EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lucadian on January 29, 2012, 03:04:33 pm

Title: Lag.
Post by: Lucadian on January 29, 2012, 03:04:33 pm
Hey, just coming here to talk about all the dang lag. Ever since T6 was released, I have trouble running my full group without constantly losing characters to lag... I was just ignoring it, but I'm not the only person experiencing this issue. I don't know if it's some of the coding you used, or if it's just because so many people came back to the server all at once, but it needs looked at in my opinion. I get to where I don't even want to log on until 11pm CST just because I know not very many people will be online at that time.

If anyone else is experiencing this feel free to post.

Title: Re: Lag.
Post by: Hunter on January 29, 2012, 03:11:18 pm
T6 got released, then shortly after I updated the source code. Which one is it? I don't know.

I know a lot of people came back cause new content was released with T6, so the online population is higher.

Also its possible there was something wrong with the source code? I compiled it correctly and updated the DB with sourced sqls as well. Only thing I had to 'fix' was to make certain pets controllable. If its the source code then hopefully in the future it'll fix itself with new updates.

I'll keep my eye on the issue and see what we can do.


Title: Re: Lag.
Post by: Hunter on January 29, 2012, 03:19:55 pm

This would be the problem here. Our connection of 30 down 5 up will start to lag when the online population reaches around 450-500 online, and we're getting beyond that. Guess EZ Server is getting too popular. Might have to start reinforcing the rules again with banning in order to reduce online population so the good players can have more bandwidth.

Title: Re: Lag.
Post by: Lucadian on January 29, 2012, 04:12:59 pm
Thanks for the quick response, and that does make sense. We'll just have to ride it out!

Title: Re: Lag.
Post by: Fugitive on January 29, 2012, 06:09:14 pm
Good info, yeah I keep getting loss of sync issues that lead to disconnects.

I would enable the Anti-AFK again if it hasn't I don't know.

I'm pretty sure I was getting the loss of sync even prior to the source update, but as of lately it is getting worse, Population increase is probably to blame.

This is happening on all Clients


Title: Re: Lag.
Post by: Strix on January 29, 2012, 06:49:45 pm
I'm pretty sure I was getting the loss of sync even prior to the source update, but as of lately it is getting worse, Population increase is probably to blame.

I was getting loss of sync issues before the source update too - mind you, I'm about as far from the server as you can get and lag has always been an issue for me.  When I first started playing on the server my ping was pretty consistant around the 180 mark.  For the last 3 months it's never below 350.

The lag also seems to be affecting Raid formations for me.  I'm often joining raids and finding that while the raid leader can see me in the raid - none of my toons can talk in raid and don't appear to be getting the kill flags in T5.   This can be for individual toons, clusters of toons, and/or my entire crew (of 18 or so).  I've found the only solution in most instances is to use the raid window to quit out and reform - and in some cases a complete log out to reset all th characters.


Title: Re: Lag.
Post by: Camric on January 29, 2012, 09:22:49 pm
I'm experiencing the same issues with lag and sync issues.  Hunter is aware that the population growth has saturated the upload bandwidth capacity.  Which means a larger pipe is required to stabilize the ever growing demand.

Title: Re: Lag.
Post by: Fugitive on January 29, 2012, 09:24:14 pm
Which means a larger pipe is required to stabilize the ever growing demand.

Title: Re: Lag.
Post by: Thebone on January 29, 2012, 09:27:10 pm
I would start with the anti AFK script.. This would get the people just eating up my precious bandwidth!!!

Title: Re: Lag.
Post by: Strix on January 29, 2012, 09:31:40 pm
Which means a larger pipe is required to stabilize the ever growing demand.