EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chunka on April 23, 2012, 07:32:09 am

Title: Patience
Post by: Chunka on April 23, 2012, 07:32:09 am
Ok, I know most of us love playing here....and that we hate missing our EZ fix. And I know that a lot of us want to help make the server better....

That said, I think we need to keep in mind that the server is for the most part a one man show (granted, with some very kind help, but its still his sandbox). We also need to remember that the guy running this race doesnt do this for a living...he does work, a LOT (if WalMart still treats drivers the way I saw when I still drove OTR they push the edges of the DoT limits, every day, every week....which means that 70 hours a week max IS 70 hours a week min).

Maybe Hunter's nicer than I am. Ok, PROBABLY Hunter is nicer than I am! If I ran something like this and I had people screaming at me to get things done all the time, I'd probably, when I got a weekend off and had to spend most of it on game issues, think to myself "Why the hell do I do this?"

My point is....patience! Give it time....anyone who's been here a while knows that Hunter does reply to game issues when he can. Maybe I'm seeing this wrong, but I'd hate to log in one evening after work to find the server down and the forums with a "Thanks for the fun, guys!" message. Nag the guy too much and we might get just that. TBH I probably would have ages ago, but as most people can tell you I'm a grouchy old asshole.

Title: Re: Patience
Post by: Chunka on April 23, 2012, 07:34:12 am
And by the way, this isnt aimed at anyone who's been here a while and knows the score.....just amazed me listening to some of the newer kids piss, moan and whine over the weekend, so I thought I'd say something. Not sure it will do any good, since most of them seem to have issues reading, let alone reading the forums, but I thought I'd try :P

Title: Re: Patience
Post by: Fliker on April 23, 2012, 08:53:57 am
I say, well played ol chap.


Title: Re: Patience
Post by: Nakemdun on April 23, 2012, 10:55:20 am
+1000 ..... What the grumpy old Ogre said  ;D

Title: Re: Patience
Post by: actarus on April 23, 2012, 04:17:47 pm
+10000 Cheers to a fellow old assole!!! i havent been playing here long but i love it here and would hate to not have this place to kill my time anymore /cheers to hunter and everyone else who contributes to this server you guys are doing an awsome job!!