EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: hateborne on May 01, 2012, 05:47:50 pm

Title: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: hateborne on May 01, 2012, 05:47:50 pm

Could some of you nice gents give me some numbers for average melee hit on your character? Also, what epic(s) you are you using and any special buffs (3.0 Haste, Bard Haste, etc)?

I need these to try and balance a spell out.


Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: Griz on May 01, 2012, 06:14:09 pm
SK 4.0 1h version
no buffs
UC (so, brawler effect baked in)
Full AAs

White damage:
Min hit 15
Max hit 1180
Max crit 2466

4.0 proc 10500
FS4 10800
FS5 16400

I'd say white damage is maybe 5% of my dps? If that.

Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: hateborne on May 01, 2012, 06:17:55 pm
Got an average hit amount (crit or no, I don't care. If occurs often, it's the average)?

Trying to see exactly how high a debuff would need to be to become effective.


EDIT: A strictly 'white' damage bonus type of debuff. As in increasing autoattack damage (purely physical).

Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: Griz on May 01, 2012, 06:20:26 pm
Paladin 4.0 2h version
All white damage affecting AAs
oracle's Charm Level 12 (lol)

Min hit 44
Max hit 1354
Max crit 2829

Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: Griz on May 01, 2012, 06:23:51 pm
Uh, I could run some parses, I dunno if Gamparse can filter out procs though. I could just remove them with notepad find/replace or something I guess.

A buff could be +100% white damage and it would be amazing for qvic players and garbage for T5 players. Reallly, Pandora's box is already opened in terms of melee damage, only way to fix it would be to completely rebalance epics (they'd have to have damage values around 5k weapon damage at the 4.0 level) and cut aug damage by at least half.

I know eqemu can support some stupidly high weapon damage values now. I was playing on Loot Fest where you could have 7500 damage 15 delay weapons and crap, so I'm guessing any signed 16 bit integer works.

Alternatively, multiply the brawler bonus like, tenfold, cut sorc back a bit, buff yamikagi/shylo's bolt/etc.

Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on May 01, 2012, 07:01:33 pm
Monk, 5.0, UC, full AA's does about 14k dps. This is without the crab click from T4. Average hit is 1624.

Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: hateborne on May 01, 2012, 07:41:55 pm
A buff could be +100% white damage and it would be amazing for qvic players and garbage for T5 players. Reallly, Pandora's box is already opened in terms of melee damage, only way to fix it would be to completely rebalance epics (they'd have to have damage values around 5k weapon damage at the 4.0 level) and cut aug damage by at least half.

Well, from my little failure with math on Necromancer's Cloak of the Night...not so. The Black Reaver was doing 5-15k per hit (normally 200-500?) and the T5 Alkari (normally ~75-90k on cloth) were doing ~6,400,000.

The max value seems to be an integer, allowing possible max of 2147483647 (- 1). The bonuses from the necromancer math failure were putting bonus at between 2% and 4000%.

So...yeah, opportunity. Just curious.


Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: Griz on May 01, 2012, 08:04:12 pm
No, I meant the weapon damage, the stat on the actual weapon, not "damage done by a melee hit."

Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: hateborne on May 01, 2012, 08:06:45 pm
Ah ok, either way it's just an idea I was kicking around. The enchanter/shaman still needs something debuff-ish. Damage bonuses are neat but trying to somewhat avoid them, Slow is forbidden, Stun is forbidden, AC/STR/AGI reductions are irrelevant.

Anyone have any ideas?


Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: zymral on May 01, 2012, 09:37:18 pm
you could try a silence effect that excluded healing spells that are cast....

Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: Griz on May 01, 2012, 10:57:50 pm
How about a cripple type debuff that reduced chance to dodge, AC, and a -5% damage done?

Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: Praedius on May 02, 2012, 06:31:21 pm
Can you put the effect players recieve from veterans wraith AA (increased critical dmg) onto a spell?. I agree , is kinda sad when white dmg goes by the wayside for the aug dmg, kinda a...i wanted a rogue not a wizard sort of thing :( but I like watching my white dmg and crits alot more than the constants of weapon augs. Would like to see melee epics get a boost to dmg that makes them something noteworthy without a strike aug, and maybe stike augs toned down, or only permitted in slot 4, or worthwhile weapon dmg aug for 1h and 2h (like 100-1000 dmg augs) to replace the loss of one strike aug

Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: Felony on May 02, 2012, 10:24:00 pm
Can you put the effect players recieve from veterans wraith AA (increased critical dmg) onto a spell?. I agree , is kinda sad when white dmg goes by the wayside for the aug dmg, kinda a...i wanted a rogue not a wizard sort of thing :( but I like watching my white dmg and crits alot more than the constants of weapon augs. Would like to see melee epics get a boost to dmg that makes them something noteworthy without a strike aug, and maybe stike augs toned down, or only permitted in slot 4, or worthwhile weapon dmg aug for 1h and 2h (like 100-1000 dmg augs) to replace the loss of one strike aug

Go back to loot fest or whatever the hell that shitty server is named. They can supply you with crap that matches exactly what you describe in your post.

Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: coolstory on May 02, 2012, 11:29:09 pm
couple random ideas for your debuff question.

enchanter: reverse rune proc. i imagine it like a debuff cast on a mob. then said mob procs runes of varying strength on his target. could be fun.

shaman: negetive regen buff? or maybe supress flurrys and or rampages or something?


Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: hateborne on May 02, 2012, 11:55:31 pm
shaman: negetive regen buff? or maybe supress flurrys and or rampages or something?

Heh we have those, they are called DoTs. :-D

Seriously, Flurry/Rampage spam is handled through npc special attack codes (meaning not through spells).


Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: coolstory on May 03, 2012, 12:02:30 am
its all in how you name it hate ;) negetive regen sounds effing fancy i think lol

Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: hateborne on May 03, 2012, 12:01:21 pm
I could say "Warrior" instead of 'trash'. Doesn't make it any less fancy. Trash is still trash.


Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: Drezden on May 03, 2012, 12:17:24 pm
If ya need one for testing I could loan you Drezden. But it might get good to you and then you would want one...

Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: hateborne on May 03, 2012, 01:08:52 pm
Yeaaaaaah no. Poopy whore-riors, paladin scum, SK creamy-goodness.


Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: napoleonn on May 03, 2012, 01:22:33 pm
Ya warriors are the worst dang melee for dps even with augs ill agree there. BUT! We are also the best tanks so who needs to do damage when you don't take much damage. That's what the dps classes are for lol. Just seen ya calling us Whor-ors pretty crafty btw...

Title: Re: Melee Damage Un-augged?
Post by: Praedius on May 03, 2012, 06:52:30 pm

Go back to loot fest or whatever the hell that shitty server is named. They can supply you with crap that matches exactly what you describe in your post.

Damn sorry, I was trying to be constructive with ideas. I also don't know what lootfest is and why would I want to go there if you say its shitty? only played this server, shards of dalaya and live