EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: hateborne on February 13, 2012, 01:24:08 pm

Title: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: hateborne on February 13, 2012, 01:24:08 pm
Ok, here is what I can offer.

I run sk/brd/clr/wiz/wiz/wiz and have looting issues on all them. Cleared LDON5 a bunch for King's Chest cards for my paladin's caster guild membership and it was horrible for him too. The first part of the clearing was without MQ2, the last card (35min…) was with MQ2 running. It was terrible on all the characters. With Titanium, it works fantastically. I can clear corpses in the same time or less using Titanium than I can with Underfoot using the "Loot All" shift clicking.

However, the delay is not just with looting. I have a 1-3 second delay with any actions I take. Spell casting, item clicks, or other such actions all have that same delay associated with them.

The only things I can link are the achievements were causing queries, there are stats that exist in UF (but not active on EZ), and WinEQ2's limiters (EQPlayNice) can cause drastic changes to framerate and game 'responsiveness'.

I will attempt to test a few theories as I have time with UF. If anyone else has something else to suggest, let me know. I can test it as I have time. Please post any suggestions/theories/possible-links.

If you are NOT having this issues, post what you are running (MQ2 [macros yes/no], WinEQ2, etc) please!


ADDED: Corpses are not appearing correctly. Too often characters that zone at the same time are in the same zone, can interact with mobs, but cannot see each other.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Lucadian on February 13, 2012, 01:59:07 pm
I run MQ2 and have no issues looting. I don't lag or any thing like that.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Griz on February 13, 2012, 02:27:55 pm
I'm using HoT client. Loot sometimes lags a bit, but if the server population is lower I can loot one corpse every 1-2 seconds or so. I'm running MQ2, but not using any macros, or wineq. Just running 3-6 EQ processes. I am hydraing keystrokes to my other windows so I can be looting on my SK while pulling on my warrior, but it doesn't seem to negatively affect anything

Are you sure you have '/hidecorpse looted' enabled? If you don't, they fade out and it causes issues.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Gilthanas on February 13, 2012, 03:28:54 pm
I too recently switched to UF from Titanium and noticed loot lag. It seems very dependent on how many people are on the server, however. Loot is just as fast as Titanium when only 250 people are online.
You totally just taught me about Shift looting, however, so thanks for that haha.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: hateborne on February 13, 2012, 05:42:34 pm
I run MQ2 and have no issues looting. I don't lag or any thing like that.
Are you running WinEQ2 as well?

I'm using HoT client. Loot sometimes lags a bit, but if the server population is lower I can loot one corpse every 1-2 seconds or so. I'm running MQ2, but not using any macros, or wineq. Just running 3-6 EQ processes. I am hydraing keystrokes to my other windows so I can be looting on my SK while pulling on my warrior, but it doesn't seem to negatively affect anything

Are you sure you have '/hidecorpse looted' enabled? If you don't, they fade out and it causes issues.
I know the running 3 wizards thing seems odd, but I'm not (totally) stupid. :-)
I actually use '/hidecorpse all' every second or third pull in every zone but Abyss. This applies to all my boxes, not just my "main screen".

I too recently switched to UF from Titanium and noticed loot lag. It seems very dependent on how many people are on the server, however. Loot is just as fast as Titanium when only 250 people are online.
You totally just taught me about Shift looting, however, so thanks for that haha.
Glad to hear about you courting Shift-Loot now! :-)
Are you running WinEQ2 or ISBoxer too?

Right now UF is very sluggish to do most anything (for me). I am suspecting WinEQ2 and/or UF are causing issues with each other since both support some form of CPU/GPU limiters. Having two of them may be causing competition.

For those running WinEQ2, what are the settings for your "EQPlayNice"? (literally every setting option and what it is set to!) I will try to tinker with values, or maybe even turn completely off. It seems a bit overkill (and possibly cumbersome) to have two CPU and GPU limiters running.


(And before it comes up: i7-920, nVidia 560ti, 12GB of DDR3 (1600Mhz), 750gb 7200RPM hard drive (SATA 3?). I have the hardware to be safely running 6 copies, so I don't necessarily think that is causing any issues)

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 13, 2012, 05:42:38 pm
Are yall using wineq? Those that are having loot lag.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 13, 2012, 05:44:57 pm
If you are using wineq turn it off. Especially the eqplaynice feature. Eqplaynice is basically built into sod and uf, and I think sof also. My client was really sluggish when I used eqplaynice when I switched to SoD.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: hateborne on February 13, 2012, 05:49:08 pm
Thank you Xiggie for the reply.

I was considering it beforehand, but for some reason I did not. I cannot get rid of WinEQ2 entirely as I have become addicted to using the CTRL ALT # to select one of my characters. I always load my characters in a set order and (with a Logitech G15) I can very easily select a character to go with.

Will try when I get home, thank you again for the input.


Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 13, 2012, 06:07:14 pm
Before I switched to SoD I could box 5 very comfortably, 6 with minimal notice, 9 being my absolute limit. When I switched to SoD 3 was noticeable and 5 being unplayable. I turned of Wineq and I could box 2 groups. I believe it is just the eqplaynice feature though as others play using wineq just fine. With the built in cpu limiter in SoD client and beyond I guess some of the settings get crossed or something. Hope it works.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: hateborne on February 13, 2012, 06:10:09 pm
With Titanium and all the WinEQ mess going, I can handle 12 clients without breaking 60% ram.

I have not had a chance to faceroll public PoA again, so I do not know what my limit is with UF yet.

However, until I get the loot lag and/or stick issues resolved...I will be on Titanium. Loot lag I can handle, stick failures I cannot. Having half of my team run off bridges in Abyss is time consuming and annoying. It failed to be humorous after the first time.


Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: cerwin on February 13, 2012, 06:13:59 pm
Using UF I have loot lag whether there is 100 people on or 400 people on. I have absolutely no lag whatsoever in other areas, ie item clicks and spell casting.

Edit: this happens with or without MQ2. Also I dont use WinEQ, always use /hidecorpse looted .

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 13, 2012, 06:18:34 pm
That is exactly the kind of problems I was having while still using wineq/eqplaynice. Stick worked like follow. Try it without wineq and see how it works. If it works, then try it with wineq but turn off eqplaynice and see if it works. Cerwin are you also using wineq?

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: cerwin on February 13, 2012, 06:19:40 pm
That is exactly the kind of problems I was having while still using wineq/eqplaynice. Stick worked like follow. Try it without wineq and see how it works. If it works, then try it with wineq but turn off eqplaynice and see if it works. Cerwin are you also using wineq?

Edited my post, no im not using wineq

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 13, 2012, 06:37:00 pm
I just tried it with UF and SoD and there is about a 2 second lag between right clicking the corpse and the loot window opening up/kneeling to loot. I did this vanilla, no mq2, no wineq nothing. That right there would actually break farming for me  cause when you are trying to loot thousands of corpses an hour adding 2 seconds to each one of those is a no go. This was with one toon in and about 380 on the server.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: cerwin on February 13, 2012, 06:42:07 pm
That right there would actually break farming for me  cause when you are trying to loot thousands of corpses an hour adding 2 seconds to each one of those is a no go. This was with one toon in and about 380 on the server.

Bro this was my point exactly in the v1 charm thread lol. I havent seriously farmed charm v1 since this all started a few months ago because it takes 2 or 3 times as long with all the corpses you have to loot. Now if there were less corpses it wouldnt be an issue...

I really dont wana go back to Titanium either, UF is so much better except for the looting.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 13, 2012, 07:02:56 pm
Yeah, doing it that way I can totally understand where you are coming from. I still don't agree because I think it makes it too easy for one crowd while making it too hard for another but I totally get why it is an issue. With it that way I would prolly end up going with Shadow for my charm upgrades or loading up Tit for that one toon to loot under. I really would like to figure out why there is a delay in it though.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: hateborne on February 13, 2012, 08:49:56 pm
Just tried without EQPlayNice and it's still breaking. Going to have to look at some alternatives.

I tossed in a detailed description to MQEmulator to see if they might have anything useful.

Going to test without WinEQ2 at all now.


EDIT: Just did and couldn't even get client to act correctly. It would NOT let me get rid of start bar and it kept trying to fullscreen. Back to Titanium

EDIT 2: http://mqemulator.net/forum2/viewtopic.php?t=976

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Natedog on February 13, 2012, 10:31:20 pm
Here is my setup....

Basic MQ2 from MQ2emulator.net

WinEQ2 --- 2 seperate folders

Main folder -- for pally right now.. a bit higher view distance

2nd Folder - bare bone settings

I almost never ever get the "dance" from characters unless i just switched off that toon. Switching back to them fixes their /stick.. then switch back to main screen.

MQ2FPS settings have my fps on main at about 30~fps and all background instances of EQ at about 15-20~ fps.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Gilthanas on February 14, 2012, 08:32:04 am
Glad to hear about you courting Shift-Loot now! :-)
Are you running WinEQ2 or ISBoxer too?

Just MQ2 for me. Loot lag was negligible last night in my instance, but was getting some occasional lag with my 'sticking' characters. Not sure if it is UF or just general server lag.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Digz on February 14, 2012, 12:44:59 pm
Here is my setup....

Basic MQ2 from MQ2emulator.net

WinEQ2 --- 2 seperate folders

Main folder -- for pally right now.. a bit higher view distance

2nd Folder - bare bone settings

I almost never ever get the "dance" from characters unless i just switched off that toon. Switching back to them fixes their /stick.. then switch back to main screen.

MQ2FPS settings have my fps on main at about 30~fps and all background instances of EQ at about 15-20~ fps.

the "dance" is due to an MQ2MoveUtils option. Make sure "WinEQ=on" is set to on as it defaults to off in the ini (i forget the command to do it in game, can edit the ini just as easily though). Turning this on instantly solved any sick problems that i had over the course of 3-4 weeks, it was a huge relief once i found that fix.

as far as loot lag is still concerned...ive never and i mean never experienced this loot lag at all and i just switched to UF 2 weeks ago. Since then ive farmed about 4-5 charms in LDON4 with no issues of lag at all. I've also never heard of eqplaynice and i dont have it in any of my mq2 folders, and im a pretty avid user of mq2, i have like 4 hotbars full of macros i use all the time.

have you tried on a fresh UF install with no saved ini's / whatever else loaded? if its still doing it then, id rule out mq2 being the culprit

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Noel on February 14, 2012, 02:51:25 pm
Do you need to have WinEQ running to use WinEQ=on ?

If i don't use it - will adding it to INI still help?

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Digz on February 14, 2012, 03:10:16 pm
i doubt the option will have any effect if you dont use mq2

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Noel on February 14, 2012, 03:21:20 pm
Mq2 yes, but not WinEQ

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Digz on February 14, 2012, 04:04:00 pm
i dont have any experiance messing with the option turned on while not using winEQ since im always using it but i cant see the option effecting your game if wineq isnt loaded

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 14, 2012, 04:22:46 pm
For those having dificutlies with stick and mq2 on SoD+ try turning mq2clip off. /plugin mq2clip unload. Also disable eqplaynice. Both of those programs are basically configured into SoD+.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: hateborne on February 14, 2012, 06:33:52 pm
I will add in the line to the MoveUtils this evening when I get home.  --Thanks Digz

I don't know if I even have that loaded (MQ2Clip) as I tried to minimize running services/plugins. I will definitely try that this evening. I tried disabling EQPlayNice and it had no effect on /stick issues. It did skyrocket my CPU usage (before I was sitting at 30% for 6 boxes, today I was at 30% using 2 boxes). I found the Frame Rate and Background limiters on first page of the Options tab in Underfoot. Set them both to Unlimited (from whatever the default was at), no change.  --Thanks Xiggie

Thank you for the information as well Paldail.


Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Natedog on February 14, 2012, 07:17:07 pm
I do have 1 ANNOYANCE with Underfoot though... if anyone has this problem.. or a fix to it I'd love to hear it.

When I have all my toons loaded... and I zone on one of them.. lets say they died.... once they completely zone my cursor will fly over to the corner of the screen where that boxed character is. Gets really annoying when I try to click something after a toon dies and my cursor goes flying off the screen.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Natedog on February 14, 2012, 07:20:37 pm
I also found a way to replicate that bug for the "Dance"... if you manually switch characters by using the mouse to click on a new screen the last character will not do the "Dance." However if you do the WINEQ2 ctrl alt-# .. to switch to a toon my toon that I just switched off of.. will start doing the "Dance." Then i click their screen with mouse and click back to main and it fix it.

So using the Ctrl+Alt # .. seems to make my characters dance.. otherwise it doesn't happen at all for me.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: hateborne on February 14, 2012, 10:35:03 pm
I also found a way to replicate that bug for the "Dance"... if you manually switch characters by using the mouse to click on a new screen the last character will not do the "Dance." However if you do the WINEQ2 ctrl alt-# .. to switch to a toon my toon that I just switched off of.. will start doing the "Dance." Then i click their screen with mouse and click back to main and it fix it.

So using the Ctrl+Alt # .. seems to make my characters dance.. otherwise it doesn't happen at all for me.

Paldail, DAMN good find. This does it EVERY time when I use the CTRL ALT # keybind.


Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Natedog on February 14, 2012, 10:59:15 pm
I also found a way to replicate that bug for the "Dance"... if you manually switch characters by using the mouse to click on a new screen the last character will not do the "Dance." However if you do the WINEQ2 ctrl alt-# .. to switch to a toon my toon that I just switched off of.. will start doing the "Dance." Then i click their screen with mouse and click back to main and it fix it.

So using the Ctrl+Alt # .. seems to make my characters dance.. otherwise it doesn't happen at all for me.

Paldail, DAMN good find. This does it EVERY time when I use the CTRL ALT # keybind.


I dont think it does it when I alt+ tab though.. would check.. but been having trouble logging in today. Internet was down... then login server was being buggy

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: hateborne on February 14, 2012, 11:07:45 pm
Spent 20 minutes tinkering and it does it nearly EVERYTIME with window selector. Reported this in my bug report with MQEmulator.net to see if something can be done.

As far as I can tell, it may revolve around the AutoPause and ManualPause in the MQ2MoveUtils. Regardless of what they are set to, it REFUSES to disable them. Also noted in bug report post.

Thank you again!


Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Gilthanas on February 15, 2012, 08:32:42 am
I've been having problems with stick lately. I'll stick my pally to my war for heals and then pull a big ass train in an instance. Then I'll turn around to confront the mobs only to find my pally is running into a wall 5 rooms away. Death ensues.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: oldepharte on February 15, 2012, 12:06:54 pm
Have you set processor affinity for EQ?  Not sure if it is relevant to you, but it is one of the changes (among a bunch at once, bad resolution practice!) I made when I cleared similar issues from my setup.  There is a post on it at EQEmulator.net.

Skeezy Ratty Troll

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Gilthanas on February 15, 2012, 01:30:32 pm
Thanks for the tips Skeezy. Also, thanks again for the help in POD the other day.

Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: hateborne on February 23, 2012, 12:52:18 am

If you do NOT quickly "CTRL ALT #" between windows (as in 3-4 sec between), it seems to not get hung nearly as often. I am still working to try and debug this. I will update Maudigan (MQEmulator.net) as I find things and any fixes will be reported here too.


Title: Re: UF Client Issues (That don't exist in Titanium or SoD)
Post by: Warbash on May 22, 2012, 03:16:38 pm
Hi Hate,
Did you have any luck with this? I use IsBoxer which I don't think uses eqpn, by I get the circle dance or the dart off in random direction issue most noticeable in T5.