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General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: wolfegunr on February 06, 2012, 02:24:31 am

Title: Warrior endurance
Post by: wolfegunr on February 06, 2012, 02:24:31 am
Slight problem with warriors... They run out of endurance then have to "med" ie sit down for 20 minutes... to regen it. Dying does not reset, buffs do not reset, extinguish fatigue does not help.
Thinking endurance regen added to epics could help or even better, some sort of spell to heal it.

Thank you for your time.

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Hurley on February 06, 2012, 06:48:57 am
Ive been meaning to make a post about this for days and keep forgetting to do so. It is very annoying having to wait for endurance to regen back to full which takes quite some time. I think either adding endurance regen to the equip, the epics or more regen to the UC would be extremely helpful.

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Thebone on February 06, 2012, 08:46:03 am
This is coming from the new 2 hander epic's if you don't need the SW up don't have it up.. It will help with the end regen.

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: wolfegunr on February 06, 2012, 09:24:47 am
Need it up pretty much the whole time in T5/T6.

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Thebone on February 06, 2012, 09:58:03 am
T6 yes T5 no... I never have any problems with this. Keep in mind We did T5 with out these changes and with 4.0 and disc Stone wall only. The trash in T5 you will not need it up at all times.

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Kwai on February 06, 2012, 11:50:40 am
I agree.  It would be appropriate for some sort of END regen mechanic and at a minimum complete restoration of endurance on death.

I currently run a two Warrior rotation with a bard on the bank to help restore END when the first runs dry and can no longer maintain Stonewall.  This method allows me to continue playing without pause.  Not everyone has two UC Warriors and a 4.0 bard available to make this possible, so restoring full endurance on death just like full mana/health makes sense to me.

The warrior stonewall on the 2H has been the single, most positive impact on my game play since I started here.  I love it.  I never imagined it would come out of the box fully functional and without needing a slight tweak, but this one was as close to perfect as they come.  Simply restoring full endurance on death could mitigate the issue and anything else would just be gravy.  I hope you will consider this change Hunter.

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Lucadian on February 06, 2012, 12:21:25 pm
I'm going to have to agree with Bone. You do not need it up the entire time in T5.. If SKs can tank in there without any form of stonewall, warriors should be able to, also. ESPECIALLY now that warriors have a 2h instead of dual wielding (cutting back on ripostes.) And let's pretend like you do need it up the whole time. I was in T3/T4 last night with my warrior and between each fight I would drop the stonewall to loot and to turn in another token, and then put it back on when the next fight started. That was enough to generate 1 or 2% of endurance and I didn't have to take a break for like... 3 or more hours. (takes me 6 mins to kill t3. DPS suxxors.) So just find little ways to regen a little END here and there. If you're only losing like 5-10% END per fight and regening 1-2% END after the fight, it would last a little while longer. But really, there is no reason you should need it anywhere besides the bosses in T5 and then T6.

It would make sense to add full END upon death, just the same as health and mana, or to even make it to where END has a nice regen on the UC just the same as mana does. Either way, I'm sure Hunter will figure out something to fix this minor problem. 

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Thebone on February 06, 2012, 12:46:11 pm
Another thing guy's you can still get the SW from a 4.0 one hander and you still have the disc stonewall to help fill in the gaps. Use all the tool's your offered.. Just using one of the other SW will give you the time to regen some of the END up.

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Natedog on February 06, 2012, 01:03:43 pm
If you take breaks during extended play times and make sure to click off SW and sit the warrior down when you need to afk and such.. you should be able to regen it back... unless you play for 4-5 hours straight without ever needing to afk then I can see a problem with endurance as it is right now.

Moderation is key.. use the ability when you need it.. click it off when you don't.. if you go afk.. sit the warrior down for faster regen.

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Hurley on February 07, 2012, 06:42:13 am
Well it was originally created to be a worn effect to offset pally's ability to have a permanent sheildwall with the UC but something with game mechanics hindered his ability to make it worn. Granted, with it being a worn effect, you would not be able to switch back to 1h and keep the sheildwall but I dont think that it such a big problem as people wanted the 2h for fewer riposte's anyway. I don't see where altering the endurance regen slightly to make it easier would break the game. Hell if you really want to compare it to pally sheildwall then put the slowing effect back on it and eliminate the endurance drain. I would gladly click it on and off every fight(which is what i have to do anyway). I am only able to 5 box efficiently so my dps is not so hot atm so my downtime is probably less than all of you uber types at the moment.

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Natedog on February 07, 2012, 08:12:15 am
3.5-5.0 is considered a Discipline so it uses endurance.... 6.0 warrior epic is a Song and doesn't use endurance... maybe switch them all to song? I wasn't affected too bad with 5.0.. but I take breaks often with 2 kids.. so my warrior got to sit and rest a lot.

Not sure what 5.5 was considered disc or song.. as i never equipped it lol

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Lucadian on February 07, 2012, 12:21:11 pm
It's not a huge problem, really. I was in PoAir for 9 straight hours. (took maybe 2 breaks) I never had to stop specifically to regen END. I stopped cause I was hungry, or the girlfriend wouldn't bring me a drink. Silly things like that, and in just the time it took me to do those things I regenerated enough to keep grinding. Got an entire set of T3 and T4 minus legs for my warrior in that time.

I realize not many people are able to sit down and just grind out as long as I am able to, so I don't really see what everyone else's issue is with this.

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Kwai on February 07, 2012, 07:56:24 pm
so I don't really see what everyone else's issue is with this.

Water evidently.  I don't have any problem with END when on land.

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Lucadian on February 07, 2012, 08:09:08 pm
Never thought about that. Touche, sir.

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Kwai on February 07, 2012, 10:40:41 pm
make sure to click off SW

Can you click it off a 4.0?

I do not see a buff to remove.  Unequipping the 2H doesn't stop the effect.  The only way I have found is to zone/camp.

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Koda on February 07, 2012, 10:57:00 pm
make sure to click off SW

Can you click it off a 4.0?

I do not see a buff to remove.  Unequipping the 2H doesn't stop the effect.  The only way I have found is to zone/camp.

Click the buff-like icon in the disciplines window (ALT+C) to remove the effect.

Title: Re: Warrior endurance
Post by: Kwai on February 08, 2012, 10:20:30 am
Thanks Koda.  This will help alot.