Title: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Gilthanas on February 16, 2012, 10:26:36 am Hi,
It is taking me about 3 hours just to get my ROA toon to 47. I'm only using the druid DS, however, and I don't have T1 regen or Shammy 3.0. Should I just bite the bullet and go lvl a bard and/or shammy and run them through QVIC before I attempt another ROA? How important is the druid regen, really? Also, 47-70 is taking me just over an hour in POF. Probably bc I'm using a monk with no AOE. For that phase, do I need to level an AOE class? I can't use a warrior bc my warrior is the toon I actually want a max lvl ROA on. Please advise me on the most efficient way to: 1. Get a better damage shield 2. Kill POF faster Perhaps I should level up a mage instead of a bard? Mage DS is much better than nettle shield right? And they're good for POF phase? My current toons are 3.0 war/mnk/pal with TACVI. I have a lvl 70 druid with s@#$ gear and it is not POD flagged. Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Fliker on February 16, 2012, 11:01:18 am It's all right here in the forums
http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=866.0 (http://ezserver.online/forums/index.php?topic=866.0) Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Gilthanas on February 16, 2012, 11:07:18 am Yeah, but does that post account for recent changes in xp rate? That thread hasn't been replied to in like 2 years which is why I started another one.
What I'd really like to know is how strong the mage DS is, and would I have to get into the casters guild for a decent mage DS, please? I'm not about to just lvl up a new character and barely scrape through QVIC unless I know for sure which class I need to work on, and whether or not they need to be guilded. Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Griz on February 16, 2012, 11:21:09 am It takes me about 50 min to complete one RoA on my shadowknight, maybe less depending on if I have to use an instance of PoFire or not. 1-47 I can do solo with the aoe weapon from plane of water and a 3.0 click. I'm working on gearing up a bard so I can just use the DS method instead.
If you can get a 4.0 mage, the pet instakills pofire mobs and you can just run around spamming a pet attack macro. You won't kill as quickly as a warrior with ideal pulls, but you have access to more total mobs since the pet can run through walls and stuff and thus kill the mobs in the castles easily. Considering a warrior probably needs to do 2 clears of each field to do 47-70 and you'll need to wait on respawns, it sort of evens out. Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Gilthanas on February 16, 2012, 11:31:56 am Cool thanks for the info Griz.
Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Digz on February 16, 2012, 02:02:25 pm i used a bard for pl'ing my warrior for both the 1-47 & 47-70 grinds during his ROA , a 1-70 run i could do in less then 25 minutes which eventually resulted in me doing ROA 1-100 in 5.5 days and that includes doing all the tradeskills during that time. a bit on the crazy side but thats me!
anyways, they have this hilarious AoE dot song that makes everything it hits, stand in place and take no action (i think its called denon's something, cant remember) . literally every mob will be perma stunned as long as the dot is on. The only hard part is, when doing large pulls like, all of pofire CY you really cant just stand there and tank everything like a warrior and hope to channel the dot song cause you'll ultimately just be chain stunned unless you have good gear, my bard had t1-t2 with 3.0 at the time of this so tanking wasn't an option. After a few runs i got really good at guaging the max distance you could be to get the dot off without being in melee range and was able to do some seriously monsterous pulls, the dead zone is pretty small but you can eventually get used to it after doing it enough times. pull 1/2 of fire, make dot hit every mob and while theyre standing around like fools you can gather up the rest of the zone. rince, repeat! Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Gilthanas on February 16, 2012, 02:05:54 pm Wow, great info their, thanks a lot! My one question is this:
Does the bard have to be fighter/caster guilded to be of use? I can handle getting him 3.0s and running him through qvic, but I'm not sure I can stay sane while doing another guild grind right now lol. Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Digz on February 16, 2012, 02:06:41 pm Considering a warrior probably needs to do 2 clears of each field to do 47-70 and you'll need to wait on respawns, it sort of evens out. i just cleared pub then jumped into a guild instance for another clear to avoid that respawn time Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Digz on February 16, 2012, 02:10:48 pm well you kinda need to pick one if you ever want to do your 2.5 since you need to be flagged to enter that zone, if i were to pick out of the 2 id go with fighter
Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Gilthanas on February 16, 2012, 02:23:58 pm well you kinda need to pick one if you ever want to do your 2.5 since you need to be flagged to enter that zone, if i were to pick out of the 2 id go with fighter Oh yeah forgot about that 2.5 caveat. Thanks for your advice. Are there reps on this forum? I don't see any. Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Felony on February 16, 2012, 04:09:55 pm Bard ds with just a 2.0 is good enough to use to RoA.
Plenty of zones to use for 1-47 and everyone has their personal likes/dislikes. Fire isnt the best for 47-70 but its the least amount of work. Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Griz on February 16, 2012, 11:29:03 pm I've tried a lot of other zones. PoEarth and PoWater work well too, but the respawn is slow and mobs aren't KoS. Same goes for PoAir (the one xegony is in). Drunder pit is good, but other mobs are too spread out in the zone. Sol Ro's Tower mobs are too spread out, Vex Thal involves too much running around and half the zone is below level 60. Ditto for Ssra.
I wish I could just do it in qvic or something, if only a character could zone in at any level if they already were 3.0 flagged. Unfortunately, pre-70 characters can't use the universal teleporter, so kod'taz (which is populated with mobs) is unavailable. Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Griz on February 17, 2012, 01:56:42 am anyways, they have this hilarious AoE dot song that makes everything it hits, stand in place and take no action (i think its called denon's something, cant remember) . literally every mob will be perma stunned as long as the dot is on. I tried this out, it seems the mobs in PoFire are immune to the stun on denons now :/ also the ldon 4 trash. So much for that! Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Natedog on February 17, 2012, 03:37:14 am Druid / shaman / bard /~~ all 4.0ed
Druid for regen and 4.0 clicky (Clicky is to finish off mobs that are at low HP once DS wears off... or have druid invite bard.. and cast REGEN on the lowbie to gank all agro from adds.. and the DS will finish them.. and the lowbie still gets EXP) Shaman for 4.0 buff 25k hp Bard for DS spell 1-51 ~~ Plane of Innovation Gather about 20-30 mobs make sure you have regen on before you start pulling.... cast both DS songs.. drop bard from party.. and EXP heaven! Can pull a lot more if you have ROA armor and get 1-51 in a single pull which is about 6~ish minutes. 51-70 PoFire Ultra lame pofire! -- AOE with warrior / zerker / bard / SK 15-20min or so Total time 25-30ish minutes depending on zone times and such Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Digz on February 17, 2012, 12:33:17 pm anyways, they have this hilarious AoE dot song that makes everything it hits, stand in place and take no action (i think its called denon's something, cant remember) . literally every mob will be perma stunned as long as the dot is on. I tried this out, it seems the mobs in PoFire are immune to the stun on denons now :/ also the ldon 4 trash. So much for that! oh wow...well i was going to say you're probably using the wrong denon's song as theres 2 different ones but i went onto my bard and jumped into pofire to test it myself and i do seem to be getting stun immune messages now so you can pretty much toss that whole idea out the window now lol Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 17, 2012, 01:04:17 pm The reason they are immune to stun is because if they were not a 15k bard would be able to tank the zone. I personally witnessed a 18k bard pull over 20 mobs and 3 bosses in qvic and tank it all. This is when augs were not in. My warrior at the time was over 100k hp and could not do that.
Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Griz on February 17, 2012, 08:21:25 pm Well, qvic mobs are level 75, pofire mobs are level 64. There's a bit of a difference.
Title: Re: ROA taking 4 hours per run. Please help! Post by: Xiggie | Stone on February 17, 2012, 10:37:58 pm Yes there is, but with stun that 18k bard would be able to tank the entire zone. It takes away all risk.