EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on March 25, 2012, 03:11:17 am

Title: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Hunter on March 25, 2012, 03:11:17 am
T5 - The Abyss

Bosses Omadon and Death_Knight had their chances to spawn increased. Since very few mobs have a chance to spawn those two bosses, I've increased the chance from 1% to 10%, so clearing the zone should give a total of 50% chance average of getting one of those two bosses. This should dramatically reduce the amount of time to get geared/flagged.

T6 - Anguish

I've changed the respawn time in Anguish from 24 hours to 72 hours. This should help help the more casual guilds get to the end of the zone.

As for the instance disappearing, we'll have to address the instance code, which I did not write up. I need some help from experts such as Akkadius or other people that are familiar with the instance code.

Also I will be reducing the cost of instances for Anguish from 500k to 250k to help with disappearing instances, and to help higher end guilds that can clear the zone in under 24 hours to have another instance of it. Money does drop in the zone, I think bags from chest, etc so it is possible to clear the zone and make more money than it cost to create the instance.

[SQL] UPDATE spawn2 SET respawntime = 259200 WHERE zone = "anguish";
Affected rows: 628
Time: 0.094ms

New spell file 032512 is now available which includes misspelling fixes.


Reduced the drop rate of the Jade Reavers and deleted them out of everyones inventory. They were too easy to get from the multiple spawns, and the market was flooded with them. They should have some value now.

[SQL] DELETE FROM inventory WHERE itemid="5664";
Affected rows: 6271
Time: 15.274ms

Per request, changed the AA Mass Group Buff from 72 minutes down to 30 minutes refresh.

Updated some T3/T4 Melee Clickies to allow Range, Secondary, and Power Source slots for clickie instead of the Primary/Secondary that they have now. Items that were changed:

  • Spell: Over Raided Zerker Haste
  • Spell: Bashful Crustaceans Chi Chi Chi Chia
  • Spell: Leesettes Kick of Fatality
  • Spell: Crab Fu: The way of the Quickening Fists
  • Spell: Monk III Custom Spell
  • Spell: Over Raided Shuriken
  • Spell: Bashful Crustaceans - Im not dead yet
  • Spell: Bashful Crustaceans Sancho Panza
  • Spell: Crab Shouts No!

These and other T3/T4 clickies/spells need to be revamped. I realize a few of them are too weak or even useless. After we better clicks/spells then I plan to clone them for each tier but with higher values for their heals/damage/buffs just like WoW does. This will make it easier and faster to make more custom zones when needing new spells.

Warrior Epic Stonewalls should not get dispelled anymore, or at least that's what we're hoping for.

[SQL] UPDATE spells_new SET nodispell = 1 WHERE name LIKE 'Warrior\'s Defense%';
Affected rows: 4
Time: 0.114ms

Changed recasttype of RoA, UC, and Scepter of Time to be on different ids so their recast timers don't interfere with each other. Not sure if this will break the game with people using their UC and RoA back to back or anything. Should be fine though.

Teleport Clickie Rings to Custom zones now have different graphics to help tell them apart easier and faster.

EZ_Rewards NPC updated.
One million platinum is now 15 credits instead of 25 credits.
Ultimate Charm Upgrade (UCv1->UCv2) now available for 200 credits instead of the non-upgrade for 1300 credits.
Donor Items coming soon.

Siinge Blacklisted Quest is now a Task. No need to loot or combine items for the Scepter of Time - I

You can still combine two ranks of the same kind to get the next rank, up to rank 10.

Will modify this post as needed if/when I add more updates this weekend.


Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Natedog on March 25, 2012, 03:14:57 am
Amazing!! Thank you Hunter!! Finally can go back to T5 and get some accessories!

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Strix on March 25, 2012, 03:35:17 am
Thanks heaps Hunter!!!  That should really help in both of those zones!!!


Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: stad on March 25, 2012, 05:03:13 am
thanks hunter for filling in our needs

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Chunka on March 25, 2012, 07:52:15 am
*gasps* OH NOES!! ALL MY JADE REAVERS THAT IT TOOK.....3 minutes to get :) Glad to see this fixed! Thanks Hunter!

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Brokyn on March 25, 2012, 08:48:06 am
Fantastic Hunter, thank you yet again

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Hunter on March 25, 2012, 05:07:20 pm
Added another update per request, about Mass Group Buff, see original post edited.

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Hunter on March 25, 2012, 05:45:38 pm
Adjusted T3/T4 Melee Clickies, see original post modified.

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Fugitive on March 25, 2012, 06:12:59 pm
Wish I wasn't on these re-re hours @ work... 80+ a week taking from my slaying time..

2 more weeks..

nice updates Hunter, thanks!!

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Natedog on March 25, 2012, 08:02:19 pm
Adjusted T3/T4 Melee Clickies, see original post modified.

Awesome!! Wonder if the monk kick clicky is worth getting now. Thanks Hunter some great new fixes!

Any ETA on 4.5+ changes for spells? And dmg increases on 5.5+? Not trying to rush ya just wondering.

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Hunter on March 25, 2012, 08:29:27 pm
Any ETA on 4.5+ changes for spells? And dmg increases on 5.5+? Not trying to rush ya just wondering.

Top of my list now, just need time.

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Hunter on March 25, 2012, 08:34:20 pm
Edited Warriors Stonewall, see original post.

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Strix on March 26, 2012, 02:44:19 am
Updated some T3/T4 Melee Clickies to allow Range, Secondary, and Power Source slots for clickie instead of the Primary/Secondary that they have now. Items that were changed:

  • Spell: Over Raided Zerker Haste
  • Spell: Bashful Crustaceans Chi Chi Chi Chia
  • Spell: Leesettes Kick of Fatality
  • Spell: Crab Fu: The way of the Quickening Fists
  • Spell: Monk III Custom Spell
  • Spell: Over Raided Shuriken
  • Spell: Bashful Crustaceans - Im not dead yet
  • Spell: Bashful Crustaceans Sancho Panza
  • Spell: Crab Shouts No!

Hi Hunter

Are these meant to be working now or after reboot?  I just noticed that "Bashful Crustaceans Sancho Panza" and 'Crab Shouts No!"still say Charm, Primary and Secondary and can't be inserted into the power source slot. 


PS. Yes, I have the new spell file loaded too.

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Natedog on March 26, 2012, 05:41:21 am
After reboot spells working for monk from power source slot! Awesome change thank you

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Strix on March 26, 2012, 05:58:19 am
Confirming also the Warrior spells are now working after reboot.

Thanks heaps Hunter - looking forward to using those spells now :D

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Strix on March 26, 2012, 06:05:50 am
T6 - Anguish

I've changed the respawn time in Anguish from 24 hours to 72 hours. This should help help the more casual guilds get to the end of the zone.

Just looking in T6 now and it seems that all the trash are respawning on the 24 hour timer.  The boss mobs, however, appear to be on the new 72 hour respawn (Killed from Bozac to Warden yesterday and they're still not up 36 hours after they went down).


Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Hunter on March 26, 2012, 08:20:06 am
[SQL] UPDATE spawn2 SET respawntime = 259200 WHERE zone = "anguish";
Affected rows: 628
Time: 0.094ms

They all got changed, all 628 spawns. Probably just need to wait for trash/bosses to be killed/respawned and eventually they will get onto the 72 hour respawn timer. I should have wiped the respawn timer table heh oh well. I'm sure it'll be working as intended in time for this coming weekend. If still not working in a few days let me know and I'll see what else I can do. Probably just too soon right now for the new effect.

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Strix on March 26, 2012, 08:39:57 am
Thanks Hunter - actually now you say it,  the zone does have some pretty strange repops going on :)

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Hunter on March 27, 2012, 08:11:51 pm
Updated original post about recasttype. Will continue to update original post until this weekend then make a new topic (per week).

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Hunter on March 27, 2012, 08:14:59 pm
Thanks Hunter - actually now you say it,  the zone does have some pretty strange repops going on :)

If needed, before this weekend, I could empty the respawn_times table which would make every mob pop and start with a fresh respawn timer again if Anguish needs to be reset, or just #repop force within game would do it too.

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Hunter on March 28, 2012, 10:49:37 pm
Updated Teleport Rings Graphics.

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Hunter on March 29, 2012, 12:51:50 am
EZ Rewards NPC updated.

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Hunter on March 29, 2012, 04:40:19 am
Siinge Blacklisted changed his Quest to a Task, so no more items required for reward. Hail NPC and get the Task Assigned before killing the bosses.


Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: barrettd04 on March 29, 2012, 06:05:53 am
Updated Teleport Rings Graphics.


Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Hunter on March 29, 2012, 08:00:08 am
Edited Mass Group Buff AA in the altadv_vars but seems there is a copy of it in aa_actions table too so I edited that as well to be 30 minutes recast time. Hope it works right now after reboot.

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Mercarsist on March 29, 2012, 01:57:45 pm
As far as the quest for the scepte does this mean that i have to get the task again after every time i complete it to go to the next level?  If so I would rather it go back to the items personally, having 6 toons trying to go and retask every time adds extra time into the process of an already long process.

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: hateborne on March 29, 2012, 02:20:09 pm
It is harder to pickup the task again than manage 10 items (and combine them) across 6 characters?


Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Natedog on March 29, 2012, 03:52:07 pm
As far as the quest for the scepte does this mean that i have to get the task again after every time i complete it to go to the next level?  If so I would rather it go back to the items personally, having 6 toons trying to go and retask every time adds extra time into the process of an already long process.

There is a task accept command.. just type that once and bam all toons accept it.

Only annoying thing is making instances for all 10 zones! /wink /wink /wink respawn time

Once I find the command I will post it... its on one of my toons

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Gyan1010 on March 29, 2012, 04:14:27 pm
I actually prefer the items still, not because of ease but because of the mathematical advantage. With the old system, when run perfectly, it would take only 4609 kills to get the 1st person in your group the max reward. Then +1 kill for each additional member you were running up to 10.

The new system forces the 5120 kills.

The way it worked is on the 10th kill toon 1 combines and then loots the item from the corpse to start the next set at the same place he ended they previous getting 2 for 1 items. The next time through that toon would complete the set 1 city sooner than everyone else and again loot. Then on that next city toon 2 would loot the extra item after finishing. It continues like this and each of your toons are eventually 1 step behind each other, and each on their own 9 kill cycles when they take the extra loot right after they finish a set.

Since the 1st set takes 10 kills and the other 511 take 9 kills, you save on 511 kills for the 1st character, with an additional kill required for each character after that since each added character takes an additional round to start looting the extra dropped item.

Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: hateborne on March 29, 2012, 05:17:16 pm
Well, let's address this.

Hunter, does the task update if a player dies? If not, can the one item still drop from the corpse? If it still drops the 1 item per kill, then it could be turned in for task stage completion.


Title: Re: Updates 03-25-12
Post by: Duladian on March 30, 2012, 02:59:38 am
Actually had this problem earlier. Lost one of my guys at 5% health was barely able to load him back in when guard was at 0% life. Removed all dps but the healers. Only issue if he drops 1 item would be after completion one of your chars would get an auto completion from the drops again. So 1 char would only require half the number of kills.