EZ Server

General Category => Suggestions => Topic started by: Griz on February 16, 2012, 12:10:07 pm

Title: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: Griz on February 16, 2012, 12:10:07 pm
I noticed today that the proc 'holy knight strike 3.5' on the cleric 3.5 mace does not benefit from the 'amplify healing' (+400% healing) click from the cleric 3.0 shield. It also doesn't seem to be affected by T2 pants, but I'm pretty sure the focus is single target only and probably doesn't stack with oracle anyways. However, regarding the 3.0 click, is this is a bug? Here are the healing values I saw with maxed AAs:

No Charm/pants equipped, unbuffed - 3689
T2 Pants (vampiric health)- 3689
Healing Focus, no charm - 6789
3.0 click, no charm - 3689
No healing focus, v1 oracle charm - 6789
3.0 click, v1 oracle charm - 6789
Healing Focus, v1 oracle charm - 9889

The proc should be around 19k if the 3.0 buff affected it, since I would have a total of 500% healing increase vs the 200% with oracle1/healing focus.

Also, there is no proc rate mod on the cleric weapon, whereas the paladin weapon has a proc mod of 50. I was messing around with some T2 trash to obtain these numbers, and sometimes I'd kill 2-3 in a row without even seeing one proc. Honestly, I'd be fine with a lower proc rate if the focus worked, making it heal for more than the paladin equivalent, but less frequently.

Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: Griz on February 16, 2012, 12:17:16 pm
I think the problem is that Healing Focus's effect is just "Increase healing by 100%" whereas the click on the 3.0 has all this other gobbledygook in it:

Slot 1: Increase Healing by 400%
Slot 2: Limit: Max Level(70) (lose 10% per level over cap)
Slot 3: Limit: Effect(Hitpoints)
Slot 4: Limit: Instant spells only
Slot 5: Limit: SpellType(Beneficial only)
Slot 6: Limit: Effect(Percentage Heal Excluded)

If the other stuff could get removed from the spell in the custom spells file, that would almost certainly fix the problem. The 3.0 click overwrites the Healing Focus buff (since it should be better, obviously) but imposes more limitations. Currently you have to choose between decent proc heals or beefy word of vivs, which is honestly no contest.

Edit: Fixed a typo, meant Healing Focus when I typed Amplify Healing.

Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: hateborne on February 16, 2012, 06:41:54 pm
Not sure if this is intentional or an oversight. From what I can tell, the "Holy Knight Recourse X.Y" should be in spellgroup 22. A few other AoEs fall into this category. I haven't dug through enough to be 100% sure, but this may resolve it. It seems to be an issue of 'Holy Knight' stuff being unclassified and the 3.0 buff requiring a classified spell.

UPDATE spells_new SET spellgroup=22 WHERE name LIKE 'Holy Knight Recourse%';

Obviously something the bossman would have to run.


EDIT: I guess the restriction(s) come off instead  >_>

Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: Hunter on February 16, 2012, 07:42:13 pm
[SQL] UPDATE spells_new SET spellgroup=22 WHERE name LIKE 'Holy Knight Recourse%';
Affected rows: 7
Time: 0.295ms

We'll see if that works after next reboot.

Thanks Hate

Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: hateborne on February 16, 2012, 09:11:42 pm
[SQL] UPDATE spells_new SET spellgroup=22 WHERE name LIKE 'Holy Knight Recourse%';
Affected rows: 7
Time: 0.295ms

We'll see if that works after next reboot.

Thanks Hate

Thank you Hunter for updating and thank you Griz for finding it. :-)
If this fails, I will write up query to remove some of the limit(s). Just let me know which one(s) need to go.


Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: Griz on February 17, 2012, 08:31:35 pm
Can you just get rid of all of them, so it's effectively identical to Healing Focus, but 400% instead of 100%?

Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: Natedog on February 19, 2012, 10:03:56 am
Just tested this and cleric meleeing still doesn't benefit from cleric 3.0 clicky buff. Maybe this keeps clerics from being way too OP of healers? hehe

Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: Griz on February 19, 2012, 10:42:45 am
Shouldn't clerics be better healers than paladins, considering they can't tank, and even with augs their DPS is pretty bad?

Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: Hurley on February 19, 2012, 10:49:29 am
Couldnt agree more. Clerics SHOULD be a ton better than pally's at healing, it what the class was designed for.

Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: Lucadian on February 19, 2012, 12:29:44 pm
Clerics with their insta cast group heals and DI and all that junk make them the best healer. You get procs AND an "oh sh**!" heal when procs are being stupid.

Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: Natedog on February 20, 2012, 12:42:30 am
Shouldn't clerics be better healers than paladins, considering they can't tank, and even with augs their DPS is pretty bad?

They are the better healer as of right now. The proc doing more with the 3.0 they would be even better is what I was saying, but I do feel the same they should be better. Just wondering if this would make them TOO good.

Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: hateborne on February 20, 2012, 11:43:45 pm
Ok, thanks for the updates. I can confirm it is not working still. We have two options here. Strip away restrictions on Amplify Healing or adjust Holy Knight's Recourse. Below are the SQL codes for either, take your pick boss.

Holy Knight Recourse Final Attempt
UPDATE spells_news SET short_buff_box=0 WHERE name LIKE 'Holy Knight Recourse%';

Lazy Way Out Fix to Amplify Healing
UPDATE spells_new SET effect_base_value2=0 WHERE name='Amplify Healing';
UPDATE spells_new SET effect_base_value3=0 WHERE name='Amplify Healing';
UPDATE spells_new SET effect_base_value4=0 WHERE name='Amplify Healing';
UPDATE spells_new SET effect_base_value5=0 WHERE name='Amplify Healing';
UPDATE spells_new SET effect_base_value6=0 WHERE name='Amplify Healing';
UPDATE spells_new SET effectid2=254 WHERE name='Amplify Healing';
UPDATE spells_new SET effectid3=254 WHERE name='Amplify Healing';
UPDATE spells_new SET effectid4=254 WHERE name='Amplify Healing';
UPDATE spells_new SET effectid5=254 WHERE name='Amplify Healing';
UPDATE spells_new SET effectid6=254 WHERE name='Amplify Healing';


Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: Hunter on February 21, 2012, 07:24:59 pm
I modified Amplify Healing except for the 141:Instant Spells Only so it still won't work with heals over time, just instant heals.

Not sure what short_buff_box=0 in Holy Knight Recourse would do, I'm not an expert in spell editing yet.

Wait for reboot to test.

No need to download any spell files at this point, since it is server side.

Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: hateborne on February 21, 2012, 08:18:06 pm
I modified Amplify Healing except for the 141:Instant Spells Only so it still won't work with heals over time, just instant heals.

Not sure what short_buff_box=0 in Holy Knight Recourse would do, I'm not an expert in spell editing yet.

Wait for reboot to test.

No need to download any spell files at this point, since it is server side.

Thanks again for being on the ball boss!


Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: Natedog on February 22, 2012, 04:36:41 pm
The 3.0 clicky buff is now working with melee procs!! Hurray!

Thanks Hunter

Title: Re: Cleric 3.0 focus bug?
Post by: hateborne on February 22, 2012, 05:27:18 pm
Hunter saves the day again. Thanks for the update Paldail.
