp is actually slightly dangerous and one can't go AFK for an hour with auto-attack ON...

Just a thought....

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 05, 2012, 11:32:13 am
First and foremost you could turn aa exp on and have an alt or even an alt army to farm the lower lvl zones that are lvl restricted. Even if you made it 49 max it would be easier for me to have a toon with the best gear I could get on him (crafted from crafters guild) to go in and pulverize the zone to get my drops rather than wait for a noob to get a hugely highly sought after item. Personally I think prices would go higher than what they are on the vendor. I think trying to level lock something like this would backfire.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Noel on January 05, 2012, 12:26:06 pm
hmm you are right, one can stop from leveling by kicking in AA exp...

In that case it has to be zones like Epic 2.5 Hushed Banquet where it just takes time and no amount of special gear can help you. M

Or maybe make a zone where one must enter with no gear at all....?

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Fugitive on January 05, 2012, 12:34:06 pm

This way only lower level players can get them and higher level ones are forced to buy them

This statement alone negates the idea, I still understand what you are saying but "Force" is the wrong way to get the economy going. Heavily desired items can do this but when you keep adding the streamlined Tier levels will require this from this high end tier and then something from low end tier. Again, why would I waste my $ that I'm going to buy augs with since its such a drain and get that item I would just roll another goon or work  with the guild to supply all my guildmates said items. ( I'm not leaving my Tier advancement in anyone's hands except my guildmates and me. ) If you get what I'm saying

The problem is there really isn't any PP in game unless you drag-grind for it... then it goes right back into the vendor not the system.. so this forces everyone to drag-grind for it.

Gems or more bags of pp from T5
Gems or bags of PP from T3/T4 bosses
Qvic - T3 Bind on Equip (use that Auction house)
HoH Augs Bind on Equip (use that Auction house)

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: whatzizface on January 05, 2012, 01:07:06 pm
I like to imagine myself being on the cast of "Deadliest Catch" and got out in my little boat grinding away at catching gems to afford the meager supplys for my next trip out, So far i am making the boat payments fine and even can afford a new aug for my boat once in awhile. If more people had a active imagination and could do the same the pain of the grind wouldnt be so bad. (The thousand mile stare i recieved from LDoN after my first 4 UC's doesnt hurt either) I think the Bazaar thing sounds like a heck of a deal though if it doesnt use too much space on the server.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Fugitive on January 05, 2012, 01:13:53 pm
I would make more and more alts but do not want to grind T2/T1 out haha

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Camric on January 05, 2012, 02:46:22 pm
Here is my 2 cents on the matter.

The game currently is very narrow in focus with long grinds or treadmills to earn items.  Of course, Hunter can't give players everything over night so there has be some kind of time sink in keeping the game interesting. 

One way to remove the stagnation in a single zone is to create itemization similar to EQ live with the "EZ" flare (uber stats).  Meaning, players will need to visit many zones to capture the best items in the game, no longer would be require to live in zone X, collecting useless items to generate mobs or gear.   In the new environment items will be rare and mobs difficult to defeat in order to obtain the best gear.

In this approach the time spent is the same as today's grinds.  However, this way time is spent figuring out the strategies to kill the mob and exploring to find the best gear.     

The other benefit is reducing the time and effort for Hunter to generate content.   Simply put, use the existing zones and loot tables to generate a few items over a larger period of time versus the "cram" session to get the next tier out the door.   Over time the world becomes extremely populated with unique items that keep game interesting and lessens the demand on Hunter to build elaborate Tiers for us to grind through.

What does this actually look like?  Think of a raid zone like ToV (temple of veeshan) as an example.  Using the content that already exists including mobs, loot, and boss simply modify the encounter to be difficult, boost the stats on the items, and some tweaking to the drop rates.   There you have itemization to entire zone with many different drops for all kinds of classes.  And the effort to do it?  IMO, much smaller than generating "T(x)" and no elaborate coding needed, i.e. T5.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Strix on January 05, 2012, 04:16:32 pm
One way to remove the stagnation in a single zone is to create itemization similar to EQ live with the "EZ" flare (uber stats).  Meaning, players will need to visit many zones to capture the best items in the game, no longer would be require to live in zone X, collecting useless items to generate mobs or gear.   In the new environment items will be rare and mobs difficult to defeat in order to obtain the best gear.

I really lilke the way you think Cam :D  I've been on EZ so long I kind of forgot that we used to have to go to specific zones to find class specific items.  Would be great to see T7 (and beyond) be a return to this concept.

I'm also really liking Fugitive's addition too:
Gems or more bags of pp from T5
Gems or bags of PP from T3/T4 bosses
Qvic - T3 Bind on Equip (use that Auction house)
HoH Augs Bind on Equip (use that Auction house)

Add reducing the price on Ore as well and this would be a really good quick fix :)

As Xiggie Suggests:
I do think that some of the aug mats from the vendors could do with a reduction in price especially now since the exploit plat has been fixed and is making its way out of the economy. Hell I wouldn't be suprised if that was the reason it was set high in the first place.


Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Eyeolo on January 05, 2012, 08:29:37 pm
I think the economy is about making things easier for everyone.  The people at the top need a lot of cash and it is easier for them to sell stuff then to farm gems.  They can sell loot rights or epic runs.

For the people at the bottom it may take less time to save up the plat to pay for a run then to fight their way through themselves.   The only way for low level players to make cash from other players is to farm SLSs because this is tedious for anyone to do. 

Maybe if the tasks paid more cash that would go up the food chain to top level players spending it on aug materials.  On the other hand if the materials were cheaper then the high levels would have less incentive to earn cash from low players.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Ponzi on January 06, 2012, 05:08:43 am
I think the economy is about making things easier for everyone.  The people at the top need a lot of cash and it is easier for them to sell stuff then to farm gems.  They can sell loot rights or epic runs.

It is not easy to sell anything on this server atm. It's far and away easier to farm and sell gems then to sell t3/t4/t5 armor. There isn't buyers at this point, which is the point of this thread. :)

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: curator on January 06, 2012, 06:31:42 am
Im WTB essence of abyss.  pst in game.  just throwin that out there. :P

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on January 06, 2012, 07:29:00 pm
Since the creation of the market it has always been easier to make plat by farming gems than by selling drops. You can make tons more plat by farming gems. Now when we had all this exploit plat in the system people were buying stuff like wildfire because of that exploited plat. This is just adjustment pains. This same thing happen the last time a plat exploit was closed.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: hateborne on January 07, 2012, 05:17:03 pm
It is not easy to sell anything on this server atm. It's far and away easier to farm and sell gems then to sell t3/t4/t5 armor. There isn't buyers at this point, which is the point of this thread. :)

Firstly, I have a hard time taking anything you say as legit and not a scam in disguise.

Second, I think we do need some pseudo-lower drops that can be sold off.


Seriously though, I do believe that for an economy to exist there must be something in demand. Depending on the time/day/phase-of-the-moon, drops are inconsistent. Some days, may only be you selling them. Other days, you may be competing with five others and nothing will sell. Farming gems, while boring and seemingly slow, is unfortunately the fastest way possible bring in coin. So let us look at things players on EZ Server want...

Augments  - Be it weapon augments or armor augments, players want them. Obviously farming up and making weapon augments is too laborious and time consuming to effectively produce revenue. On the other hand, armor augments are dropping like candy in Plane of Gods but carry the Bind On Pickup tag.

Tier Spells - These are somewhat class dependant, but are heavily desired by those that rely on those spells to function. Prime example is my favorite class, the Wizard. Without the T3 nuke, the wizard is hardly worth notice save for something else to rezz at the end of the fight. The Shadow Knight is also a class that sees a heavy increase from T3/T4 spells.

Charms - These are items that occur rarely and at random that light up our days. This example can be made most clear with a Sorcerer's Charm dropping in LDON4. Many of us have farmed untold hours there. Others include Shadow's dropped charms and the Plane of God avatars. These DEFINE how powerful our abilities are and are probably the single most important thing we can farm.


So now that we have defined these categories, where do we go from here? How can we make those three categories marketable?

On Augments : Cut the Plane of Gods drop rate for augments in half, allow all augment producing materials to be tradable (lose BoP tag). This way, players on the lower end of the spectrum could gear up while farming things that the entire server community needs. Any of the high end players may argue that the PoG drop rate halving will hurt how long it takes to full slot out a character. Although this may hold some truth, if the character is even being played then the character will fill out simply from maxing out one charm.

On Tier Spells: Remove the BoP tag, add a Lore tag (or does that already exist?). By making the spells tradable, players can use them as currency instead of trying frantically to sell it off before the timer expires. Doing this would also allow the players that cannot play at 'peak hours' to monetize their play time more efficiently since a rare drop spell can be sold later instead of within a 30 minute window.

On Charms: Remove Lore and No Drop tags from L1 charms and remove No Drop tag from L2 charms. As charms essentially define how well a character does a given action, these could (and possibly should?) become a staple in the EZ Server economy. Right now it is easier to farm Shadow over LDON because the drop rates are irrelevant and chances for multiple charms. LDON is pretty much designed (on purpose or accidentally) to require many many many hours of grinding or many hours of zone training. Neither of which are openly socially geared or terribly exciting. Allowing players to use them as an alternative currency will help alleviate some of the monotony of the charm grind and stimulate player interaction/trade.


Is there anything else?

Yes, actually. Everquest was (and still is) a grindy game with a lot of chance involved. There seems to be too much grind and too little chance. It would be very nice to add some chance back to the game without overdosing on it. As Fugitive has mentioned, more cash would be helpful on the high end. However, I do not believe ensured drops are the answer. Similar to charms, I believe that adding items similar to coins bags as random drops can help with this. It should not be quite as rare as charms, but it shouldn't be something seen very often either. I am referring to small bonuses that cause a smile when they drop.

Here goes... let's assume 5,000 platinum per tier. Example drop rates below (again, theoretical just for a more complete visual image)
1 in 25: Tier 1 Chests, Tier 2 Chests, Plane of God's Avatars, T5 Trash
1 in 20: Tier 1-2 Bosses
1 in 15: Shadow, Tier 3 Bosses
1 in 10: Tier 4-5 Bosses

In the example above, a small bag of 20kpp might drop from a tier 4 or tier 5 boss one in every 10 kills. Although not overly useful in itself, after the number of bosses most of us will afk through...it adds up. In my humble and flawed opinion, I would suggest extremely higher rewards but lower drop rates. ~25k per tier but matching drop rates. I do not claim to know Hunter/Basher/Secret or their plans for world domina..err EZ server.


Lastly, I would suggest that we get several day spawns. Things that spawn randomly in public zones every 3-5 days that require 10+ people to kill and drop horrific amounts of charms, epic books, and a sparse few weapon augment components. Similar to what Cazic Thule or Nag/Vox raids used to be like.

That's it. Thanks for reading another random comment.


P.S. - Please excuse spelling. Typing while eating, texting, and foraging on RIFT.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Ponzi on January 07, 2012, 09:35:16 pm
The idea of losing the no drop tag on armor augments and charms is very intriguing. A nice alternative to grinding cash,

Losing the no drop on spells in t3/t4 is also interesting to me. Only downside their is most classes aren't *supposed* to be able to use those spells until they are into T3.. For example.. Pallys in Qvic who can use stonewall, Classes like Necro and Mage even more OP'd early game with T3 heal spells. SKs in Dulak and time AE'n things.. Clerics casting 5 hour 10k hp buffs....

And speaking of buffs. The mere thought of Shamans able to cast Kracken in Qvic-PoD would be enough to keep Fugi and the old guard up at night. heh. so maybe make the spells usable only with a T2+ BP equipped.. Is that even codable? I love the idea of them being tradable, that's just the fly in the ointment probably stopping it from happening.

-- One small correction: Shadow doesnt have a chance to drop mutliple charms. I do also love the idea of the random 'make you smile' cash bumps on mobs.

As for charms being tradable, it's far closer to fixing the 'giving noobs something worthwhile to farm' like the SLSs were supposed to. But Hunter has said on record multiple times UC is supposed to be hard as hell to get, and making charms tradable would make that easier. And removing the lore tag would take out LDON's greatest defense against BOTers.

The mega mobs in public zones (akin to holiday events) is a fun idea, but I see enough < FP > in public zones as it is, and they'd block the public from experiencing most of it, as they do.. every...single.. holiday.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Fugitive on January 07, 2012, 10:58:01 pm
I dont think they will have the mana needed to cast these spells at that low of a level Ponzi.. but havent really looked into it much, wouldn't bother me at all to see any of this discussed used in game.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: hateborne on January 08, 2012, 12:04:53 am
Losing the no drop on spells in t3/t4 is also interesting to me. Only downside their is most classes aren't *supposed* to be able to use those spells until they are into T3.. For example.. Pallys in Qvic who can use stonewall, Classes like Necro and Mage even more OP'd early game with T3 heal spells. SKs in Dulak and time AE'n things.. Clerics casting 5 hour 10k hp buffs....

Fugitive hit this in his post, most won't have the mana. If somehow they do manage it, it's probably 'about that time'.

-- One small correction: Shadow doesnt have a chance to drop mutliple charms. I do also love the idea of the random 'make you smile' cash bumps on mobs.

He can drop both L2 and L1 charms. Just got Sorc V2, Guardian V2, and Oracle V1 Thursday night. Unless you are referring to L1 charms, in which case you are very much correct.

As for charms being tradable, it's far closer to fixing the 'giving noobs something worthwhile to farm' like the SLSs were supposed to. But Hunter has said on record multiple times UC is supposed to be hard as hell to get, and making charms tradable would make that easier. And removing the lore tag would take out LDON's greatest defense against BOTers.

Actually, the best defense is the player base. Even if some one did bot farm like hell, Hunter's logs see absolutely everything. From the items you sell, to the chat messages you send, to the NPCs you kill (when, where, how). If GenericWarriorNameHere is in LDON6 for 27 straight hours at a time, Hunter would catch on.

Also, a year+ ago...charms WERE the main source of cash. Before the weapon augments and all that SLS farming, charms were a source of cash for lowbies. The only difference was the drops were sold when they dropped.

Either way, just suggestions.


Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Ponzi on January 08, 2012, 05:54:09 am
I love your suggestions, hate. Just playin' a little devils advocate.

I still think Kracken/Armor of Crab (at 10kmana) could be used a *lot* earlier than intended.. but the net result would only help those newest to the server (hell people might be able to 3-4 box their own Qvics and Tacvis, might be an improvement even).

I don't count v2 charms on Shadow as bonuses.. I have toons i never intend to UC sitting at 100 v2s because they are so much more common than v1 (esp once you stop living in ldon and need tokens).

And the extra bonus cash drops need to happen, indeed :)

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: hateborne on January 08, 2012, 06:59:20 pm
Hah don't worry Ponzi, I appreciate it. If we had more people intelligently bringing counter points, we would get much more universally accept patches/adjustments.



Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: sarroth on February 22, 2012, 12:21:38 pm
I wonder if a simple addition that might help the economy would be to add some Vaniki style mobs to the low level zones (paludal, mistmoore, dulak, etc). The mobs could drop trade-able essences that low level toons could sell.

Because of the way Vaniki-type mobs spawn, they're fairly farm proof.

The idea would be:
- add 3 static place holders to a low level zone
- the PH's are invisible, untargetable mobs
- each PH has a 5-10% chance to spawn the named (unless the named is already up)
- the named has an equal chance to drop any essence (qvic, gods major, etc)
- the respawn time on each PH is about 3 days
- named mobs are of the difficulty of normal mobs in the zone
- named mobs spawn only in public zones, not instanced zones

- can't farm because it's impossible to kill the PH's and they don't spawn in instances
- low levels can kill the named during their normal leveling, should they be lucky enough to see it
- low levels will be able to sell the essences
- shouldn't flood the market with essences, depending on the respawn rates

- will decrease the rarity of essences, depending on respawn rates
- might encourage people to leave bots in low level zones with alarms that go off when the named spawns?


Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: hateborne on February 22, 2012, 05:41:45 pm
Being a low level or fresh to server, there is a chance that high end players could screw over lower ends.
3 static spawning NPCs, possibly. Each would need ~10 possible spawn points to prevent spawn camps. (You hit in Dis.)
3 Days with 3 spawns = Up to 9 players getting bumped, others passing through receive nothing.

It is a neat idea, but more of a lottery than jump-start for economy. Economies seem to function better on more a mechanically predictable basis.

Not to self promote, but as listed earlier:
Lore and/or No Drop tags off of Charm v1.
No Drop tags off of Charm v2.
No Drop tags off of PoD/PoG augment components (but augs stay no drop).
Lore and/or No Drop tags off of T3/T4 spells (and enchanter/druid qvic+ spells).


Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: cerwin on February 22, 2012, 08:30:19 pm

Not to self promote, but as listed earlier:
Lore and/or No Drop tags off of Charm v1.
No Drop tags off of Charm v2.
No Drop tags off of PoD/PoG augment components (but augs stay no drop).
Lore and/or No Drop tags off of T3/T4 spells (and enchanter/druid qvic+ spells).

I think these would be great if implemented

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Noel on February 22, 2012, 10:16:31 pm

Not to self promote, but as listed earlier:
Lore and/or No Drop tags off of Charm v1.
No Drop tags off of Charm v2.
No Drop tags off of PoD/PoG augment components (but augs stay no drop).
Lore and/or No Drop tags off of T3/T4 spells (and enchanter/druid qvic+ spells).

I think these would be great if implemented

Agreed - that may actually help with money cycling in the economy.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Hurley on February 22, 2012, 10:44:37 pm
I don't want to start a debate about Aug prices because I completely understand they are supposed to be difficult to attain, but it seems that even a lot of high end players are mostly broke these days because of the rising need for crazy DPS and extreme cost of augs to attain that DPS. I don't know the numbers and perhaps my thoughts are wrong, but I would think there is a ton of plat leaving the server and not quite as much coming in.

I do not know how possible it is to code, but maybe making T1+ armor sellable to merchants for a small amount could be a way to help bring some platinum back into the system. Obviously, make all armor lore so farming huge amounts of it would be impossible and make the sell amount resonable per tier. Perhaps a T1 piece sells for 2k per, and T2 could be 3k and so on. If it is impossible to sell no-drop items to merchants, perhaps be able to hand them in for tokens that you can sell? Perhaps not the best idea, but it would be nice to put use to all those enchanter, ranger and bard items that so frequently rot.

The basic goal is to combine money farming and armor farming(without breaking the system and making it too easy) so that people arent stuck farming instances of velks for the servers plat income.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Noel on February 22, 2012, 11:30:35 pm
making instances cheaper would have same effect and is easier to implement. Also lower prices for aug components....those who have PP like to spend it as PP itself is of no use, but when they don't have it... there is no trickle down effect

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Natedog on February 23, 2012, 12:59:24 am
Crafters guild items are a huge money sink to keep the server from being overloaded with platinum. Augs are meant to be a pain to farm .. but they are definitely worth it. As of right now adding something that gives a lot of plat for doing would probably be a bad idea.

Farming old zones and making more money than higher level zones is the only thing that doesn't really make sense to me. But that would be a lot of balancing.. I'm sure someone has a good idea how to implement that sort of thing.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Lucadian on February 23, 2012, 10:51:29 am
Suggesting lower priced instances gives me an idea of how new you are to the server, either that or you really think Hubter would lower them again? I remember when I'd buy a GI for 100K...

Augs are meant to be tough to attain because they add so much. If you had chars in T3 with full strike Augs then they'd destroy the content so fast. (it's still possible to do that with how things are now, I'm just suggesting that making it much easier would be a gamebreaker in my eyes.)

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Noel on February 23, 2012, 12:17:35 pm
I'm not new. Have on the server for more than a year, on and off.  I know how tough the grind for augs is - most of my T2 3.0 toons have at least one lvl 4 aug.

Guys - you have to get consistent - kickstarting economy = more money changing hands. There are only 2 ways to make that happen - make PP more abundant through increased drop rate and higher gem prices OR lower money sink levels (money leaving economy through vendors). Either option would make augs easier to obtain since most people are limited not by essences, but cash.

So any improvement in economy WILL make augs easier to obtain, which is the reason why this thread was started IMHO.

Title: Re: Kick Starting the Economy
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 23, 2012, 12:22:40 pm
I have said it before in this post and I will say it again. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the economy. The reason some might feel like there is not enough plat in circulation is because you don't have someone dumping millions of plat a day into the economy. (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=2451.0) The economy is fine the way it is. It is hard to get in game content, that is the way it should be.