EZ Server

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Sarthin on May 08, 2012, 03:51:02 am

Title: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: Sarthin on May 08, 2012, 03:51:02 am
I thought it would be interesting to see how many characters you are all boxing at the same time. I started with 3 but ended up with 9. The main reason I play EQ nowadays is because of the possibility to play more than one character at the same time.

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: Fliker on May 08, 2012, 05:20:21 am
Nesh and I both box full groups of 6 and almost always on together.

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: Natedog on May 08, 2012, 05:24:35 am
I normally box 6, but I got a new computer recently so I have started working on 6 more characters !

12 is surely my maximum otherwise I'd probably go crazy

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: trydaneq on May 08, 2012, 10:20:07 am
Up to 4 when I'm at my girlfriend's (and then she plays 2 on the laptop), max 2 when I'm home because my desktop decided to die completely and this laptop isn't really anything special.

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: Digz on May 08, 2012, 12:38:30 pm
all depends what im doing. Charm farming in hoh i bring 12, if i have 100s of t3 tokens to grind in posky then ill normally bring an extra few buffers for up to a total of 14-15. T5/T6 ill be sticking to my main 6 until i can get my second group uc'd

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: Gilthanas on May 08, 2012, 01:11:33 pm
4-6, but definitely as many as possible if I'm working on content that's at my limit.

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: Fugitive on May 08, 2012, 02:34:44 pm
I run 1 ..... 8)

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: Fliker on May 08, 2012, 03:38:42 pm
I run 1 ..... 8)

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: Kwai on May 08, 2012, 07:25:25 pm
T5 7 -12 depending on what I am aiming for that day.  If it's Corals the casters stay home.  Mostly Pal, Pal, SK, Mnk, War and Cleric.. dragging Sham and Bard.

T3/4 I use 14 and I guess you could say 15 since I park the Druid to do nothing but turn in Tokens.

T1/2 I use 3.  Pal, Mnk and Zerk.

Tacvi I use 4.  Pal, Mnk, War and Zerk

QVIC I use 3.  Pal, War, Zerk

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: Slicktoptt on May 08, 2012, 08:54:42 pm
I've only boxed in legit EQ (quad box mnk,bard,zerk,sham) on a single monitor/keyboard/mouse.  What kind of setups do you guys use?  Multiple monitors/keyboards/mice/etc?  I'm seein that you need to box to get anywhere here.

My computer can probably handle at least 6 (2600k, 560ti SLI, 16gb ram and supporting hardware).

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: trydaneq on May 08, 2012, 10:42:37 pm
I've only boxed in legit EQ (quad box mnk,bard,zerk,sham) on a single monitor/keyboard/mouse.  What kind of setups do you guys use?  Multiple monitors/keyboards/mice/etc?  I'm seein that you need to box to get anywhere here.

My computer can probably handle at least 6 (2600k, 560ti SLI, 16gb ram and supporting hardware).

I use WinEQ with a less than adequate computer setup (really bad hardware on a single computer) and it works just fine.

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: Brokyn on May 08, 2012, 10:51:04 pm
With that setup and wineq 2 with a stripped down client you could easily play 12+.

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: Sarthin on May 09, 2012, 09:08:29 am
I run 10 characters but that sets my memory at 7.7 GB of usage. Popping another window will lag things down considerably. While my mem usage is high, the CPU quad core is only at 65% load on the cores, so I imagine upgrading my memory slots will enable for more windows.

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: cruela on May 09, 2012, 10:42:47 am
I run five boxes as adding the sixth pushes me over some invisible ram barrier and causes a world of pain...  3.25g ram - - don't ask.

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: hateborne on May 09, 2012, 11:17:06 am
I run 10 characters but that sets my memory at 7.7 GB of usage. Popping another window will lag things down considerably. While my mem usage is high, the CPU quad core is only at 65% load on the cores, so I imagine upgrading my memory slots will enable for more windows.

Sarthin, let me ask a few basic things:
A) Which client?
B) If SoD/UF, have you turned "Background FPS" to 'Min CPU'?
C) Do you have all/most of the Luclin models turned on?
D) Do you have spell/environmental effects turned on?
E) Are you using WinEQ2 in addition to SoD/UF?

Reply honestly as it will better assist in getting you boxing like a pro.


Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: Dethundrel on May 09, 2012, 11:21:52 am
I'm on XP home 32 bit with only 4gb ram and 1gb video memory. Using SoD client with no wineq or anything I am able to load up and play 6 toons. Getting loaded in sucks sometimes, but once they are all in, it goes very smooth. I do have some of the textures an spell particles turned to low but not off. I also play with all Luclin models on. If I turn all particle effects and Luclin models off, I can load 18 at a time, still without wineq.

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: hateborne on May 09, 2012, 12:03:39 pm
I'm on XP home 32 bit with only 4gb ram and 1gb video memory. Using SoD client with no wineq or anything I am able to load up and play 6 toons. Getting loaded in sucks sometimes, but once they are all in, it goes very smooth. I do have some of the textures an spell particles turned to low but not off. I also play with all Luclin models on. If I turn all particle effects and Luclin models off, I can load 18 at a time, still without wineq.

You are doing it right. Continue on citizen.


Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: Slicktoptt on May 12, 2012, 07:25:16 pm
I just got a 6 box crew up and running.  I'm at lvl 54 now and it seems to be going well.  I stopped last night grinding in PoF.  Was getting 3% per kill @ about 15 seconds a kill and able to handle 3 at a time.  Doing velks after that did about 1% per kill. 

War/pal/pal/mnk/mag/nec and I'll probably take out the casters when I get higher.

Title: Re: Poll: How many characters are you normally boxing?
Post by: Slicktoptt on May 13, 2012, 01:58:46 am
I just got a 6 box crew up and running.  I'm at lvl 54 now and it seems to be going well.  I stopped last night grinding in PoF.  Was getting 3% per kill @ about 15 seconds a kill and able to handle 3 at a time.  Doing velks after that did about 1% per kill. 

War/pal/pal/mnk/mag/nec and I'll probably take out the casters when I get higher.

Also worth mentioning, I'm using ISBoxer.