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General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Korgis on February 13, 2012, 07:18:25 am

Title: Question About Boxing
Post by: Korgis on February 13, 2012, 07:18:25 am
I currently box War/Pal/Pal/Mnk/Rng/Clr

I can box 7-8 but mainly stick with 6.  Are there any classes i should sub out in there for another?  I dont want to keep making more and more characters, id like to look into a solid group to progress far into the content.  Also, if i could do 7-8 what would be ideal to add to that group otherwise

Title: Re: Question About Boxing
Post by: Brokyn on February 13, 2012, 07:31:01 am
The group you have will take you all the way to end game currently.  If you want to play a 7th outside the group, adding a shaman for Kraken would be a great addition.

Title: Re: Question About Boxing
Post by: Digz on February 13, 2012, 12:37:12 pm
well since someone already made a topic about it i might as well ask too since i was already planning on making a thread about it :)

im running an similar setup of war/pal/pal/mnk/rog/brd and i was curious as to how it will fair in T5. My biggest concern is the lack of the cleric for Viv but im hoping having a UC & roa100 on the warrior will help negate any unnecessary deaths. At that point 1 pal would have a uc and the second would be at max oracle, this is my goal before i even step foot into t5.

if a cleric is pretty much manditory then i guess my next question is do i take out a pal or the rog? 3 healers seems a little over-excessive but what do i know.

Title: Re: Question About Boxing
Post by: Brokyn on February 13, 2012, 01:02:43 pm
I would remove the bard for a cleric.  Bards are only really a great addition if you have wizards.  They do good damage with NS augs, but so does anyone who can use NS augs...

Title: Re: Question About Boxing
Post by: Digz on February 13, 2012, 01:23:32 pm
actually if you account the 3.0 clicky into everyones elses dps, i wouldn't be surprised if a bards contributed dps to a group rivals a wizard for a single group slot if the group makeup is heavily melee orientated. im gunna do some parsing cause now im super curious about that.

not to mention its the only spell in the game that increases healing throughput (asside from haste and i guess healing focus...).

Title: Re: Question About Boxing
Post by: Digz on February 13, 2012, 01:59:16 pm
ok so My monk has full V augs and a maxed sorc and comes in at 61k dps over a 10 minute fight. Adding 3.0 click gives me 5-6k dps so you can assume its roughly a 10% dps boost

if you take the parsed figures from the stickied thread can you can assume the following

war -  42k dps
pal - 49k dps
pal - 49k dps
mnk - 79k dps
rog - 79k dps
brd - 68k dps

for a total of 366k, 10% of that works out to 36.6k dps.

so without even adding in bard songs, hes contributing 104.6k dps.

someone let me know if my 5th grade math is off  ;D

Title: Re: Question About Boxing
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 13, 2012, 05:51:16 pm
My entire group has UC, warrior with a RoA 100. I run with a cleric in my group always. I would drop the rogue or the bard and add in a cleric and uc that cleric.

Title: Re: Question About Boxing
Post by: Digz on February 13, 2012, 07:25:05 pm
alright, 3 healers it is then!

Title: Re: Question About Boxing
Post by: Korgis on February 15, 2012, 05:27:31 am
In my group for progression right now, before i get ANY further.  Am i better off using a SK in place of the warrior up until t5.  Also by doing so, should i drop one paladin for another dps?

Or outside of any of that, should i replace the ranger with any other class that would benefit me more?  I really dont want to level up a million characters so I would like to get it set now lol.

Just curious as i have like 10 levels 70 of different classes now and all are t1/t2 flagged, but i dont want to move into t3/4 farming until i have a group that truly is ideal to get me the whole way with the least struggle and best farming ability.

Title: Re: Question About Boxing
Post by: Natedog on February 15, 2012, 06:33:57 am
alright, 3 healers it is then!

T5 progression really only needs 2 healers. Either Pal Pal ... or cleric / pal.. both work very well.

However, T6 progression I moved over to using 3 healer team 3x pally. Also have a cleric I sub in as well. But 2x Pally and cleric is much better in T6. You can live easily with 2 healers in T6 but life is much easier with 3.

Title: Re: Question About Boxing
Post by: Korgis on February 15, 2012, 07:24:30 am
What about SK vs Warr early on and Which DPS classes work best to fill the rest of the spots?

Title: Re: Question About Boxing
Post by: Natedog on February 15, 2012, 09:47:24 am
What about SK vs Warr early on and Which DPS classes work best to fill the rest of the spots?

I started off with pet classes because they are easy free-DPS.. meaning you do not need to aug them.

But endgame you will want to choose wisely... I run War //  Pal x3 // Monk // Mage

My mage is only decent because they have the T4 nuke.. where as a Necro is useless endgame because they have no special nuke or useful buffs.

A good idea for a easy DPS would be Beastlord.. they have pet dps at first .. and eventually build up augs to become GODS of dps lol.

Other melee its up to what you like to play.. most are on par.. except Zerker.. avoid them like the plague

Title: Re: Question About Boxing
Post by: Noel on February 15, 2012, 10:42:07 am
Why avoid Zerker?

I have one, seems to be doing OK so far...

Title: Re: Question About Boxing
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 15, 2012, 10:51:22 am
They get too much attention from adds.